For more information about how to disable your router’s MAC filter,
WiFi access control, or ACL, see your router’s documentation.
2. Power on the extender and connect all of your WiFi devices to the
extender network.
3. Make sure that the Router Link LED remains lit.
4. Log in to your extender:
a. Launch a web browser.
b. Enter www.mywifiext.net in the address field of the browser.
A login window opens.
c. Enter your user name and password and click the LOG IN button.
The Status page displays.
5. Select Settings > Connected Devices.
The Connected Devices section displays the MAC addresses and
virtual MAC addresses for the computers and WiFi devices that are
connected to the extender.
6. On the router, add the extender’s virtual MAC addresses and all of the
virtual MAC addresses of the devices connected to the extender to
your router’s MAC filter table.
7. Enable the router’s MAC filter, WiFi access control, or ACL.