A calibration error may occur under extremely bright
light sources, especially with flash units. If an error
occurs, a message appears on the monitor and the
white-balance indicator is yellow. Highlight the return
button and press the center of the controller. Recalibrate
using a gray card as a reference target to reduce the
intensity of the illumination.
White balance can be set to a known color temperature
of a light source or set to the color temperature
determined by a color meter.
With the white balance dial in the K position, press the
white-balance button to open the setting screen.
The front control dial or the left/right controller keys
adjust the color temperature in thousands of degrees.
The rear control dial or the up/down controller keys
adjust the color temperature in hundreds of degrees.
Press the central controller button to complete the
operation. For information on light sources, see page
Color Temperature
Color temperature
:adjust :enter
Color temperature refers to the color of the light emitted from a blackbody radiator at a specific
temperature given in degrees Kelvin. This is an accurate way of measuring light from continuous-
spectrum sources such as the sun and incandescent or tungsten light bulbs. However, color
temperature can be inaccurate with discontinuous-spectrum sources such as fluorescent and
mercury vapor.
About Color Temperature
Select register
:select :enter
Return button
Custom WB error.