Selfie mirrorTurn on to take a mirror image photo of yourself with the
front-facing camera.
Night modeTake clear pictures at low luminosity.
Identify objects, landmarks and more using Google Lens
Identify books, plants, other objects and landmarks.
Find it:
Camera >
Focus your camera on an object or landmark and tap .
Tip: for example, focus your camera on a book cover, tap the screen and the book title
and author are shown.
Note: Google Lens may not work in all languages.
Capture your screen
To capture your phone's screen, press and hold both the Power and the Volume Down
buttons at the same time.
To see the screen capture, tap
Photos > Screenshots.
Tip: see also Moto Actions to capture screenshots by touching the screen with three
Google Photos
View, edit & share
Find it: Photos
»Play, share or delete: tap a thumbnail to open it, then tap to share, to delete
or Menu for more options.
Tip: to select multiple files, open a folder, touch and hold a photo, then tap others. Or
group photos in an album and share the whole album.
»Zoom: open a photo in your gallery, then double-tap or drag two fingers apart or
together on the screen.
Tip: turn your phone sideways for a landscape view.
»Wallpaper or contact photo: open a picture, then tap Menu > Use as > Wallpaper
or Contact photo.
»Edit: open a picture, then tap .
»Slideshow: tap a picture, then tap Menu > Slideshow. To stop the slideshow, tap the
screen. To show the slideshow on a television or other device, see Connect, share &
Tip: for more about Google Photos, visit
Send and receive email from all of your personal accounts (even if they're not Gmail
accounts). You can manage your accounts in Gmail and easily switch between them.
Find it: swipe up
> Gmail
Email screen listing emails for this account. Tap the magnifying icon in the top right to search email. Tap the Pencil icon in the bottom right to start a new email.
Libble nimmt den Missbrauch seiner Dienste sehr ernst. Wir setzen uns dafür ein, derartige Missbrauchsfälle gemäß den Gesetzen Ihres Heimatlandes zu behandeln. Wenn Sie eine Meldung übermitteln, überprüfen wir Ihre Informationen und ergreifen entsprechende Maßnahmen. Wir melden uns nur dann wieder bei Ihnen, wenn wir weitere Einzelheiten wissen müssen oder weitere Informationen für Sie haben.
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