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9. Appendix
Common Problems & Solutions
Problem CheckTheseItems
Does not turn on or
shut down
• Checkthatthepowercordispluggedinandthatthepowerbuttonontheprojectorcabinetortheremotecontrol
is on� ( pages 13, 14, 17)
• Ensurethatthelampcoverisinstalledcorrectly.( page 182)
• Checktoseeiftheprojectorhasoverheated.Ifthereisinsufcientventilationaroundtheprojectororiftheroom
where you are presenting is particularly warm, move the projector to a cooler location�
• Checktoseeifyoucontinuetousetheprojectorforanother100hoursafterthelamphasreachedtheendofits
life� If so, replace the lamp� After replacing the lamp, reset the lamp hours used� ( page 135)
• Thelampmayfailtolight.Waitafullminuteandthenturnonthepoweragain.
• Set[FANMODE]to[HIGHALTITUDE]whenusingtheprojectorataltitudesapproximately5500feet/1600meters
ALTITUDE] can cause the projector to overheat and the projector could shut down� If this happens, wait a couple
minutes and turn on the projector� ( page 126)
If you turn on the projector immediately after the lamp is turned off, the fans run without displaying an image for
some time and then the projector will display the image� Wait for a moment�
Will turn off • Ensurethatthe[OFFTIMER],[AUTOPOWEROFF]or[PROGRAMTIMER]isoff.( page 118, 129)
No picture
• Checkiftheappropriateinputisselected.( page 20) If there is still no picture, press the SOURCE button or one
of the input buttons again�
• Ensureyourcablesareconnectedproperly.
• Usemenustoadjustthebrightnessandcontrast.( page 108)
• Ensurethatthelenscoverisopen.( page 16)
• Resetthesettingsoradjustmentstofactorypresetlevelsusingthe[RESET]intheMenu.( page 135)
• EnteryourregisteredkeywordiftheSecurityfunctionisenabled.( page 42)
• IftheHDMIinputortheDisplayPortsignalcannotbedisplayed,trythefollowing.
- Reinstall your driver for the graphics card built in your computer, or use the updated driver
For reinstalling or updating your driver, refer to the user guide accompanied with your computer or graphics
card, or contact the support center for your computer manufacturer
Install the updated driver or OS on your own responsibility�
We are not liable for any trouble and failure caused by this installation�
• BesuretoconnecttheprojectorandnotebookPCwhiletheprojectorisinstandbymodeandbeforeturningon
the power to the notebook PC�
In most cases the output signal from the notebook PC is not turned on unless connected to the projector before
being powered up�
* If the screen goes blank while using your remote control, it may be the result of the computer’s screen-saver
or power management software�
• Seealsothepage231
Color tone or hue is
• Checkifanappropriatecolorisselectedin[WALLCOLOR].Ifso,selectanappropriateoption.( page 116)
• Adjust[HUE]in[PICTURE].( page 108)
Image isn’t square to
the screen
• Repositiontheprojectortoimproveitsangletothescreen.( page 21)
• UsetheKeystonecorrectionfunctiontocorrectthetrapezoiddistortion.( page 26)
Picture is blurred
• Adjustthefocus.( page 24)
• Repositiontheprojectortoimproveitsangletothescreen.( page 21)
• Ensure that the distance between the projector and screenis within the adjustment range of the lens.
( page 211, 212, 213)
• Hasthelensbeenshiftedbyanamountexceedingtheguaranteedrange?( page 214)
• Condensationmayformonthelensiftheprojectoriscold,broughtintoawarmplaceandisthenturnedon.
Should this happen, let the projector stand until there is no condensation on the lens�
Flicker appears on
• Set[FANMODE]tootherthan[HIGHALTITUDE]modewhenusingtheprojectorataltitudesapproximately5500
setting to [HIGH ALTITUDE] can cause the lamp to overcool, causing the image to flicker� Switch [FAN MODE] to
[AUTO]� ( page 126)
Image is scrolling
vertically, horizontally
or both
• Checkthecomputer’sresolutionandfrequency.Makesurethattheresolutionyouaretryingtodisplayissupported
by the projector� ( page 220)
• AdjustthecomputerimagemanuallywiththeHorizontal/Verticalinthe[IMAGEOPTIONS].( page 110)

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