■Up/down direction can be adjusted with the AIRFLOW
(UP/DOWN) button on the remote control. Every time you press this button the
mode changes as follows:
Change on AIRFLOW (UP/DOWN) mode.
■Left/right direction can be adjusted with the AIRFLOW
(LEFT/RIGHT) button on the remote control. Every time you press this button the
mode changes as follows:
Change on AIRFLOW (LEFT/RIGHT) mode.
When you press the AIRFLOW (UP/DOWN or LEFT/RIGHT) button once while the flap or louver is
operating, it stops swinging at the position. Since this angle is memorized in the microcomputer, the
flap or louver will automatically be set at this angle when the next operation is started.
•Do not expose directory to airflow from the air-conditioner for a long time.
•When in COOL or DRY operation, do not operate for a long period with the
airflow blowing straight down. Otherwise, condensation may appear on the outlet
grill and drip down.
•Do not try to adjust the flaps and louvers by hand, as the control angle may
change or the flap or louver may not be closed completely.
(Slant forward
•Recommended angle of the flap when stopping
•When operation starts, the flap and louver direction is fixed at the horizontal / center position in order to avoid cold draft,and return to the set the position that was
set after the warm air supply is starting.
•The flap and louver direction will be controlled to the horizontal/center position when the room temperature reaches the set temperature and compressor stops or
when defrosting is in operation.
•The airflow direction cannot be set during the period mentioned above. Change the airflow direction settings after the warm airis supplied and the flap/louver goes
to the set position.
(Flap stopped)
(Louver stopped)
RLA012A013_EN_001-02208/04/2009, 10:4510
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