5 M3 2 DIGIT AL C ONSOLE User Manual
Audio c onnections
T o ensure the cor rect an d reliable operati on of your equipment , only high qualit y ,
balanced, sc reened, t wisted pai r audio cable should b e used.
XLR connec tor shells should b e of metal cons truc tion so that they pr ovide a
scre en when connec ted to the contr ol centre and, where ap propriate, they
should have Pin 1 connec ted to the c able screen.
Elect ros tatic discharge ( ESD ) precautions
Obser ve full ele ctr ostatic dis charge (ESD ) — also known a s
‘ anti-s tatic ’ — pr ecautions w hen carr ying out pr ocedures in
this manual that ar e accompanied by the ESD Sus ceptibilit y
Symbol (shown above) . T his caution s ymbol shows you that E SD damage may
be cau sed to items unless p roper ESD pre cautions are t ak en, which inclu de the
following practices:
• Keep the work ar ea free f rom plastic , vinyl or st yrofoam
• Wear an anti-static w rist str ap
• Dischar ge persona l static be fore handling device s
• Ground t he work sur face
• Avoid t ouching ESD -sensitive devices.
Radio frequenc y interference —Class A device
This equi pment has been tes ted and found to comp ly with the limit s for a Class A
digit al device, pursuant to Par t 1 5 of the FCC Rules.
These lim its are desig ned to provide reas onable protec tion agains t harmful
interf erenc e when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequenc y energy and, if not
inst alled and used in accor dance with the ins truc tion manual, may cause harmf ul
interf erenc e to radio communications.
Oper ation of this equip ment in a residential ar ea is lik ely to caus e harmful
inter ference in whic h case the use r will be require d to correc t the inter ference at
his own ex pense.
Ele ctric elds
In accor dance wi th Part 15 of the FCC Rules & Reg ulations, “ … chan ges
or modications not expressly approved by the part y responsible for
compliance cou ld void the user’ s authority to operate th e equipment. ”
Should this pr oduct b e used in an elec tromag netic eld that is amp litude
modulated by an au dio frequen cy signal (20 Hz to 20 kHz) , the signal to noise
ratio may be de graded. De gradation of up to 60 dB a t a frequenc y corre sponding
to the modulat ion signal may be expe rienced under e xtrem e conditions (3 V /m,
90% modulation) .
Safety equipment
Never remove, for ex ample, cov ers, ho usings or any other saf ety guards . Do not
operate t he equipment or any of it s par ts if saf ety guard s are ineec tive or their
eectiveness has b een red uced .
Optional equipment
Unless adv ised other wise, optional e quipment mus t only be installe d by
ser vice per sonnel and in accordance wi th the approp riate assembly and
Special accessories
T o comply with p art 15 of the FCC Rules, any special access ories (that is,
itemsthat c annot be readily obt ained fro m multiple reta il outlets) supplied w ith
this equi pment must be us ed with this e quipment; do not us e an y alternati v es as
they may not full the RF requirement.
Introduc tion
Welcome to the M32 Digital Conso le User manual! After year s of intense
developmen t, we are proud to oer a mi x er that combine s tremendous p ower
and ex ibility w ith a very us er -frien dly lay out and int uitive work ow that allows
you to get up and r unning right away .
The M32 combines a cont rol sur face with s treamlined work ow , ex tensive I/O
and signal pro cessing into a compac t desk top form f actor. Employing award-
winning MIDAS PRO Ser ies micropho ne preamplier s and the cus tom-desig ned
MIDAS PRO motorise d faders t hat are rated for one mi llion cycles, alo ng with a
daylight-viewable TF T screen, the co ntrol sur face is design ed to allow immediate
access to cr itical f unction s with total and autom atic recall of se ttings . Ex tensive
onboar d I/ O includes 4 0 A/D and 24 D / A C irrus Logic co n ver t ers, 9 6 bi-dire ctional
channels over Super MA C AES50, stereo AE S/EBU out, 1 6 channels of Ultr anet
per sonal monitorin g and 3 2 x 3 2 channels of reco rding over USB .
Abundant analo gue connec tivit y is provided by 32 MIDAS PRO Series dig itally-
controllab le microphone pr eamps, six line-l evel auxiliar y inputs and ou tputs,
1 6XLR outp uts, stere o monitoring ou ts on XLR/ TRS an d dual phones outp uts.
Each of t he 3 2 microphon e inputs c an accept balanced or unbalance d mic - or
line- level signals, and include s witchable phantom power, 72 dB gain range and
maximu m + 23 dBu level bef ore clip. A separate ex ternal mic rophone input an d
the inter nal talkback mic allow commu nication to vari ous destinat ions.
Dual AES50 Ether net jack s that employ KLARK TEKNIK Sup erMAC technology
contri bute 96 x 96 signals to the tot al count of 1 68 x 168 accessible sou rces and
dest inations. Motorised f aders, rec allable mic preamps, programmable ro uting
and the abili ty to save and rec all entire scene s mak e set or pr ogramme change s
quick and simp le . A top panel USB connec tor enable s system data to b e stored,
ora boar d mix to be recorde d direc tly to ex ternal ash or hard dri ves.
The Input s ecti on is home to 1 6 high-re solution 100 mm motor ised fader s,
providin g control over channels 1- 16 , 1 7 -3 2, Aux inputs/ U SB playback /FX
retur ns. A separate s ectio n of eight motorise d fader s controls DC A groups
1-8, bus master s 1 -8 and 9- 1 6, as well as m atrices 1-6. The chann el editing
sec tion provi des tangible cont rols for ins tant access to the sele cted c hannel’ s
gain, dynamic s, EQ and other fu nctions . A custom-as signable sec tion allows
cer tain control f unct ions to be mapped di rectl y to a set of dedic ated rotar y
controlsan dbuttons .
A main seven inch -wide, high-co ntrast colo ur display provides inf ormation
for ed iting per tinent parame ters of the ac tive fun ction or e ec t.
Relevantpar ameters are qu ickly rec alled to the display for edi ting via
‘VIE W’ but tons in each subse ction. E ach channel also fe atures a small,
cus tomisableLCDscreen f or track name, numbe r , colour an d source graphic.
A vir tual FX rac k oers eigh t true-s tereo ( 1 6 mono) multi-e ect s process ors,
withover 6 0 eec ts models t hat eliminate the need f or any additional out board
gear . Four high -qualit y eec ts such as de la y , chorus and r everb can run
concur rently with eig ht channels of 3 1-band graphic e qualisation.
T ransmit up to 32 channels of audio to and f rom a computer usi ng the
KLARK T EKNIK DN 32 U SB audio inter face.
The M32 integrates s eamlessly with ot her M3 2 consoles, t he MID AS DL 16 digital
sta gebox and the Behr inger P- 1 6 pers onal monitoring s ystem for a com plete live,
stu dio and installe d sound soluti on.
Control t he mixer from a dis tance with th e free iPad applic ation, or with e diting
and remote cont rol sof twar e connec t ed via Ether net. The M32’ s ease of use,
intuit ive workow, diverse f eature set and inte gration wit h other equipment
make it an ideal centr epiece for ins talled and prod uction s ound in any set ting.
Continue thr ough this User Manual to lear n all about the fu nctionali ty
that this power ful mi xer has to oer . W e also recom mend that you check
midascons oles.com to make sure you have the latest r mware installe d , as we
release frequent updates.