NOTE:Inflate the spa tub first before installing the filter cartridge.
NOTE: Always use a filter cartridge when the spa is in use and filled with water.
WARNING:Do not overfill the spa.
Do not operate the spa until the water reaches the MIN mark.
Never move the spa tub with water inside.
Never pour water with a temperature higher than 40 °C (104°F) into the spa directly. We recommend that you fill the spa tub with lukewarm water to heat it
more quickly and save energy.
Installing the Filter Cartridge
1. Attach the filter cartridge base to the spa tub inlet grid (upper position) and turn it slightly to secure. NOTE: The filter cartridge base is designed to be
screwed on and off. Never exert force as this could cause damage.
2. Put the mesh cover on the filter cartridge then attach the filter cartridge to the base.
For this model, a side bar is included in the package. Set up the wicker bar and place the
supporting legs underneath the spa tub before filling the water. It helps keeping the oval spa in
a proper shape after water filling and inflation.
NOTE:The hourly heating rate is around 2°C - 2.5°C (2.5°F - 3.5°F)
for a 2-person spa or a 4-person square spa, 1.5°C - 2°C
(2.5°F - 3.5°F) for a 4-person round spa, and 1.2°C - 1.8°C
(2°F - 3°F) for a 6-person spa.
Heating the water
1. Place the spa air bladder and spa cover over the spa tub, make sure the spa cover buckles are locked and pull the buckled straps tight.
2. Ensure the spa is plugged into an electrical socket and see the “Controller operation” section for further details on operation.
Filling the spa with water
1. Before filling with water ensure the bottom drain valve cap is securely closed.
2. Fill the spa tub with fresh water to a level between MIN and MAX marked on the inside of the spa wall.
Open the air valve (a) on the bladder. Insert the inflation hose (b) into the valve.
Open the air valve (c) on the spa pool. Ensure that you select the black one.
2. Press the BUBBLE button to inflate until the bladder is firm to the touch but
not hard.
3. Press the BUBBLE button for more than 3 seconds to stop inflation.
Disconnect the inflation hose from the air blower outlet and the valve.
4. Put the air valve cap (c) back in place and then close and push in the
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