At the top of the screen, icons on the left notify you about new messages or events. If
you don't know what an icon means, swipe the status bar down for details.
Tip: getting too many notifications? Touch and hold a notification to see which app is
sending them to you. Then you can turn them o.
Notifications screen. Swipe down from the top of the Home screen to view notifications.
Tip: to quickly change common settings, swipe the status bar down. For more, see
Quick settings.
App notifications
You may see a notification dot on an app. This app notification, or badge,
tells you the app has an update or an announcement, such as a new email or
a missed call. Press and hold the app for more information, options or app
Wireless Emergency Alerts (US & some countries)
Wireless Emergency Alerts, also known as CMAS or PLAN, is a
US national emergency alert system. Emergency alerts can pop
up to tell you about a national or local crisis. After you close
an alert, you can reopen it by swiping up
> Settings >
Sound > Advanced > Emergency broadcasts.
Tue, 3 Apr
Weekly staff meeting
Can you come on Sat.?
Karen Travis
Tip: swipe left or right to
remove a notification.
Some notifications show
more options when you
slide them halfway.
Swipe down to see your
Tap a notification to open
it, or choose an option
such as REPLY.
Tip: emergency alerts have a special sound and vibration that is two seconds long,
followed by one second, then another one second.
To choose which types of alerts you receive, swipe up
> Settings > Sound >
Advanced > Emergency broadcasts. The US and local governments send these alerts
through your service provider. So you will always receive alerts for the area where you
are and you won't receive alerts if you're outside of the US.
For more, visit and search "wireless emergency alerts".
Status icons
Icons at the top right of the screen tell you about phone status:
Status Icons
Network strength Do not disturb
/ Wi-Fi in range/connected
Alarm set
/ Bluetooth on/connected
Data Saver on
Aeroplane mode
/ Portrait/Auto-rotate
/ Battery charging/full
/ Location on/o
Press the side volume buttons up or down to select a ringer volume from high
Tap to show all volume
controls. Tap again to
show only the ringtone
Tap an icon to mute
or set to vibrate.
Slide the bar to
Volume screen. Press the Volume keys up or down to control the volume for Ring Notification, Media and Alarm sounds. On screen, change the volume using slide bars.
Libble nimmt den Missbrauch seiner Dienste sehr ernst. Wir setzen uns dafür ein, derartige Missbrauchsfälle gemäß den Gesetzen Ihres Heimatlandes zu behandeln. Wenn Sie eine Meldung übermitteln, überprüfen wir Ihre Informationen und ergreifen entsprechende Maßnahmen. Wir melden uns nur dann wieder bei Ihnen, wenn wir weitere Einzelheiten wissen müssen oder weitere Informationen für Sie haben.
Art des Missbrauchs:
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Lesen Sie zuerst die Anleitung;
Schauen Sie nach, ob die Frage bereits gestellt wurde;
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