Mits ubis hi Projector Warranty , S ales S uppor t and S ervice Information
North Amer ica
MDEA (Mitsub is hi Digita l Electronics America , Inc.)
Pres enta tion Produ cts Divis ion
9351 Jeronimo Ro ad, Irvine, CA 9261 8, U SA
For Warr anty Regi str ation, vi sit:
http://www .mitsub is hi-pres enta tions .com u nder Cus tomer Ca re
Sale s & In quire s
Phone :T oll F ree (888 )3 07-03 49
E-ma il :ppdinfo@mdea.com
T echnica l Inqu ires
Phone :T oll F ree (888 )3 07-03 09
E-ma il :TSUPPORT@mde
MES CA (Mitsub is hi Electric Sa les Ca na da Inc.)
http://www .mitsub is hielectric.ca
Informa tion T echnologies Gro up, 42 99 14th A venu e,
Ma rkh a m, Onta rio L3 R 0J2, Ca na da
Sale s & T echnica l Inqu ires
Phone :+1-(800) 450-64 87
Fax :+1-(9 05) 475-79 58
E-mail :projector s@mit subi shielectric.c a
Cus tomer Ca re
E-mail : support@mit subi shielectric.c a
Eu rope
subi shi Electric E urope B.V F rench Bra nch)
25, Bou levard de s Bo uvet s 92 741, N anterre CEDEX,
Sale s In quirie s
Phone :+33 (0)1 55-6 8-55-5 3
Fax :+33 (0)1 55-68 -57-3 1
T echinica l Inqu ireis
Phone :+33 (0)1 55-6 8-56-42
Fax :+33 (0)1 55-68 -57-3 1
MEU-GER (Mitsub is hi Electric Eu rope B.V . Germa n Bra nch)
http://www .mitsub is hi-evs .de/
Gotha er S trass e 8 , 4088 0 Ra tingen, Germa ny
Sale s In quire s
Phone :0049 - 2102 - 4 86 9250
Fax :0049 - 2102 - 48 6 73 20
T echinica l Inqu ires
Phone :0049 - 2102 - 4 86 1 330
Fax :0049 - 2102 - 48 6 13 40
MEU-IR (Mitsub is hi Electric Eu rope B.V . Iris h Bra nch)
http://www .mitsub is hi.ie/
Wes tga te Bus iness Pa rk, Ba llymou nt, Dub lin 24, Irela nd
Sale s In quirie s
Phone :+35 3-1-41 98807
Fax :+3 53 -1-41
T echnica l Inq iries
Phone :+35 3-1-41 9880 8
Fax :+3 53 -1-419889 5
MEU-IT (Mitsub is hi Electric Eu rope B.V . Ita lia n Bra nch)
Centro Direziona le Colleoni, Pa la zz o S irio, Vi a le Colleoni 7,
20041 Agra te Bria nza , Ita ly
Sale s & T echnica l Inqu iries
Phone :+39-(0) 39-605 31
Fax :+39 -(0)39 -6053 214
E-mail :info .projector@it.mee.com
MEU-NL (Mitsub is hi Electric Eu rope B.V . Benelu x Bra nch)
http://www .mitsub is
Nijverheidsweg 23 A, 3 641 RP Mijdrecht, The Netherla nds
Sale s In quirie s
Phone :+31-2 97-2 82461
Fax :+3 1-29 7-28393 6
E-mail :info@mit subi shi.nl
T echinica l Inqu iries
Phone :+31-2 97-2 82461
Fax :+3 1-29 7-28393 6
E-mail :info@mit subi shi.nl
Russ ia (Mitsub is hi Electric Eu rope B.V Mos cow
Repres enta tive Office)
http://www .mitsub is hi-projector.ru /
Mos cow Repres
enta tive Of-fice, 52/5 K os moda mia ns ka ya
Nab ., 115054, Mos co w, Russ ia
Sale s & T echinica l Inqu iries
Phone :(7095) 721-206 8
Fax :(709 5) 721-2071
MEU-S P (Mitsub is hi Electric Eu rope B.V . S pa nis h Bra nch)
http://www .mitsub is hielectric.es /
Ctra . de Rub i, 76-8 0, 08 173 Sa nt Cu ga t del Valle s,
Ba rcelona , S pa in
Sale s In quirie s
Phone :+34- 93.565. 31.54
Fax :+3 4-93 .589 .43 .88
E-mail :mit subi shi.profe sion al@ sp .mee.com
T echnica l Inqu iries
Phone :+34- 93.5 86.27.51
Fax :+3 4-93 .588 .53 .8 7
E-mail :mit subi shi.profe sion al@ sp .mee.com
MEU-S WE (Mitsub is hi Electric Eu rope B.V S ca ndina via n
Bra nch)
Ha mma rba cken 14, Bo x 750, S -19
127, S ollentu na , S weden
Sale s In quirie s
Phone :+46-(0)8-6251070
Fax :+46-(0)8 -625103 6
T echnica l Inqu iries
Phone :+46-(0)8-6251052
Fax :+46-(0)8 -625103 6
MEU-UK (Mitsub is hi Electric Eu rope)
http://www .mitsub is hi.co.u k/e vs /
Visua l Informa tion S ys tems Divis ion, T rav ellers La ne,
Ha tfield, Hertfords hire, AL10 8 XB U.K.
Sale s In qirie s
Phone :+44 (1707) 278 68 4
Fax :+44 (1707) 278 541
E-mail :projector .info@meu k.mee.com
T echnica l Inqu iries
Phone :+44 (8 70) 606 5008
Fax :+44 (1506) 43 19 27
E-mail :projector .info@meu k.mee.com
As ia
CHINA (Mitsub is hi Electric Air-Conditioning & Visua l
Informa tion S ys tems (S ha ngha i) Ltd.)
12/F ., Hong K ong New World T ower , 3 00 Hua iha i Middle
Roa d, S ha ngha i, 200021, China
Sale s In quirie s
Phone :+86(21) 6 335- 30 30 (Ext. 3007)
Fax :+8 6(21) 633 5-3 600
T echnica l Inqu
Phone :+86(21) 6 335- 30 30 (Ext. 3021)
Fax :+8 6(21) 633 5-3 600
HONG K ONG (Mitsub is hi Electric Ryoden Air-Conditioning
& Visual Inform ation Sy stem s (HongKong) Ltd.)
7th Floor , Ma nu life T ower , 169 Electric Ro ad, North Point,
Hong Kong
Sale s In quirie s
Phone :+852-2510-1505
Fax :+8 52-2510-0463
T echnica l Inqu iries
Phone :+852-2422-0161
Fax :+8 52-248 7-018 1
SINGAPORE (Mit subi shi Electric A si a Pte. Ltd.)
http://www .mitsub is hielectric.com.s g
307, Alex a
ndra Roa d, #05-01/02 Mitsub is hi Electric
Bu ilding, S inga pore 1599 43
Sale s In quirie s
Phone :+65-6473-2 30 8
Fax :+65-6475-9 503
E-mail :P eriphera ls @as ia .mea p.com
T echnica l Inqu iries
Phone :+65-6470-2666
Fax :+65-6475-9 503
INDIA (Mitsub is hi Electric As ia Pte. Ltd.)
307, Alex andr a Ro ad, #05-01/02 Mit subi shi Electric
Bu ilding, S inga pore 1599 43
Sale s In quirie s
Phone :+65-6473-2 30 8
Fax :+65-6475-9 503
E-mail :P eriphera ls @as ia .mea p.com
T echnica l Inqu iries
Phone :+65-6470-2666
Fax :+65-6475-9 503
INDONES IA (Mitsub is hi Electric As ia Pte. Ltd.)
307, Alex andr a Ro ad, #05-01/02 Mit subi shi Electric
Bu ilding, S inga pore 1599 43
Sale s In qirie s
Phone :+65-6473-2 30 8
Fax :+65-6475-9 503
E-mail :P eriphera ls @as ia .mea
T echnica l Inqu iries
Phone :+65-6470-2666
Fax :+65-6475-9 503
PHILLIPINES (Mitsub is hi Electric As ia Pte. Ltd.)
http://www .mitsub is hielectric.com.s g
307, Alex andr a Ro ad, #05-01/02 Mit subi shi Electric
Bu ilding, S inga pore 1599 43
Sale s In quirie s
Phone :+65-6473-2 30 8
Fax :+65-6475-9 503
E-mail :P eriphera ls @as ia .mea p.com
T echnica l Inq iries
Phone :+65-6470-2666
Fax :+65-6475-9 503
VIETNAM (Mitsub is
hi Electric As ia Pte. Ltd.)
307, Alex andr a Ro ad, #05-01/02 Mit subi shi Electric
Bu ilding, S inga pore 1599 43
Sale s In quirie s
Phone :+65-6473-2 30 8
Fax :+65-6475-9 503
E-mail :P eriphera ls @as ia .mea p.com
T echnica l Inqu iries
Phone :+65-6470-2666
Fax :+65-6475-9 503
STC ( Set suyo A stec Cor por ation Seo ul Br anch)
4F ,Dongs eo Ga me Cha nnel Bldg,660-11 Deu ngchon-Dong,
Ka ngs eo-K
u, Seo ul, Kore a
Sale s & T echnica l Inq iries
Phone :+82-(0)2-2657- 9841~ 3
Fax :+8 2-(0)2-2657-99 00
MALA YS IA (Anta h Melco Sa les & S er vices S dn. Bhd.)
6, Ja la n 13 /6 468 60 P eta ling Jaya S ela ngor , Da ru l Ehsa n,
Ma la ys ia
Sale s & T echnica l Inqu iries
Phone :+60-(0)3-7 95520 88 (Ext. 203 )
Fax :+60-(0)3 -79
5639 50/+60-(0)3 -79 58 2576
T echnica l & S ervice Inqu iries
Phone :+60-(0)3-7 95520 88 (Ext. 106)
Fax :+60-(0)3 -79 5639 50/+60-(0)3 -79 58 2576
ME-TWN (Mitsub is hi Electric Taiwan Co., Ltd.)
http://www .Mitsub is hiElectric.com.tw
11TH FL., 9 0 S EC. 6, CHUNG S HAN N. RD ., T AIPEI, 111
R.O.C .
Sale s & T echnica l Inqu ires
Phone :+886-2-2 832- 8255
Fax :+88 6-2-2833 -98 13
MKY (Mitsub is hi Electric Ka ng Y ong Wat an a Co., Ltd. )
http://www .mitsub
is hi-kyw .co.th/
Roa d, Hua ma rk B a ngka pi, Ba ngk ok 10240, Tha ila nd
Sale s & T echnica l Inqu iries
Phone :+66-2-731-6 841
Fax :+66-2-3 79 -4763
Ocea nia
ME-A US T (Mitsub is hi Electric Aus tra lia )
http://www .mitsub is hi-electric.com.au /prod.as p?prod=proj
34 8 Victori a Ro ad, Ryd almere, N. S.W . 2116, Austr ali aSale s
& T echnical In qirie s
Phone :+(612)96 84-7777
Fax :+(612)
96 84-720 8
E-ma il :dia monddigita l@meaus t.mea p.com
T echnica l Inqu iries
Phone :+(612)96 84-76 94
Fax :+(612)9 68 4-768 4
E-mail : service@me aust.me ap.com
BDT (Bla ck Dia mond T echnologies Ltd.)
(Wa rranty Regi str ation) http://www .b dt.co.nz/projectors /
wa rra nty .as p
1 Pa rl iament St, Lower H utt, Wellington, New Zea la nd Sa les
Inqu iries
Phone :+64-(0)4-560-9100
Fax :+64-(0)4-560-9
E-mail :projector sale s@ bdt.co .nz
T echnica l Inqu iries
Phone :+64-(0)4-560-9100
Fax :+64-(0)4-560-9 133
E-mail : service@ bdt.co.nz
1 Zus ho Baba , Na ga oka kyo-City , K yoto Jap an
Ve r . 3