NetBotz Wireless Sensor Pod 180 Installation Guide
Supported devices on the NetBotz wireless network
The NetBotz Wireless Sensor Pod 180 is the only wireless sensor supported on
the wireless sensor network in BotzWare v4.3 and Advanced View v4.3.
One NetBotz v4.3 appliance supports a total of 26 Wireless Sensor Pod 180s,
including the Coordinator, in the wireless sensor network.
BotzWare v4.4 and Advanced View v4.4 support the following wireless sensors
on the wireless sensor network:
• NetBotz Wireless Sensor Pod 180
• NetBotz Wireless Temperature Sensor (NBWS100T and NBWS100H)
• NetBotz USB Coordinator & Router (NBWC100U)
The NetBotz v4.4 Rack Monitor 450 appliance supports a total of 26 wireless
devices on the wireless sensor network.
The NetBotz v4.4 Room Monitor 455, Rack Monitor 550, and Rack Monitor
570 appliances support a total of 48 wireless devices on the wireless sensor