The following button operations can be disabled. If the button is pressed, “” is displayed provided the button is disabled, and
returns to original display. Consult your dealer for “
” setting.
TEMP button
LOUVER button
MODE button
FAN SPEED button
TIMER button
Please observe the following points in order to use the air conditioner in a safe and comfortable manner.
Make sure to request your dealer for installation, never try to do so by yourself.
Is the system installed in a well-ventilated place?
Are there any obstacles? If so, it leads to the decrease of the efficiency and the increase of operation noise.
Avoid the place where cool/warm air and operation noise cause problems to your neighbors.
Normally the efficiency of the air conditioning system will become lower after a while, because dirt accumulates inside the system. This occurs gradually in
around 3 years of use , depending on the condition of use and surrounding enviroment. It is thus necessary to conduct inspection maintenance in addition
to regular maintenance. We recommend you to consult the dealer from whom you purchased the system and make a contract for periodical inspection.
Warning : Make sure to consult a dealer or specialist if it is required to relocate and reinstall the air conditioning system.
If the air conditioning system is installed incorrectly, water leakage, electric shock and/or fire may occur. Note that an installation fee will be
charged for relocation and installation.
Caution : Make sure to perform grounding work
Do not connect the ground wire to any gas pipe, water pipe, or wires of lightning conductors and telephones.
If the ground work is not good, it may lead to electric shock.
Caution : Make sure to mount a leakage breaker
If it is not mounted there, it may lead to electric shock.
Electrical installation work must be performed by an electrical installation service provider qualified by a power provider of the country. Electrical installation
work must be executed according to the technical standards and other regulations applicable to electrical installations in the country.
Is the wiring designated for the air conditioner?
Is the remote control mounted correctly?
•In the case of exposed wiring, is the wiring fixed with the attached screw?
•Is the attached remote control clamps used for fixing the remote control cord?
•Is the remote control mounted at a height where children cannot reach?
Dry operation
Room temperature
21 to 32°C
Long continuous operation under
approximately 21°C may lead to malfunction
due to dewfall
27°C or less
Temperature outside the room
Approximately -15 to 43°C
-20 to 21°C
If outside air temperature becomes low, the
heating efficiency is lowed and the heating
becomes difficult.
Humidity inside the room
Approximately 80% or less
Long operation under high humidity may leads to
waterdrop or smoky vapor at the supply air grille.
Please use the system in the following operation range. If the system is operated outside this range, the protection controls may be activated to prevent
(Note) Operation range may differ depending on models .Please check the catalog.
• Heat pump type
Heat pump type heating is the heating mechanism in which the refrigerant takes in outer temperature to supply heat into the room.
• Defrost operation
During heating with a heat pump type air conditioner, frost will be formed on the outdoor unit if the temperature outside the room drops. If left alone, the
heating efficiency decreases. In order to deal with this, the operation is automatically switched to defrost operation to remove the frost. During the period, the
airflow of indoor/outdoor unit is stopped and “heating defrost” is displayed.
• Outer air temperature and heating capacity
The heating efficiency of heat pump type air conditioner decreases as the outside temperature becomes lower. If the capacity of air conditioner for heating
is not sufficient, please use other heating device.
• Time required until the room temperature increases
A heat type air conditioner circulates warm air to warm the entire room, so it takes a while to rise up the room temperature. It is recommended to start operation
earlier on a very cold day.
• When room temperature adjusting device operates during heating
If room temperature rises and the room temperature adjusting device is activated, the airflow becomes automatically low. When the room temperature
drops, it switched back automatically to the normal operation.
“(PREPARATION OF HEATING)” is displayed in the remote control display area in the following cases.
For wireless devices, the run/check display lamp on the main body display unit will flash green.
Setting temperature and preparation of heating are displayed on the wired remote control.
• At Starting Heating Operation
In order to prevent cool air from blowing out, the airflow into the room may be stopped depending on the room temperature at the
start of heating operation. please wait for a while and the operation automatically switches to the normal heating operation.
• At defrost operation (during heating operation)
When frost may easily formed on the outdoor unit, the heating operation automatically is stopped (both indoor/outdoor unit
stop fan operation) for approximately 5 to 10 minutes per hour and defrosting is operated. After the defrosting is complete, the
operation automatically switches back to the normal operation.
The remote control has a auto restart function, and can be activated. (Inactivated at shipment).Consult your dealer.
What is auto restart
• When a power failure occurs or the power supply is turned off, the function allows the system to automatically resume operation with the remote control
setting made set before the power failure when the power supply recovers. If the system is stopped before power failure it remains stopped after the power
•Note that in the following cases it is needed to set again with the remote control.
1Timer setting is cancelled. But the sleep timer recovers after power failure recover. Weekly timer settings, however, recover with all days holiday setting.
And time setting returns to default. To return to original setting, after time setting, execute “holiday cancel”.
2Louver stops at the horizontal position.
When the auto restart is activated, be sure to stop operation and turn off the power supply. (if the power supply is turned off while the system is operating,
the fan of the indoor unit will begin rotating immediately after the power supply is turned on. And the outdoor unit will start operating approximately 3 minutes
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