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Condition/Problem Things to Check Solution
No display/partial display/
unit will not turn on
Check electrical (wall)
Make sure unit is plugged into a functioning wall outlet.
Check connection at front
of unit
Connection should be secure and undamaged. Replace
adapter or connection at unit if either are damaged.
Power Switch Turn on the power with the Power Switch
Check data cable integrity All wires in cable should be intact. If any are visibly crimped or
cut, replace cable.
Check data cable
Be sure cable is connected securely and oriented properly.
Small latch on connector should line up and snap into place.
Check console display for
Check for visual sign that console display is cracked or other-
wise damaged. Replace Console if damaged.
Console Display IfConsoleonlyhaspartialdisplayandallconnectionsarene,
replace the Console.
If the above steps do not resolve the problem, contact Cus-
tomer Care for further assistance.
Unit operates but Contact
HR not displayed
HR cable connection at
Be sure cable is connected securely to Console.
HRcableboxconnection Be sure cables from handlebars and cable to Console are
secure and undamaged.
Sensor grip Be sure hands are centered on HR sensors. Hands must be
kept still with relatively equal pressure applied to each side.
Dry or calloused hands Sensorsmayhavedifcultywithdriedoutorcallousedhands.
A conductive electrode cream (heart rate cream) can help
make better conduct. These are available on the web or at
Static Handlebar If tests reveal no other issues, Static Handlebar should be
Unit operates but
Telemetric HR not
Chest Strap (optional)
Strap should be “POLAR
” compatible and uncoded. Make
sure strap is directly against skin and contact area is wet.
CheckUserProle SelecttheEditUserProleoptionfortheUserProle.Goto
the WIRELESS HR setting and make sure that the current
value is set to ON.
Interference Try moving unit away from sources of interference (TV, Micro-
wave, etc).
Replace Chest Strap If interference is eliminated and HR does not function, replace
Replace Console If HR still does not function, replace Console.
Unit operates but
Telemetric HR displayed
Interference Make sure that the HR receiver is not blocked by a personal
electronic device in the left side of the media tray.
No speed/RPM reading,
Console displays “Please
Stride” error code
Check data cable integrity All wires in cable should be intact. If any are cut or crimped,
replace cable.
Check data cable
Be sure cable is connected securely and oriented properly.
Small latch on connector should line up and snap into place.
Check magnet position
(requires shroud removal)
Magnet should be in place on pulley.
Check Speed Sensor
(requires shroud removal)
Speed sensor should be aligned with magnet and connected to
data cable. Realign sensor if necessary. Replace if there is any
damage to the sensor or the connecting wire.

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