W ireless remote c amera c ontrol ha s never been
easier. Instead of using c onventiona l infrared
transmission, the new W R - R10 an d W R -T 10
commu nica te via rad io for incre ased ra nge.
Because ra dio transmission is used,
commu nica tion is p ossib le even wit h no direc t
line of sight b etwe en devi ces. T hese n ew
wirel ess re mot e contr ol accessori es also enable
vario us op eratio ns such as au tofocus, vi deo
recording, cont inuous sh ooting and qu iet
shut ter- release sh ooting . Use the W R -T 10 a s a
transmi tter, to trigger a sin gle or mu ltipl e cam eras w ith the
W R - R10 at ta ched* . This p ermit s ca pture of the sam e moment
from multi ple pe rspe cti ves and wi th dif ferent lenses a s a still and /
or video .
*W R -T 10 a nd W R - R10 (s) h av e t o be s et t o t he s am e c ha nn el an d p air ed i n ad v an ce t o ac hie v e sim ult a ne ou s
relea se.
No te : Dep en din g on th e cam er a, th er e may be a limi ta t ion to t he ac ce s so ri es t ha t can be at t ac he d
sim ult a ne ou sl y wi t h th e W R- R10 W ir ele ss R e mo te C o nt r olle r. At te mp ti ng t o f or ci bl y at t a ch a cc e ss or ie s c an
da ma ge t he c a me ra o r ac c es s or y.
Y o ur Imagi ng T o olbox : ViewN X 2 ( supplied )
V iewN X 2 is th e convenient way to ma nage i mage s on your
computer , with use ful fu nctions for storing, br owsing, editing and
sharin g both p hotos and mov ies. L ab els c an be at t ache d to
imag es, fac ilit ating faster se arches at a l ater date. T his exception al
and ea sy- to - use bun dled s oft w are also of fers a wid e rang e of
edit ing func tions , inclu ding rotate, resize, crop, st raighten, au to
red - eye cor rectio n and mo re. View N X 2 sof t ware also wo rks
effor t lessl y with N ikon’ s photo - shar ing web site, my Pictu retown,
makin g the up loa ding an d viewin g of your imag es onli ne quick
and ea sy . The my P icturetown ap plic atio n is also c omp atibl e with
smar t devices.
Get the highes t qualit y from your i mages wit h
intuitiv e oper ation: Capture NX 2 (optional)
If you sho ot R AW imag es and re quire the opt imum qua lit y from
the file, C a pture N X 2 is the id eal ch oice for R AW proce ssing
sof t ware. A power fu l tool for more ad van ced an d elab orate ph oto
edit ing, C a pture N X 2 features intuitive C olo r Co ntrol Points t hat
dramatically simplif y many image enhancement procedures.
Approved memory cards
The following SD memory cards have been tested and approved for use in the D5200. Cards
with class 6 or faster write speeds are recommended for movie recording. Recording may end
unexpectedly when cards with slower write speeds are used.
SD memory cards SDHC memory cards
SDXC memory cards
2 GB
4 GB, 8 GB, 16 GB, 32 GB 64 GB
T oshiba
4 GB, 6 GB, 8 GB,
12 GB, 16 GB, 24 GB, 32 GB
48 GB, 64 GB
Lexar Media
4 GB, 8 GB, 16 GB, 32 GB
Platinum II
Professional 64 GB, 128 GB
Full-HD Video — 4 GB, 8 GB, 16 GB —
Memory card capacity
The following table shows the approximate number of pictures that can be stored on an 8 GB
SanDisk Extreme Pro SDHC UHS-I card at different image quality and size settings.
Image quality Image size File size
No. of images
Buffer capacity
NEF (RAW) + JPEG fine
Large 37.0 MB 152 6
Medium 32.2 MB 173 6
Small 28.5 MB 192 6
NEF (RAW) + JPEG normal
Large 30.9 MB 178 6
Medium 28.4 MB 192 6
Small 26.5 MB 203 6
NEF (RAW) + JPEG basic
Large 27.7 MB 196 6
Medium 26.6 MB 204 6
Small 25.6 MB 210 6
NEF (RAW) – 24.6 MB 217 8
JPEG fine
Large 12.2 MB 507 35
Medium 7.4 MB 853 100
Small 3.8 MB 1600 100
JPEG normal
Large 6.2 MB 1000 100
Medium 3.7 MB 1600 100
Small 1.9 MB 3200 100
JPEG basic
Large 3.0 MB 1900 100
Medium 1.9 MB 3200 100
Small 1.0 MB 6000 100
1 All figures are approximate. Results will vary with card type, camera settings, and scene recorded.
2 Maximum number of exposures that can be stored in memory buffer at ISO 100. Drops when long exposure noise reduction or
auto distortion control is on.
3 Image size applies to JPEG images only . Size of NEF (RAW) images cannot be changed. File size is the total for NEF (RAW) and
JPEG images.
4 Check that any card readers or other devices with which the card will be used support 2 GB cards.
5 Check that any card readers or other devices with which the card will be used are SDHC-compliant. The camera supports UHS-I.
6 Check that any card readers or other devices with which the card will be used are SDXC-compliant.
The camera supports UHS-I.
Sof t w are and accessories for ev en more creativ it y
Co nnec ting the o ption al W U -1 a Wireles s Mo bile
Ad apter to the D520 0 allows you to ta ke
pict ures and then s end them w ireles sly to your
smar t d evice — a q uick an d easy way to move
your ima ges onto so cial net wor king se r vic es
(S NS ) and get an in stant rea ctio n from frie nds and f amily. Y o u can
also ea sily e - mail p ictures to sp eci fic p eo ple or g roups, o r take
adv antag e of photo - sharin g websites , inclu ding N ikon’ s own
my Pic turetown. Y ou can als o use your sma r t devic e as a remote
“live view” moni tor and to release t he shut ter . The W U -1 a is
comp atib le wit h smar t d evice s using the i OS or A nd roid
No te : This f un ct io n re quir e s ins ta llin g a Wir el es s Mo bile Ad ap t er Ut ili t y to th e smar t dev ic e pr ior to us e.
Th e u tili t y c an b e do w nl oa de d at n o c har g e fr o m th e ap p ro pr ia t e ap pli ca ti on s t or e.
1 Expos ure
compens ation button /
Adjusting aper ture
but ton/Flash
compens ation
2 Sh utter -release button
3 P ower switch
4 Infra red receiver for
ML -L3 Remote Control
(fro nt )
5 Rel ea s e mo d e bu t t on /
Self-timer but ton/
Remote control but ton
6 Information button
7 Liv e vi ew s w i tc h
8 Movie-rec ord button
9 Mod e d ial
! AF-a ss is t illuminator/
Self-timer lamp/
Red- eye reduc tion
" Buil t- in fl a sh
# Acces sor y shoe (for
optional flash units)
$ Stereo microphone
% Speaker
& Fla sh m od e b ut to n /
Flash compens ation
but ton
( F unction but ton
) Connec tor cover
(Connec tor for exter nal
microphone, USB and
A / V conne c tor ,
Acc essor y terminal,
HDM I mini-pin
conne ctor)
~ Len s r el ea s e bu t to n
+ Infra red receiver for
ML -L3 Remote Control
(re a r)
, Monitor
- Men u bu t t on
. Viewfinder eyepiece
/ Diopter adjustment
: Information edit button
; AE -L/AF -L butt on/
Protec t button
< Command dial
= Playback button
> Multi selec tor
? OK bu t t on
@ Mem or y c ar d sl o t co ve r
[ Mem or y c ar d a c ce s s
\ Play b a ck z oo m in
but ton
] Del e te b u t to n
^ Thumbnails / Play bac k
zo om o ut b u t to n / H el p
but ton
_ Batter y- chamber cover
{ T ripod socket
Nomenclatur e
14 15
DG-2 Eyepiece
DK-20C Eyepiece Correction
Lenses (-5 to +3 m
DK-22 Eyepiece Adapter
DK-5 Eyepiece Cap*
DK-20 Rubber Eyecup*
Commander Kit
AS-15 Sync
T erminal Adapter
FSA-L1 Fieldscope
Digital SLR Camera
FSA-L2 Fieldscope
Digital SLR Camera
SC-28/29 TTL
Remote Cord
GP-1 GPS Unit
Remote Cord
EN-EL14 Rechargeable
Li-ion Battery*
AC Adapter
Power Connector
Semi-Soft Case
ME-1 Stereo
SD memory card**
UC-E17* / UC-E6 USB Cable
WU-1a Wireless
Mobile Adapter
Smart device
(iOS/Android OS
Wireless Mobile
Adapter Utility
Capture NX 2
ViewNX 2*
Personal computer**
TV monitor**
HDMI cable**
EG-CP16 Audio Video Cable*
*Supplied accessor ies * *Non- Nikon products † Can be d own lo ade d fro m the a ppl ic atio n sto re of ea ch sm ar t de vic e (fre e).
The D520 0 is exclusi vely
designed for use with
AF - S an d AF - I N IK KOR
lenses that are equipped
wit h an auto focu s motor
MH-24 Battery
PC card adapter**
SD memory card reader**
Camera Control Pro 2
W R - R10/W R -T 1 0 Wireless Remote Controller
WU - 1 a Wireless Mobile Adapter
Sm ar t d ev ic e s
(dis pla y ab o ve s ho w s th at
for And roid devices )
Ma x imu m re a ch ab le dis t an c e is ap p ro x. 2 0 m (6 6 f t ).
Co mf o r t abl e re mo t e sh oo t ing i s as su re d ev e n if t he re a r e pe op le o r
obj ec t s b et we en t h e re mo t e co nt r oll er a nd c am er a.
WU -1a at t ac he d t o th e US B
co nn ec t or o f t he c am er a
Remote operation
Downloading images
my Picturetown,
SNS, e-mail, etc.
: ; <
/ .
_ {
5 78 6
9 ! # % $ "
Remote Control
WR-R10 Wireless
Remote Controller
(T ransceiver)
WR-T10 Wireless
Remote Controller
(T ransmitter)
W R - R10 (Transce iver)
W R -T1 0 ( T ran smit t er)
System chart