EN NX-7002 HomeText user manual
HomeText is a new way for you to send SMS messages from your mobile phone to control your se curity
Sending SMS messag es to your security syste m
1. Create the message.
2. Enter the telepho ne number given t o you by the inst aller.
3. Send the messa ge
Message format
Messages can consist of a pas sword, commands and [values ].
• Your system can be set up to use a password. If s o enter a passwo rd before the command.
• Commands are instructions you send to the security system. They are sho wn in bold below.
• [Values ] are information you want to send or receive from th e system. They are shown italicised
between brack ets [ ] below.
• If you need to en ter more than one value in a list, they need to be separated by spaces. For example, to
bypass zone s 2, 4 and 6, se nd the com mand bypass 2 4 6.
• All these elements are not case-sensitive. No national characters are allowed an d should not be used -
neither in com mands nor in val ues - for example, you should ty pe espanol instead of Español.
To Do This Send This Explanation Example
Get your sy stem statu s
Sends the system
status to your phone.
Arm your system
arm [partition list ]
Arms the system
remotely. Instead of
the partition numbers
you can use a
keyword ALL for a ll
arm 1 to arm partition 1
arm 1 3 to arm partitions 1 and 3
arm all to arm all partitions
Disarm your system
disarm [partition
Disarms the system
disarm 1 to disarm partit ion 1
disarm 1 3 to disarm partitions 1
and 3
disarm all to disarm all partitions
Partarm your system
partarm [partition
Partarms the syst em
partarm 1 to arm par titio n 1
partarm 1 3 to arm partitions 1
and 3
partarm all to arm all partitions
Get the status of the
specified zones
zone status
[partition list ]
Sends the statu s of
the zone (s) to your
phone. Sendi ng a
command without a
partition list returns
information for all
zone status 1 to receive the
message with zone status from
zones assigned t o partition 1
zone status all to receive the
message with zone status for all
Get a list of zones with
zone faults
[partition list ]
Sends a list of zones
with problems to
your phone. Sending
a command with out
a partition list returns
information for all
zone faults 1 to receive fault
information fr om zones assign ed
to partition 1
zone faults all to receive the
message with zon e faults for all
Bypass zones
bypass [zone list ]
Bypasses the
specified zones.
bypass 1 3 to bypass zones 1 and
Read events from the
event log
events [number ]
events [range ]
Sends the specified
event or events from
the event log to the
events 1 to read the last (newest)
event from the panel log
events 1 3 to read the last 3
events from the panel log
events returns the 10 most recen t
Set a connectio n to a
home automation
X10_house_cod e
Connects a specifi ed
home automation
output 2 A 1 to set output tw o to
control X-10 d evice with house
code A and unit number 1
Switch on X-10 outputs
on [ output list ]
Switches on an X-10
on 1 4 7 to switch on X-10 outp uts
1, 4 and 7
on all to switch on all X-10 outputs
To Do This Send This Explanation Example
Switch off X-10 outputs
off [output list ]
Switches off an X-10
off 1 4 7 to switch off X-10 outp uts
1, 4 and 7
off all to switch off all X-10 outputs
Activate an auxiliary
switch aux [output
Changes the auxiliary
function that o ccurs
when it is activated,
for example by a
button on a keyfob.
switch aux 1 to activate aux
output 1 on the panel
Change your user code
user code [new
user code]
Changes you r user
user code 0101 to change your
own user code to 0101
Change ano ther user
user code [user
number new user
Changes anothe r
persons’ use r code.
user code 2 0101 to change the
user cod e to 0101 for t he user 2
Delete a user code
delete user code
[user number ]
Deletes a user co de.
delete user code 2 to delete the
user code for the user 2
Start reporting
start reporting
Sends reports fro m
the NX7002 .
start reporting
Stop reporting until
system re-arm
stop reporting
Stops reports being
sent form the
NX7002 until th e
system is rearmed.
stop reporting
Stop reporting until you
start it again
stop reporting
Stops reports being
sent from the
NX7002 unt il the start
reporting comma nd
is sent.
stop reporting permanent
Register your phone
register [phone
number user
The phone is
registered with your
alarm system.
register 32444123456 2 to
register the number 3 2444123456
to user 2
Register your phone
with a new password
register [phone
number user
number Password]
The phone is
registered with your
alarm system with a
new password.
register 32444123456 1 444444
to register the nu mber
324441234 56 to us er 1 wit h a
password 4 44444
To change lan guage
[language ]
The language the
SMS texts use is
changed. The
available argume nts
(languages) are:
English, D utch,
Espanol, Suomi,
Italiano, Polska ,
Portugues, Svenska,
Francais, Dansk ,
Deutsch and Nors k.
Note: No national
characters are to be
used in typed
language deutsch to change the
interface to German
To get a list of SM S
Sends a list of valid
SMS commands to
your phone.
To get a users details
user details [user
Sends the users
details to your phone.
user details 2 to receive a
message with info rmation abou t
user 2
To get the current
config uration of
list outputs
Sends a list of how
the outputs are
programme d to your
list outputs
To get a list of use rs
list users
Sends a list of all
currently registered
users and their phone
list users
To disable access from
the specified phone
disable phone
[phone number ]
Disables the SMS
system control from
the particular phone.
disable phone 32444123456 to
disable HomeText control from th is
phone numbe r
To enable access from
the specified phone
enable phone
[phone number ]
Enables a previously
disabled SMS system
control from the
particular phone.
enable phone 32444123456 to
enable HomeText control from this
phone numbe r
To Do This Send This Explanation Example
To change your
password [new
Changes you r
password 444444 to change a
password as signed to your phone
to 444444
To change an other
persons SMS password
password phone
[phone number
new password]
Changes anothe r
person’s pas sword.
password phone 32444123456
444444 to change a passwor d
assigned to the number
32444123456 to 444444
Receiving SMS messages f rom your security system
HomeText can be set up to send two types of text messages to your mobile phone.
• Confirmation messages are sent after you send a message. They let you k now the message has been
received and t he command has been carried out.
• Report messages are sent after events. These are similar to the reports in the event log viewed o n the
Message Meaning
Alarm partition list
There is an alarm in the partitions listed.
Armed partition list
The partitions listed have bee n armed.
Partarmed parti tion list
The partitions listed have been part armed.
Disarmed partition list
The partitions listed have been disarmed.
Not ready partition list
The partitions listed cannot be arme d.
Partition n Ope n zone list
The zones listed in this partition are open.
Partition n Bypassed zone list
The zones listed in this partition are bypasse d.
Copyright © 27/5/08, GE Security B.V. 106 xxxx