EN n v Niko sa I ndu str iep ar k West 4 0, B E- 9100 S int- Ni kla as , Bel gium — t el. +3 2 3 7 78 9 0 00 — f ax + 32 3 7 7 7 71 20 — e -ma il: sup por t @n iko.b e — w ww.n iko.e u PM350-20079R1 5342
Read the complete manual before carrying out the installation and activating the system. Keep the
manual for future reference.
The presence or absence detector 360° (slave)
for surface mounting
consists of an integral unit with
on-off control of one channel and a motion sensor (PIR or passive infrared technology).
Y ou will use this device in combination with a master (350-20078) to increase the detection area (see section
The slave will control the lighting according to the parameters set on the master . For more information, please
refer to the manual supplied with the master .
2.1. Connection
Danger: Disconnect all power before installing the detector . Do not connect the device to the mains voltage
until installation has been completed.
Refer to the wiring diagram (fig. 1).
2.2. Mounting
Tip: Do not install the detector in the vicinity of heat sources such as stoves or electric heaters, air currents
(ventilation systems) or any moving objects (fig. 2). This can activate the device unnecessarily as it reacts to
motion and heat in its surroundings.
Tip: The recommended mounting height is 2 to 3.4 m. The working of the detector is optimal a t a height of
2.5 m: at this height, the detector has a range with a diameter of 24 m on the ground and 13.5 m at a height
of 80cm (table height) (fig. 3).
The detector is suited for direct mounting to the ceiling (fig. 4).
3.1. DIP switches
Using the two DIP switches you set the sensitivity of the motion sensor . Y ou can choose from the following
options: minimum, low , high or maximum. Refer to figure 5 for the position of the DIP switches depending on
the desired sensitivity .
At delivery the motion sensor of this detector is set at the high sensitivity mode.
3.2. Potentiometer
Contrary to the master , the housing of the slave includes only one potentiometer with one single function, i.e.
activating the walking test (fig. 6).
The detection area is tested by activating the integrated motion sensor for the walking test :
1. Set the potentiometer to the minimum value.
The blue indication LED lights up when you activate the test mode.
The lighting is switched on for five seconds and the red indication LED lights up each time the sensor
detects activity . If no activity is detected and the sensor is still in test mode, the blue indication LED lights
2. Set the potentiometer back to the middle value as soon as the walking test is completed.
If you forget to close the test mode, the detector will return to the selected settings after five minutes.
4.1. Activation
The detector should not be powered until all cables are connected. After powering the device, the detector will
be ready for use after approximately 120 seconds (warm-up time).
The red indication LED flashes during warm-up time. After the device has warmed up, the green indication
LED will flash briefly twice.
4.2. Detection range
The detection area can be increased by adding an extra detector (slave) (350-20079). A maximum of ten
slaves can be connected to one master (350-20078). The lighting is operated in accordance with the settings
on the master . Both the master and the slave have the same detection range (a circle with a diameter of 24
m). When covering a complete area using several detectors, it is recommended to take into account an overlap
of approximately 30% (fig. 7).
If you would like to exclude motion detection in a portion of the detection area or if the detection area is too
large, you cover the sensor lens using the cover cap supplied. This allows you to reduce the maximum range
to 24 m. The 360° detection angle can be reduced in steps of 30°.
Dirt may prevent the detector from functioning properly . Theref ore, always keep the lens clean and dr y . Use a
damp cloth and water with some detergent to clean the lens. Never exert pressure to wipe the lens clean. If
the lens or other parts of the detector are defective, please contact an authorised installer .
45.9 x 117.3 mm (HxW)
64.1 x 117.3 mm (HxW) (including non-visible part)
power supply voltage 230 Vac ± 10%, 50 Hz
power consumption 0,2 W
mounting height (fig. 3) 2 – 3,4 m
detection angle (fig. 3) 360°
detection range (fig. 3) circular , 3 – 24 m
wire input 3 x 2,5 mm²
cable inlet on the side: 3 x Ø 14 mm
on the top: 2 x Ø 14 mm
protection degree IP54
protection class
class I devices
ambient temperature -5 – +50°C
quality mark CE marked in compliance with EN 60669-2-1
accessories presence or absence detector 360° (master) (350-20078)
- Th e inst alla tion s houl d be ca rri ed ou t by a regi ste red ins ta ller an d in com plian ce wi th th e st atut or y reg ulati ons.
- Th is use r manua l shou ld be pr ese nted t o the us er. It sho uld be in clud ed in th e elec tr ical i nst allat ion f ile, an d
it sh ould b e pas sed o n to any ne w own ers. A ddi tio nal co pie s are ava ilabl e on th e Niko w ebsi te or v ia the N iko
suppor t service.
- Dur ing ins ta llati on, th e foll owing s houl d be t aken in to acc oun t (non -exh aust ive li st):
- the s tat uto r y laws, s ta ndar ds an d regul atio ns.
- the t echn olo gy cur rent ly ava ilabl e at the t ime of in st allat ion.
- this u ser m anual, w hich o nly s tat es gen eral r egula tio ns and s hould t her efore b e rea d wit hin the s cop e of
each specific inst allation.
- the r ules o f pro per wo rk mans hip.
This product complies with all of the relevant European guidelines and regulations. If applicable, you can find
the EC declaration of conformity regarding this product at www.niko.eu.
In case of doubt or for the specific exchange procedure in case of a possible defect, contact the Niko support
service in Belgium at +32 3 778 90 80 or your wholesaler/installer . Contact details and more information can
be found at www.niko.eu under the “Help and advice” section.
- Th e per iod of g uara nte e is four y ear s from t he da te of de liver y. Th e deli ver y dat e is the in voic e date o f purc hase
of th e pro duct b y the c onsu mer. If the re is no in voic e, the d ate of pr odu cti on ap plie s.
- Th e con sumer i s oblig ed to in for m Niko i n wri ting a bou t the n on- con form it y, within t w o mont hs af ter s ta ting
the def ect.
- In c ase of a n on- co nfor mit y, the co nsum er onl y has th e righ t to a pr oduc t rep air or r epla ceme nt fre e of cha rge,
whi ch shal l be de cide d by Nik o.
- Nik o shall n ot be he ld lia ble fo r a defe ct or d amage r esul ting f rom in cor rec t inst alla tio n, impr oper o r car eles s
use, incorrect operation, transformation of the product, maintenance that does not adhere to the maintenance
inst ru cti ons or a n ext ern al cau se, su ch as da mage d ue to mo ist ure or ov er volt age.
- Th e comp ulso r y regul atio ns of t he nat iona l legis lati on co ncer ning t he sa le of co nsum er go ods an d the
pro tec tion o f the c onsum er in th e cou ntr ies wh ere Ni ko sel ls, dir ect ly or v ia sis ter co mpan ies, s ubsi diar ies,
chain stores, distributors, agents or permanent sales representatives, take priority over the above-mentioned
rules and regulations.
Do not dump this product with the unsorted waste. Bring it to a recognised waste collection point. T ogether with producers
and importers, you have an important role to play in the advancement of sorting, recycling and reusing discarded electrical
and electronic appliances. In order to finance the waste collection and processing, the government levies a recycling
contribution in some cases (included in the purchase price of this product).