10.1 “ Log” (list of registered calls)
With this menu you can consult a directory of the latest registered incoming calls, like you do with
your cellular phone.
Hold down MENU/SELECT till the display shows DSC CALL
Push MENU/SELECT as conrmation
Select LOG, with the UP/DOWN keys and conrm pushing MENU/SELECT again
Now you can see the list of the latest incoming calls.
To get further information select the desired message by pushing MENU/SELECT; coordinates,
time and sender ID will be shown.
In radio mode, the display indicates LOG (x or blinking):
When it’s xed, indicates that some messages are present in the register of the latest calls; if it
blinks, indicates that there are some messages which have not been read yet.
10.2 “Dir” (Entries in the directory)
You can insert into the directory the MMSI codes from frequently called stations, by giving them
a name (e.g. vessel or owner). Then you can search and use them more comfortably. When
receiving a call, the MMSI owner name instead of the MMSI code will be displayed.
To add new MMSI codes follow this procedure:
Hold down MENU/SELECT till DSC CALL is displayed
Select SET UP with the UP/DOWN keys and conrm by pushing MENU/SELECT again
Select DIR with the UP/DOWN keys and push MENU/SELECT as conrmation
With the UP/DOWN buttons, select: NEW for new addresses and DELETE ALL to cancel all of
If you push again the UP/DOWN buttons you will see the addresses previously stored.
Conrm the function you want to select (NEW - DELETE ALL)
Scroll the UP/DOWN keys to insert a new name.
Hold down MENU/SELECT to insert the ID identier code.
To return to radio mode, push PTT, select EXIT in every menu or wait for 1 second and the radio
will automatically exit.
To modify some addresses repeat the above described procedure till the display shows the address
to change. Now press MENU/SELECT.
Select EDIT to change the name or code.
Select DELETE to cancel that address.
You can store up to 20 addresses. If the directory is fulled up, “Full” will appear on the display, you
cannot add further addresses. In this case it is necessary to cancel some.