Section 3
Adjustment Procedures
3.1 Field Service Program Modes
The fax machine feature maintenance modes for machine adjustment. Each mode is listed below
including the command used to activate the mode and a brief functional description.
Set or Clear Machine Parameters............................................................................... PROGRAM, *, 0
Used to set or clear machine parameters.
Set or Clear Memory Switches ................................................................................... PROGRAM
Used to set or clear memory switches.
Clear Programmed Data / User Settings.................................................................... PROGRAM
Erases user-programmed information (date, time, TTI, autodialer, etc.) and any documents
stored in memory.
All RAM Clear .............................................................................................................. PROGRAM, *, 3
Erases same information as “Clear Programmed Data / User Settings” function along with
resetting all of the memory switches and unique switches to factory defaults.
Set or Clear Unique Switches..................................................................................... PROGRAM, *, 4
Used to set or clear Unique switches.
Print Program Mode List............................................................................................. PROGRAM, *, 8
Prints a list of the unit’s programming modes.
Test Modes.................................................................................................................. PROGRAM, *, 9
Allows the operator to perform a series of diagnostic tests.
Print Machine Parameters, Memory Switches and
Unique Switches List...........................................................................................PROGRAM, *, A (01)
Prints a list of the machine switch settings showing the default settings and current settings.
Factory Functions................................................................................................PROGRAM, *, B (02)
Allows the technician to perform a series of diagnostic tests.
Telephone Circuit Test Modes ............................................................................PROGRAM, *, C (03)
Allows the technician to perform a series of diagnostic tests.
Consumable order sheet .....................................................................................PROGRAM, *, F (06)
Installing the customer information for consumable order sheet.
DRAM Clear ......................................................................................................... PROGRAM, *, G (07)
Used to clear DRAM.
Life Monitor Clear ................................................................................................PROGRAM, *, H (08)
Used to clear a Life monitor.
Initiarize Optional Data.........................................................................................PROGRAM, *, I (09)
Used to clear DRAM.
Set Service Code.................................................................................................. PROGRAM, *, J (10)
Used to protect to clear a Life monitor.