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TThhiiss pprroodduucctt hhaass bbeeeenn ddeessiiggnneedd ffoorr
ddoommeessttiicc uussee oonnllyy.. AAnnyy ccoommmmeerrcciiaall uussee,,
iinnaapppprroopprriiaattee uussee oorr ffaaiilluurree ttoo ccoommppllyy wwiitthh
tthhee iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss,, MMoouulliinneexx aacccceeppttss nnoo
rreessppoonnssiibbiilliittyy aanndd tthhee gguuaarraanntteeee wwiillll nnoott
• For your safety, this appliance conforms to
applicable standards and regulations:
- Low Voltage Directive
- Electromagnetic compatibility
- Environment
- Materials in contact with food
• Only use your kettle for boiling drinking water.
• Only plug the appliance into an earthed
mains socket, or into an electrical extension
lead with an integrated earth connection.
Check that the voltage indicated on the
rating plate of the appliance corresponds to
that of the mains voltage. You are advised
not to use a multiple adapter plug.
• Do not use the kettle when you have wet
hands or bare feet?
• Take care not to place the kettle and its base
on a hot surface, such as a hot plate, or to
use it near a naked flame.
• Immediately remove the mains plug if you
notice that the kettle is not operating
• Do not pull on the power cord to remove the
mains plug.
• Do not let the power cord hang over the
edge of a table or work surface in order to
prevent the appliance from falling.
• Always remain vigilant when the appliance is
on, and in particular be careful of the steam
coming out of the spout, which is very hot.
• Also be careful as the body of a stainless steel
kettle will become very hot during operation.
Only touch the handle of the kettle.
• Never touch the filter or the lid when the
water is boiling
Thank you for purchasing a
kettle. Read the instructions that apply to most of our
models carefully and keep them to hand.
• Never move the kettle when it is in operation.
• Our guarantee does not cover kettles that do
not work properly or do not work at all
because they have not been descaled.
• Protect the appliance from damp and frost.
• If your appliance has been damaged, if it is
not working properly or if the power cord or
the plug is damaged, in order to avoid any
danger, we recommend that you have the
appliance inspected. Any intervention to the
appliance other than cleaning and descaling
according to the instructions for use must be
performed by an authorised
service centre.
• Unplug the appliance as soon as you have
finished using it for a long period of time and
when you clean it.
• All appliances are subject to strict quality
control procedures. These include actual
usage tests on randomly selected appliances,
which would explain any traces of use.
• This appliance is not designed for use by
persons (including children) whose physical,
sensorial or mental capacities are reduced, or
by persons with a lack of experience or
knowledge, unless they receive supervision or
prior instructions concerning the appliance’s
use from a person responsible for their safety.
• Be sure to watch over children to ensure that
they do not play with the appliance.
• Always use the filter during heating cycles.
• This appliance is intended to be used only in
the household. It is not intended to be used in
the following applications, and the guarantee
will not apply for:
- staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other
working environments;
- farm houses;
- by clients in hotels, motels and other residen-
tial type environments;
- bed and breakfast type environments.
Remove all of the various packaging, stickers or
accessories from both the inside and outside of
the kettle.
Adjust the length of the cord by winding it
under the base. Wedge the cord into the notch
((ffiigg 11))..
Throw away the water from the first two/three uses
as it may contain dust. Rinse the kettle and the
filter separately.
TToo ooppeenn tthhee lliidd,, aaccccoorrddiinngg ttoo tthhee mmooddeell::
- Hinged lid: press if necessary on the locking
system and pull backwards
((ffiigg 22))..
•Assisted opening lid: press on the locking

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