motorola W230
Getting started guide
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user guide:
w w w
c ongratu l at ion s! your phone shor tc uts calls mus ic me nu map
let’ s go b as ic s custom ise FM r ad io st atu s i ndica to r s messages c on tacts USB drag & dr op
Congratulations on your purc hase of the cool
Motorola W230 m obile phone.
Whether you’re a talker , a texter or just lov e listening
to m usic on the m ov e, the W230 does it all.
We ’v e c r ammed a ll the m ain f eatures of y our phone
into this handy guide - y ou can e v en t ak e the guide
with you.
If you’ d like ev en m ore infor m ation about how to use
your ne w W230, visit ww w.mot suppo rt/W23 0.
So, let’ s go.
y o ur p h o n e
r ight soft k ey
pow er/end ke y
navig ation ke y
lef t sof t k ey
send/answer k ey
centr e k ey
P erforms the function shown on
the display above the key .
Make and answer calls. Press from
the home screen to see list of
recently dialled calls.
Select a highlighted option or
open a menu when you see å in
the display .
P erforms the function
shown on the display
above the key .
Press and hold to turn
the phone on/of f. P ress
and release to end phone
calls. Exit menu system.
Scroll through lists
and menus. Press lef t
to access Quic kTEXT .
A f ew shortc uts w e thi nk y ou’ll f ind r eally usefu l:
voicem ai l
Press and hold 1 . If your v oicem ail num ber is pre-
set, you will connect. I f not, press
1 then Store. Give
your operator a ca ll if you don ’t know the num ber .
recen t calls
Quic kly view your call histor y by pressing s
> Recent calls. Y ou can then c hoos e to access your
Receive d calls, Dialled calls or C all times.
lock/unlock k eys
Pre vent accidental calls by pressing s fol lowe d
*. Y our screen will go blac k and your ke ys
are loc ked. Repeat to unloc k.
music player
Pre s s Mus ic (lef t sof t key) from the hom e screen.
quick t ext
T o set quick te xt on y our hom e screen press
s > l Personalise > Hom e screen > Home keys > Up/ Down/Left /R ight
> Quick Txt.
Y e s, yo ur phone mak es calls t oo! And it’ s very
good at it.
ma ke a ca ll
Enter a num ber and press N .
answer a call
When your phone rings or
vibrates, press
end a ca ll
Press P .
emergen cy ca lls
T o call an em erg ency nu m ber ,
enter the em er gency num ber and
Y our ser vice provider program s em ergenc y phone
num bers, (such as 999), that you can call under any
circum st ances, even when your phone is loc ked.
Em ergency nu m bers vary by countr y . Y our phone’ s
pre-programm ed e m ergenc y nu m ber(s) may not work
in all locations, and som etim es an em ergency ca ll
cannot be placed due to network, environm ental or
interf erence issu es.
re dial a number
1 Fr om the ho m e screen, pr ess N to vie w a lis t of
recently dialled calls.
2 Scroll to the entry you want to call and press N .
Y ou lo ve y our new phone. Y ou lo ve y our mus ic.
Imagine c ombining thes e two pass ions... imagine
no long er:
wha t y ou need
T o use the m usic player , insert a m icroSD me m ory
card, whic h is an optional accessor y .
The m usic play er supports MP3, MIDI, iMelody and
AMR music file for mats. Y ou can copy m usic from a
com puter to your phone, where the m usic is stored
on the me m or y card (see “USB drag & drop” later in
this guide).
TIP: T o ac cess m usic s tored on your m icroSD
me mor y c ard, press
s > h Multimedia > Music library >
s > Swi tch s tor ag e devi ces.
play mus ic
Press s > h Multimedia > Music library
Scroll to a song, play list or album , and press Play.
TIP: Fr om the ho m e screen, press your phone ’ s lef t
sof t key to access the m usic play er faster .
music player c ontrols
Not e: Please use only M otorola approv ed accessories
with th is product.
For further support: www. motorol
func tion
sc roll up/ down
throug h l i st
Bef or e mu sic pla ybac k,
S up or do wn.
pla y/p a use Press
fast forward Press & hold
S right
(for at least t wo seconds).
ski p to next son g Press
S right.
re wi nd Press & hold
S left
(for at least t wo seconds).
re t u rn to s tart of
Aft er fi rst two sec onds
of song , press
S lef t.
re t u rn to last
Wi th i n f i rst two se c onds
of song , press
S lef t.
n Contacts
sRec ent ca lls
• Received calls
• Dialled calls
• NotePad
• C all tim es
• C all cost *
• D ata tim es
• Dat a volum es
e Me ssages
• C reate
•I n b o x
•D r a f t
• Outbox
• Quic k notes
•V o i c email
•B r o w s e r msgs
• MMS tem plates
ÉExtra s
• C alculator
• M yMenu
•A l a rm cloc k
•S t o p w a t c h
•C h a t *
• Dialling service s *
•S T K *
• Calendar
This is a standa rd ma in me nu la yout.
Y our pho ne’ s m enu m ay be a litt le
dif feren t.
Q Games
á Web Acc ess
hMulti media
•P i c t u r e s
• Music li brar y
•F M r a d i o
l Per s o nal ise
•H ome screen
•M a i n menu
• Colo ur set ting
•G r e e t i n g
• Wallpaper
• Screensaver
• Speed di al
w Set tin gs
• R ing sty le
•C a l l d i v e r t
• In -call setup
• In itial setup
• Phone st atus
• Headset
•N e t w o r k
•S e c u r i t y
• E asy prefix
* Net work de pend ent
l e t ’ s g o
5 6
Y ou may hav e master ed these alr eady , but here
are a f ew essential b asics:
turn i t on & off
Press and hold P for a fe w
seconds to turn the phone on/off .
menu naviga ti on
Press the centre ke y s to open
the Main m enu.
Press the navigation k e y
S up,
down, right or lef t to highlight a
menu option.
s or Selec t (lef t sof t ke y ) to
select the highlighted op tion.
s when you see M in
the display to show m enu
Her e ’ s y our c hance t o make your phone easier and
mor e enj o yabl e to use. So g o on, a dd yo ur
pers onal touch.
cre ate sh ort cut s
Choose the f eatures y ou want to access with a single
ke y press from the ho m e scree n - really use ful stuf f:
Pre s s
s > l Personalise > Home scree n > Home keys
set your scre e n s ave r and wallp aper
Change the wallpaper a nd screensav er im a ges
to ones t hat m ake you sm ile.
Pre s s
s > l Personalise > Screensaver or Wallp aper
set rin gtone and volu me
There are tim es wh en you want to hear your ringtone
in all it ’ s glory , and there are tim es when you don ’t.
Pre s s
s > w Sett ings > R ing style
Choose from t he pre-programm ed st yles, including
Vibrate and Silent .
ch an ge front cover
Rem ove the bat ter y cover . F rom the top of the de v ice,
wedge a thin object (eg .: your fingernails) bet ween
the cover and the m ain housing of the device until the
two parts detach. Then, w orking down the phone,
release the cov er and slide of f.
T o replace the cov er , first c lip into the bot tom of the
phone and then work up the body , lock ing the ta bs at
the top. Finally , refit y our bat ter y cov er .
Warn in g: Do not c harge the bat ter y with the phone or
bat ter y cov er rem oved.
Ca ut i on: The front cover is m ad e of plastic, so take
care when handling. Also , when rem oving the cov er
take extra care not to e xpose it to dirt, dust, liquids,
condensation or s tatic electricit y .
Made a new fr iend? Ur g ently need t o contact
someon e? No probl em, sa ving and callin g your
con tact s is effortles s.
sa ve c ontac t
1 Enter the num ber on the hom e screen and press
2 Enter the contact det ails.
3 Press Done whe n you’ re f inished.
call a contac t
1 Press s > Contacts.
2 Scroll through the list to highlight the contact’ s
num ber .
3 Press N.
mess ages
Messaging is great, every one thinks so. Her e are a
f ew basic s to get yo u goi ng:
send a me ssage
1 Press s > Messages > Create.
2 Select the m essage t ype.
3 Enter your m essage.
Ti p: In a text entry screen, press
# to sw itc h
entr y m odes.
4 Press OK and scroll to a cont act.
5 Press Send and scroll t o any other contac t/s you
wish to add.
6 Once you ha ve added the contact/s, press Done.
7 Press Send to send th e m essage.
rea d a mes sage
When you receiv e a m essage you will see New messa ge
on your screen. Press Read to open the m essage. Y ou
can reply to the m ess age b y pressing Reply.
Send m essage s in only 5 clic ks! In the hom e
screen , press t he lef t arrow of the navigat ion
ke y to enter directly into the text m e ssage
edit or . T y pe th e text an d pres s
Send to
. In the
screen , selec t or enter the num ber you
want to send your m essage to. T hen clic k
. It's th at easy!
FM radio
List en t o your f av ouri te mu sic or news
pr ogr amme.
1 Plug a 2.5 mm hea dset into your phone.
Not e: The FM radio works only w hen the headset
is plugged in.
2 Press s > h Multimedia > FM radio
To t u n e in a st at ion, press
S lef t or right.
To s can availa ble sta ti ons , p ress and hold
S lef t or
right. Repeat to g o to m ore st ations.
To a djust v olume, press
S up or do wn.
To t u r n o f f t h e r ad io, pres s
s > FM radio off .
st or e favouri te st a ti ons
When listening to a station, press and hold a num ber
1 through 9 to store the st ation as a prese t
for that num ber key . T o se lect a pre set station, press
the num ber key for the st ation you want.
TIP: T o share your fa vourite radio stat ion press
s > h Mult ime dia > FM radio > Options > Send station inf o.
USB Drag & Drop
Use the U SB cable t o conne ct y our p hone and P C,
the n sim ply dra g & drop.
1 Insert one end of the USB cable into y our phone
and the other into your PC.
2 Press Yes to connect your phone as a storage
3 Use the My Compute r window to find
Remo vable Dev ic e.
4 Drag and drop your m usic, photos and other stuf f
tha t you wa nt to copy .
T w o folders are av ailable Music and Pic ture .
Cop y music files into the Music folder and
im ages into the Pic tu re f older .
5 When you’ re done, use the Sa f ely Re move
Ha rdwa re feat ure to finish.
Not e: This product is com patible with
Microsoft® Wind o ws®, b ut may not wo rk co rre ct ly
with Mac® and Linux® OS.
For further support: http ://www. motorol /suppo rt/
status indicators
The hom e screen display s when you t urn on the
phone. Status indicators can appear across the top of
the hom e screen:
Not e: Y our phone’ s hom e screen m ay be dif f erent
than the one shown.
Music Contacts
WED 10/10/07
Roam ing
Act ive
Act ive
Alert type
Bat ter y