Shift+Ctrl+F Format the font
Shift+Ctrl+G Format the style
Shift+Ctrl+J View details of the selected object
Shift+Ctrl+K Preferences
Shift+Ctrl+N Format line spacing
Shift+Ctrl+O Insert an object
Shift+Ctrl+Y Format tabs
Shift+Ctrl+Z Edit the selected object
Ctrl+H Rename the worksheet
Ctrl+M Freeze panes
Ctrl+Q View worksheets
Ctrl+W Insert a new worksheet
Ctrl+Y Insert cells
Shift+Ctrl+A Format cell alignment
Shift+Ctrl+B Format cell borders
Shift+Ctrl+C Insert a new chart
Shift+Ctrl+D Delete the cell
Shift+Ctrl+F Format the font
Shift+Ctrl+G Insert a page break
Shift+Ctrl+H Format row height
Shift+Ctrl+I Insert a function
Shift+Ctrl+N Format numbers
Shift+Ctrl+O Settings
Shift+Ctrl+P Format cell background color
Shift+Ctrl+R Recalculate
Shift+Ctrl+T Show title
Shift+Ctrl+W Format column width
Shift+Ctrl+X Clear the cell
Ctrl+T Full screen mode
Shift+Ctrl+A Format the alignment
Shift+Ctrl+F Format the font
Shift+Ctrl+J Format the selected object
Shift+Ctrl+V View a slide show
Enter key Start text editing
Esc key Cancel text editing
File manager
Ctrl+E Expand view
Ctrl+H Show all files
Ctrl+I Sort by (the property you have already selected, for example name or date)
Ctrl+N New file
S h o r t c u t s
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