11SOURCE: Use to select one of six inputs. Press repeatedly to step through the T 754’s audio/video inputs. The digital inputs are default
assigned to the video input (DVD, SAT, VCR, VIDEO 4-5, CD) but can be arranged in any order using the T754’s SETUP OSD. The chart below shows
the default assignments; see “Input Setup.”
Digital Input JackDefault Assignment
Coax 3VCR
Coax 4VIDEO 4
Coax 5VIDEO 5
Coax 6CD
NOTE: Digital inputs take precedence: The T 754 will automatically play any active signal present at the selected digital input; if none is present,
it will “fall back” to the analog audio input assigned to that Video input. Digital inputs can be selected OFF to listen to the analog input of a source
with an assigned digital input.
12SURROUND MODE: Use to select the T 754’s Listening Mode. Press repeatedly to step through the T 754’s Listening Modes. See “About the T 754’s
Listening Modes,” below.
NOTE: Depending on the format of the currently selected input (digital or analog; stereo or multichannel), different modes will be available. See
“About the T 754’s Listening Modes,” below.
13LEVELS: Press repeatedly to select the channel, and then use the VOLUME(SETUP) knob to adjust the levels of the T 754’s 7 channels /pairs in turn:
front-left, -center, –right; surround; surround back; subwoofer. The selected channel appears on the VFL and on-screen displays; use the
VOLUME(SETUP) knob to adjust its level relative to the others over a range of ±12 dB. Channel levels may also be adjusted via the on-screen menus;
see “Adjusting Channel Levels,” below.
NOTE: The HTR 2 remote’s [Surr.], [Center], and [Sub]
/keys provide direct access to those channels’ relative levels, however in this case the
level changes are only temporary and are not saved in memory.
14TONE DEFEAT: Press to disable the tone controls; press again to re-enable them for instance, to compare a tone setting to unmodified sound.
NOTE: While TONE DEFEAT is engaged, the TONE CONTROLS key will have no effect.
15TONE CONTROLS: Press to adjust treble using the VOLUME (SETUP) knob over a ±10 dB range; press again to adjust bass, and a third time to exit
tone-control adjustment.
16SPEAKERS A & B: Press either speaker A or B or both to select the set of speakers you wish to listen to. The Speakers A are the main set of 6 multi-
channel front and surround speakers. The Speaker B are an auxiliary set for remote locations such as other rooms of your home. For Speaker B
selection all surround sound sources are downmixed to stereo as shown in the florescent display.
17VIDEO 6 INPUT: Use these convenience jacks for occasional sources, such as a camcorder, portable MP3 or tape player, or a video game console,
or any other analog audio, or composite or S-Video video source. Select the Video 6 input using the HTR 2 remote, or the front-panel VIDEO 6 key.
18PHONES: Accepts stereo headphone using a standard 1/4-inch stereo phone plug (use a suitable adapter for headphones equipped with a smaller
plug); set the Listening Mode to “Stereo.”
NOTE: For headphone listening the front left/right speakers must be set to “Large” on the OSD’s Speaker Settings page, otherwise headphone bass
response will be restricted.
NOTE: Plugging in headphones will automatically switch the T 754 to “Stereo” mode.
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