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Resumen operativo
Precaución: La utilización de controles, ajustes o
parámetros de procedimiento distintos de los
aquí indicados puede provocar una exposición a
radiaciones peligrosas.
1. Coloque una batería en el compartimento de la
batería (consulte "Cambio de la batería")
2. Ajuste de dioptrías
Ajuste las dioptrías para conseguir una imagen clara
en el LCD.
En primer lugar gire el aro de ajuste de dioptrías en
sentido contrario al de las agujas del reloj hasta que
llegue a su tope. Después encienda el aparato para
activar el LCD cuando mire a través del telémetro
láser Nikon. Gire el aro de ajuste de dioptrías en el
sentido de las agujas del reloj hasta que la pantalla
quede enfocada.
Si no ajusta las dioptrías a su graduación, quizás no
pueda enfocar correctamente su sujeto.
3. Medición
Antes de medir asegúrese de confirmar el ajuste de
la unidad.
1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last
Immediately after power-on.
Stand-by. Target focusing.
2. Aim at the target
3. Press POWER button once to start
continuous measurement for 8 seconds.
(Single measurement mode is not
available with this laser rangefinder.)
4. For 8 seconds, the internal display shows “distance” and “fail to measure” indicator alternately.
(Laser irradiation mark is blinking.)
Failure to measure or
unable to measure distance.
Displays the measured
figure. (Target 1)
Displays the measured
figure. (Target 2)
5. After continuous measurement, the measured results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power
turns off.
If you press the POWER button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another
8-second measurement starts.
1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last
Immediately after power-on.
Stand-by. Target focusing.
2. Aim at the target
3. Press POWER button once to start
continuous measurement for 8 seconds.
(Single measurement mode is not
available with this laser rangefinder.)
4. For 8 seconds, the internal display shows “distance” and “fail to measure” indicator alternately.
(Laser irradiation mark is blinking.)
Failure to measure or
unable to measure distance.
Displays the measured
figure. (Target 1)
Displays the measured
figure. (Target 2)
5. After continuous measurement, the measured results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power
turns off.
If you press the POWER button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another
8-second measurement starts.
1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last
Immediately after power-on.
Stand-by. Target focusing.
2. Aim at the target
3. Press POWER button once to start
continuous measurement for 8 seconds.
(Single measurement mode is not
available with this laser rangefinder.)
4. For 8 seconds, the internal display shows “distance” and “fail to measure” indicator alternately.
(Laser irradiation mark is blinking.)
Failure to measure or
unable to measure distance.
Displays the measured
figure. (Target 1)
Displays the measured
figure. (Target 2)
5. After continuous measurement, the measured results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power
turns off.
If you press the POWER button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another
8-second measurement starts.
1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last
Immediately after power-on.
Stand-by. Target focusing.
2. Aim at the target
3. Press POWER button once to start
continuous measurement for 8 seconds.
(Single measurement mode is not
available with this laser rangefinder.)
4. For 8 seconds, the internal display shows “distance” and “fail to measure” indicator alternately.
(Laser irradiation mark is blinking.)
Failure to measure or
unable to measure distance.
Displays the measured
figure. (Target 1)
Displays the measured
figure. (Target 2)
5. After continuous measurement, the measured results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power
turns off.
If you press the POWER button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another
8-second measurement starts.
1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last
Immediately after power-on.
Stand-by. Target focusing.
2. Aim at the target
3. Press POWER button once to start
continuous measurement for 8 seconds.
(Single measurement mode is not
available with this laser rangefinder.)
4. For 8 seconds, the internal display shows “distance” and “fail to measure” indicator alternately.
(Laser irradiation mark is blinking.)
Failure to measure or
unable to measure distance.
Displays the measured
figure. (Target 1)
Displays the measured
figure. (Target 2)
5. After continuous measurement, the measured results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power
turns off.
If you press the POWER button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another
8-second measurement starts.
1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last
Immediately after power-on.
Stand-by. Target focusing.
2. Aim at the target
3. Press POWER button once to start
continuous measurement for 8 seconds.
(Single measurement mode is not
available with this laser rangefinder.)
4. For 8 seconds, the internal display shows “distance” and “fail to measure” indicator alternately.
(Laser irradiation mark is blinking.)
Failure to measure or
unable to measure distance.
Displays the measured
figure. (Target 1)
Displays the measured
figure. (Target 2)
5. After continuous measurement, the measured results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power
turns off.
If you press the POWER button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another
8-second measurement starts.
1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last
Immediately after power-on.
Stand-by. Target focusing.
2. Aim at the target
3. Press POWER button once to start
continuous measurement for 8 seconds.
(Single measurement mode is not
available with this laser rangefinder.)
4. For 8 seconds, the internal display shows “distance” and “fail to measure” indicator alternately.
(Laser irradiation mark is blinking.)
Failure to measure or
unable to measure distance.
Displays the measured
figure. (Target 1)
Displays the measured
figure. (Target 2)
5. After continuous measurement, the measured results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power
turns off.
If you press the POWER button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another
8-second measurement starts.
1. Presione el botón
POWER para encender.
2. Apunte al sujeto.
después del encendido
Modo de espera. Apuntar al sujeto.
3. Presione el botón POWER para empezar una medición continua de
ocho segundos (en este telémetro no está disponible el modo de
medición única).
4. Durante ocho segundos la pantalla interna muestra
alternativamente los indicadores "distancia" y "no se pudo medir"
(destella la marca de radiación láser.)
Medición fallida o
no se pudo medir la
Muestra la cifra
medida (Sujeto 1)
Muestra la cifra
medida (Sujeto 2)
1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last
Immediately after power-on.
Stand-by. Target focusing.
2. Aim at the target
3. Press POWER button once to start
continuous measurement for 8 seconds.
(Single measurement mode is not
available with this laser rangefinder.)
4. For 8 seconds, the internal display shows “distance” and “fail to measure” indicator alternately.
(Laser irradiation mark is blinking.)
Failure to measure or
unable to measure distance.
Displays the measured
figure. (Target 1)
Displays the measured
figure. (Target 2)
5. After continuous measurement, the measured results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power
turns off.
If you press the POWER button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another
8-second measurement starts.
5. Después de la medición continua, se visualizan los resultados
medidos durante 8 segundos y después se apaga la corriente.
Si presiona el botón POWER con el aparato encendido (con la
pantalla interna activa) se inicia otra medición de ocho segundos.
Al medir la distancia a la bandera en un campo de golf, por
ejemplo, escanear la bandera durante la medición proporciona
la medición con más facilidad. Si no hay objetos entre usted y la
bandera, el resultado menor es la distancia a la bandera.
4. Selección de la unidad de visualización
(el ajuste predeterminado es la yarda)
1. Confirme que el panel LCD interno está encendido.
2. Mantenga pulsado el botón MODE (dos segundos o
3. Cuando la unidad de visualización haya cambiado,
suelte el botón MODE.
4. Una vez fijada l unidad, los resultados se convertirán y
visualizarán en la unidad de medición seleccionada.
Metro [ ]Yarda [ ]
6. Indicación de batería baja
destellante indica que la carga de la batería
está baja y debe ser sustituida (consulte "Cambio de
la batería").
7. Retroiluminación
Utilice la retroiluminación para ver el panel LCD en
la oscuridad.
Su pulsa brevemente (menos de dos segundos)
el botón MODE con el aparato encendido, la
retroiluminación puede encenderse y apagarse.
La retroiluminación también puede apagarse
apagando el telémetro láser. En este caso,
cuando se vuelva a encender el telémetro láser la
retroiluminación se encenderá de nuevo.
5. Visualización de la distancia
El COOLSHOT aplica el sistema de Prioridad al primer
Si se obtienen resultados distintos con una sola
operación de medición, mostrará en el panel LCD la
distancia al sujeto más cercano.
p.ej.) Al medir un árbol que está delante de una casa;
Se mostrará "115 m" (distancia al árbol).
Esto resulta útil para el golf.
Árbol Valla Casa
Distancia al objetivo 115 m 123 m 128 m

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