NOTE:Move the entire package to the selected site. Do not drag the spa tub across the ground as this can cause damage and leakage. Open the carton
carefully as this can be used to store the spa over long periods or when not in use.
NOTE:Lay out all the parts on the ground and make sure they are all accounted for. For missing or damaged parts contact the appropriate MSpa
after-sales service center.
NOTE:Your spa will require additional air to be added from time to time. Changes in temperature from day to night will change the pressure of the spa tub
and may cause a certain amount of deflation. Shut down all functions and hold down the BUBBLE button for more than 3 seconds to add more air, until the
manometer points to the YELLOW section(without water) or GREEN section (with water).
Inflating the spa tub wall
Take out the ground mat and spread it over the cleared area. Then spread out the spa tub over the ground cloth and point the drain valve towards a suitable
draining area. NOTE: Spread the ground cloth with the bubbles facing down over the cleared area where you intend to set up your spa.
1. Press the BUBBLE button and the UP button at the same time to start auto-inflation.
2. The inflation will automatically stop once the proper air pressure is reached. NOTE: You can also stop inflation at any time by pressing the BUBBLE
button again.
3. The manometer should point to the yellow section after auto-inflation stops.
Ensure the manometer points to the Yellow section in the following conditions
After inflation, before filling the water.
When leaving the spa outdoors unattended for long periods of time at a temperature higher than 20°C (68°F).
Ensure the manometer points to the Green section in the following conditions
When the spa is filled with water.
When the spa is in use.
WARNING: If the manometer points to the White section, the air pressure of your spa is too high.
Slightly rotate the valve cap counter-clockwise to release some air. Then tighten the cap after the pointer returns to the
Green or Yellow section.
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