Appendix A B
DCX with OCAP Software DCX3510 -M • User Guide 34
365-095 -17068 -x.1
Definiti ons.
"Licens e" sha ll mea n the te rms an d condi tions for us e, rep roduc tion,
and distri bution as defined by Sect ions 1 thro ugh 9 of this
docume nt.
"Licens or" shal l mean the c opyr ight own er or entity auth orized by
the copy right owner t hat is grant ing t he Licens e.
"Legal E ntity" shall mean the un ion of the ac ting ent ity an d all other
entities tha t control, are c ontrol led by, or are un der co mmon c ontro l
with that entity. For the p urposes of th is defin ition, "cont rol" m eans
(i) the power, di rec t or indi rect, to caus e the d irec tion or
manageme nt of such e ntity, wheth er by c ontrac t or o ther wise, o r (ii)
owners hip of fi fty pe rcent ( 50%) or mor e of t he outs tandi ng sha res,
or (iii) benef icial o wnershi p of s uch en tity.
"You" (o r "Yo ur") sh all me an an i ndivid ual or L egal Entity exerc ising
permissi ons gran ted by this License.
"Source" fo rm shall mean the prefe rred for m for making
modific ations, includi ng but not limi ted to soft ware s ource c ode,
docume ntation s ourc e, an d confi gurati on files .
"Object" form shall mean a ny for m resu ltin g from m echanic al
transfor matio n or t ransla tion of a Sour ce f orm, inc luding but not
limited to co mpiled object code, gener ated doc um entatio n, and
conversio ns to other media types .
"Work" s hall m ean t he work of aut horshi p, wh ether in So urce o r
Object f orm, m ade av ailabl e unde r the Licens e, as indicat ed by a
copyrigh t not ice tha t is incl uded i n or atta ched to the work (a n
example is prov ided i n the A ppendi x be low).
"Derivat ive W orks" s hall m ean an y work, whe ther i n Sourc e or
Object f orm, t hat is based on (or derive d fr om) the W ork an d for
which t he edi torial re visio ns, ann otati ons, ela borat ions, o r oth er
modific ations repr esent, as a wh ole, a n or iginal wor k of au thor shi p.
For the purpos es of this Lic ense , Deriva tiv e Works s hall n ot inc lude
works t hat rema in s eparable from , or m erely li nk (or bind by name)
to the in terfac es of, the W ork an d Deriv ativ e Works there of.
"Contrib ution " shall mean any work of aut horship , includ ing th e
origina l versio n of the Wo rk and any m odifica tions o r addi tions to
that W ork or Der iva tive W orks the reof, that is in tentio nal ly
submit ted to L icenso r for inclusi on in t he Work by the co pyrigh t
owner or by an indiv idual or Leg al Entity a uthoriz ed to sub mit on
behalf of the co pyri ght own er. Fo r the purpos es of this d efinit ion,
"submit ted" means any form of el ectroni c, verbal, or writte n
commun ication sent to the Licens or or its rep resentat ives, incl udi ng
but not li mited to co mmunic ati on on electr onic mailin g lists, sou rce
code con trol sys tems , and issue t racki ng s ystems t hat a re ma naged
by, or o n beh alf of, t he Lic ensor for the purpos e of d iscussi ng an d
improvi ng th e Work, but ex cludin g comm unica tion t hat is
con spic uou sly mar ked or other wise desi gnate d in w riting by the
copyrigh t owner as "No t a Contrib ution."
“Contribu tor" s hall m ean L icenso r and any indiv idu al or L egal E ntity
on behalf of whom a Contrib ution has be en receiv ed by Licens or and
subsequ ently in corpo rated withi n the W ork .
Grant of Copy right Lice nse. Subj ect to the ter ms and condit ions of
this Lic ense, each C ontribu tor h ereby g ran ts to You a per petua l,
wor ldwi de, non-exclusive, no -charge, roya lty- fr ee, irrevoc able
copyrigh t licens e to repro duce, p repar e Deriva tive Works of, pu blicly
display, pub licly pe rform , sublic ense, and dist ribute the Work and
such De rivativ e Works in So urce o r Obj ect form.
Grant o f Patent Lice nse. S ubject to th e terms a nd c onditions of th is
Licens e, each Cont ributor he reby gran ts to You a perp etual,
worldwi de, non-exclusive, no - charge, roya lty- fr ee, irrevoc able
(except as stat ed in this s ection ) pate nt lic ense to make, have m ade,
use, of fer to s ell, se ll, imp ort, and ot herwi se trans fer the Work,
where s uch lice nse applie s only t o thos e pate nt clai ms lic ensabl e by
such Cont ributor tha t are neces sarily inf ringe d by their
Contribu tion(s) alone or by c om bination of thei r Co ntributi on(s) with
the Work to whic h such Contr ibuti on(s) was submitted. If You
institu te paten t litig ation agains t any entit y (incl uding a cross-claim
or counte rclaim in a lawsui t) all eging that the Wo rk or a
Contribu tion i ncorpo rate d withi n the Wo rk c onstit utes di rect o r
contrib utory patent i nfrin gemen t, then any patent lic ens es gra nted
to You u nder t his Lic ense for that Work s hal l termin at e as of the
date suc h litig ation is file d.
Redist ribution. You may re produc e and distri bute co pies o f the Work
or Deriv ative W orks thereo f in any medi um, w ith o r with out
modific ations, and i n Sou rce or O bject form, p rovide d tha t You me et
th e fol low ing conditions:
(a) You m ust gi ve any othe r reci pients of the W ork or Der ivative
Works a c opy of this Licens e; and
(b) You m ust c ause a ny modi fied files t o carry prom inent notices
stating that Y ou chan ged t he fil es; and
(c) You must r etain, in the Source form of any Deriv ativ e Works that
You dis tribute, all copyri ght, p atent, trade mark, a nd at tribu tion
notices fr om the Source fo rm of the Work , exclu ding thos e notices
that do not pert ain to any part of the De rivativ e Works; and
(d) If t he Wo rk inclu des a " NOTI CE" t ext file as part of its
distrib ution, th en any Deriv ative Wo rks that Yo u distribu te must
include a rea dable c opy of the a ttributi on noti ces c ontai ned wi thin
such NO TICE file, exc luding those notic es that do n ot pe rtain to any
part of t he Deri vativ e Wo rks, i n at leas t one o f the follo wing p laces:
within a NOTIC E text file dis tribut ed as part of the Deriva tive
Works; w ithin the S ource form or docum enta tion, i f prov ided a long
with the Deriv ative Work s; or, wit hin a display generat ed by the
Derivative Works, if an d whe rever s uch th ird-party n oti ces no rmal ly
appear. T he c ontents of the NOTI CE fil e are fo r inf ormation al
purpos es only a nd do not m odify the Lice nse. You ma y add Your
own attr ibutio n noti ces wit hin D eriva tive Works that You distrib ute,
alongsid e or as an a ddend um to th e NOT ICE text fro m the Work,
provide d tha t such a dditio nal a ttributi on n otices canno t be
constru ed as modifyi ng the Lice nse.
You may add Your ow n copyr ight statem ent to Yo ur modific ations
and may provi de add itiona l or di fferen t licens e te rms an d condi tions
for use, reprod uction, or dis tribu tion o f Yo ur modific ations , o r for
any such D eriv ative W orks as a w hole, provide d Yo ur use,
reproduct ion, a nd dis tribut ion of the Work oth erwis e compl ies wit h
the con ditions state d in t his Lic ense.
Submiss ion of Contri bution s. Unl ess Yo u expl icitly s tate o ther wise,
any Co ntributi on int ention ally s ubmi tted f or inclus ion in the W ork by
You to t he Lic ensor shall b e und er the t erms a nd cond itions of th is
Licens e, withou t any additi onal t erms o r condi tions .
Notwiths tandi ng the above, nothin g her ein sha ll s uperse de or
modify the ter ms of a ny se parate l icens e agree ment y ou may hav e
execute d with Licens or reg arding suc h Contr ibutio ns.
Trademar ks. T his Li cense d oes no t gra nt p ermissio n to us e the trade
names, tr ademark s, servic e marks, or pro duct nam es of the
Licens or, exce pt as requir ed for r eason able an d cus tomary use i n
describi ng the origi n of the Work a nd re produci ng th e cont ent o f the
NOTICE file.
Disclai mer o f Warran ty. U nless re quire d by app lica ble la w or agr eed
to in wri ting, L icens or pro vides the Wo rk (and eac h Contri buto r
provides its C ontri butions ) on a n "AS I S" B ASIS, W ITHOUT