Y our use of the Product is solely at your own risk. We do not mak e any representations, warranties or promises about the ac curacy, reliability
or eectiveness of any of the Pr oduct’s functions or services, including without limitation, the number of steps you’ve taken, calories burned,
sleep quality or duration, heart rat e (if applicable), and other information. The Product is intended to pro vide a reasonable approxima tion
of information such as pace, steps, calories burned, dis tance cov ered, heart rate (if applicable) and sleep. Howe ver, the Product relies on the
accuracy of the information y ou input, uses algorithms that are not necessarily perfect and is subject to other factors be yond our control. For
instance while the heart rate monit or may typically pro vide an accurate estimate of a user’s heart rate, ther e are inherent limitations with the
technology that may cause some of the heart rat e readings to be inaccurate under certain circumstanc es, such as the fit of the device, physiology
of the user and the type and intensity of the activity . We do not guarantee that the informa tion provided by the Pr oduct is 100% accurate. The
Product will not precisely track each calorie burned or each s tep taken, and will not precisely report pace, distance co vered, heart rate, or sleep.
The Product, including any included softwar e, is not a medical device and is intended for fitness purposes only . It is not designed or intended for
use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, tr eatment, or prev ention of disease. Always seek the advice of a
qualified medical professional before making an y changes to your exercise, sleep, or nutrition, as doing so ma y cause severe harm or death.
Prolonged rubbing and pressure can irrita te the skin. You may be more lik ely to experience irritation from any wearable de vice if you have
allergies or other sensitivities. Please take special care t o keep the device clean as the combination of sweat and dirt may also cause skin
Persons with implanted medical devices should:
• (If applicable) Consult your physician bef ore using a heart rate monitor.
• Keep the Product more than 20 c entimeters away from their medical device when the Pr oduct is turned on.
• Do not wear the Product if y ou notice any interfer ence.
• Never carry the Product in their br east pocket.
• Use the wrist opposit e the implanted medical device to minimiz e potential for RF interference.
The charging dock is designed for tabletop use. A void placing the charger in direct sunlight. T o be compliant with
RF exposure guidelines and to a void interference with implanted medical devic es, maintain a distance of at least 15 centimet ers
(approximately 6 inches ) from the charging dock.
WARNING! Use of non-appr oved battery or charger may pr esent a risk of fire, explosion, leakage or other hazard.
WARNING! C ertain items are fitted with lithium batteries that may contain perchlor ate material – special handling may apply. See w ww.dtsc
ca.gov /hazardouswaste/per chlorate for mor e information.
Do not attempt to replace the Pr oduct’s battery. It is built-in and not changeable. T he battery should be serviced only by Fossil Group
authorized service centers.
Batteries (and all electronic equipment) must be r ecycled or disposed of separately from household waste .
Do not dispose of your Product in a fir e. The battery could explode.
The Product uses a California Energy C ommission battery charger.
WARNING REGARDING DISPLA Y The display on your device is made of glass or acrylic and could break if y our device is dropped or if it
receives significant impact. Do not use if scr een is broken or cracked as this could cause injury to y ou.
WARRANT Y DISCLAIMER: PROPER USE OF A TOUCH-SCREEN DEVICE. If your device has a touch-screen displa y, please note that a touch
screen responds best to a light t ouch from the pad of your finger or a non-metallic stylus. Using excessiv e force or a metallic object when
pressing on the touch-screen ma y damage the tempered glass surface and void the warranty . For more information, please ref er to the
“Standard Limited W arranty.”
IMPORT ANT! Do not allow the touch-screen to come into contact with other electrical de vices. Electrostatic discharges can cause the touch
screen to malfunction.
Product specific regulatory inf ormation, certification, and compliance marks can be found on this product. Go to Settings > S ystem > About
> Regulatory Information.
For additional information see Regulatory Notic es or visit https:// www.f ossilgroup.com/ compliance/regulat ory-compliance/
Din brug af Produktet sker på helt egen risik o. Vi giver ikke nogen erklæringer, gar antier eller løfter om nøjagtigheden, pålideligheden
eller eektiviteten af nogen som helst af Pr oduktets funktioner eller servicey delser, herunder, uden begr ænsning, antallet af skridt du har
taget, forbrændte kalorier , søvnkvalitet eller - varighed, puls og andre informationer. Pr oduktet er beregnet til at give en rimelig tilnærmet
information om f. eks. tempo, skridt, forbrændte kalorier, tilbagelagt afs tand, puls og søvn. Men Produktet er afhængig af nøjagtigheden af de
oplysninger, du indtas ter, og anvender algoritmer , der ikke nødvendigvis er perfekte, og er påvirk et af andre faktorer uden for vor es kontrol.
For eksempel kan pulsmåleren typisk giv e et præcist skøn over en brugers puls, men teknologien har indb yggede begrænsninger, der under
visse omstændigheder kan forårsage unøjagtighed af nogle af pulsmålingerne, såsom h vordan enheden sidder på brugeren, brugerens
fysiologi og typen og intensiteten af aktiviteten. Vi garanter er ikke, at de oplysninger , som Produktet giver , er 100 % korrekte. Produktet vil
ikke præcist måle hv er forbrændt kalorie eller hvert skridt, du tager , og vil ikke præcist vise tempo, tilbagelagt afstand, puls eller søvn.
Produktet, inklusiv enhv er inkluderet software, er ikke medicinsk udstyr , og er kun beregnet til fitness-formål. Det er ikke designet, eller
beregnet til brug ved, at diagnostic ere sygdom eller andre tilstande, eller til helbredelse, afhjælpning, behandling eller f orebyggelse af
sygdom. Søg altid kv alificeret lægehjælp inden du foretager ændringer i træning, søvn eller ernæring, da dett e kan forårsage alvorlig
skade eller død.
Længerevar ende gnidning og tryk kan irritere huden. Hvis du har allergier eller anden overfølsomhed, vil du med s tørre sandsynlighed
opleve hudirritation fr a enhver form for wearable enhed. V ær venligst ekstra omhyggelig med at holde enheden ren da k ombinationen af
sved og snavs også k an forårsage hudirritation.
• (Hvis relevant) Snak med din læge , inden du bruger en pulsmåler.
• Holde produktet mere end 20 c entimeter fra deres medicinske udstyr når produkte t er tændt.
• Aldrig bær produktet i deres brys tlomme.
• Anvende håndleddet modsat det indoper erede medicinske udstyr for at minimere risikoen for RF -interferens.
• Bær ikke produktet hvis du bemærk er interferens.