The IEEE 1394 connection, also known as iLink® or FireWire, is a serial bus standard for the rapid transfer of digital TV/video, PC
and audio data.
14.1. Possible uses for IEEE 1394
• Connection of digital entertainment devices, such as: set top boxes, digital video recorders and camcorders, digital versa-
tile discs (DVDs), televisions, etc.
• Multimedia applications and video editing.
• Input and output devices such as printers, scanners, etc.
14.2. Technical specifi cations
• Depending on the application, the maximum data transfer rate is 100, 200 or 400 Mbit/s which represents a data through-
put of up to 50 MB per second.
• The devices can be connected and removed while the machine is running (hot plugging).
• The standardised cable (shielded twisted pair – STP) contains 6 wires. Two wires are used for power (8 V to 40 V, 1.5 A max.)
and can be used for the external power supply. The four signal wires are used to transfer data and control information.
Many devices do not need power via the cable so four pin plugs are used.
• The voltage output in the 6-pin IEEE 1394 connection is protected by a fuse (limited power source in accordance with
15. USB connection (optional)
Devices connected directly to the USB BUS may not draw more than 500 mA. The voltage output is protected by a fuse
(limited power source in accordance with EN 60950). If the devices require a higher output, then it will be necessary to
purchase a hub (distributor/booster).
Up to 127 devices compatible with the USB standard can be connected to the sockets for USB (Universal Serial Bus 1.1 and
2.0). The USB 3.0 sockets are fully backwards compatible with USB 2.0 and 1.1.
Where possible, always connect your USB devices to the same port that they were originally installed on. Otherwise they
will be assigned a new ID and the drivers will need to be reinstalled.
16. The TV card (optional)
To receive a TV signal using the TV tuner, an analogue aerial, DVB-T aerial or a digital SAT
system must be connected.
Disconnect the aerial when the device is not being used, especially during thunderstorms. This will protect your device
from possible
lightning strikes.
Audio or video recordings require a lot of memory (up to approx. 2.4 GB/hour). Back up any non-necessary files onto ex-
ternal media such as CD-Rs or hard drives.
17. Networking
Your PC is provided with a Fast Ethernet-Network connector.
17.1. What is a network?
We talk about a network when several PC’s are connected to one another.
This allows users to transfer information and data from PC to PC and to share their resources (printers, modem and drives).
Here are a few concrete examples:
• In an office messages are exchanged by e-mail and appointments are managed centrally.
• Users share one printer on the network and back up their data to a central computer (server).
• Two or more PCs are connected to one another to play network games or exchange data.
**The optional SAT socket on your PC is a DVB-S2 socket for high-resolution satellite TV reception. This only enables playback of released and unencrypted
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