Gold Kruzer has 4 search modes designed f or different terrains and targets . Y ou can navigat e
between the modes easily by using the direction buttons. The selected mode name will be
framed on screen.
General Search (GEN)
Differen t than the other modes, this mode fea tures a threshold tone which is c ontinuously
heard in the backgr ound.
In this mode, the device does not discriminate targets and detects all targets (metals ,
mineralized rocks etc .). ID of the detected target is shown on the display (except for negativ e
hot rocks) and the same audio tone is provided for all targets. The audio tone increases in
pitch as the coil approaches the target. This is the typical All Metal mode found in most
If the detected target is a hot rock, the Mineralization Bar (Mineral) at the top of the screen
will fill up as well.
Gain, threshold and iSA T settings in this mode are optimized to provide the best
per f ormance on diff erent terrains. Y ou can modify these settings based on ground
Because the devic e will pr ovide an a udio tone f or all ferrous or non-ferr ous metals in GEN
mode, w e rec ommend not using this mode i n heavy trash areas
Other Modes (F AST , BOOST and MICRO)
Differen t than the GEN mode, there is no threshold in these modes. The device emits an
audio tone only when a target is detected and also displa ys the IDs of detected targets on
the screen in these modes. If the sensitivity level is not set properly , you can hear a crack ling
sound in these modes. Theref ore, the sensitivity should be adjusted to a level that the device
is silent when there is no metal present.
These modes have some common featur es but they have b ehavioral diff erences.
Discrimination (DISC.) is a common featur e, used frequently in these m odes. Disc . values
are pr eset by the factory for these mode s. If y ou want, you can change these val ues based
on field and ground conditions.
F ast Mode (F AST )
It is the single-tone mode designe d for tough gold fields with high mineralization or hot
rocks. It offers sligh tly less depth but faster target detection and reco very speed in highly
mineralized soils compar ed to the other modes .
In this mode, DISC. is set to 25 by default. T arget ID range is 0-40 for ferrous metals and 41-99
for non-ferr ous metals.
Boost Mode (BOOST )
It is the single-tone mode designed for cleaner gold fields with milder mineralization or less
hot rocks. It provides more depth compared to the F AST and MICRO modes.
Just like in the F AST mode, DISC. is set to 25 by default in this mode as well . T arget ID range
is 0-40 for ferr ous metals and 41-99 for non-ferrous metals .
Note for experienced users: When using the discrimination mod es, if you r ecord the
IDs of the hot rocks in the field and then discrimina te them ou t using the DISC. fea ture,
nugget detection will be more conv enient. When discriminating IDs, y ou must use the ID
value closest to the I D of the hot rocks . Other wise , you may miss nuggets under hot rocks .
Consequently , you may need to change th e default DISC. value of these modes (25) to
another value based on the IDs of hot rocks in the field. F or more details on elim inating
hot rocks , please r ead the related sections.
If you dig a target signal in a gold field and find hot rocks , be sure that there is no small gold
nugget underneath.
Micro Jewelry Mode (MICRO)
Three-tone mode designed specifically for micro jewelry hunting (such as stud earrings). I n
this mode, the device produc es a low tone for f errous targets with 0-40 IDs, a medium tone
for gold and non-ferr ous metals with IDs 41-66 and a high tone for non-ferrous metals with
IDs 67-99 such as silver , brass and copper . By using the T .BREAK feature , y ou can adjust the
break points of the target response t ones on the T arget ID range .
T he devic e pr o vides an estima t ed tar get depth ac c or ding t o the sig nal str ength both
dur ing det ec tion and in the pinpoin t mode .
Depth I ndica t or: I t sho w s the tar get's pr o ximit y t o the sur fac e in 5 lev els dur ing det ec tion.
B ecause each mode of the G old K ruz er has diff er en t depth, the depth indica t or will displa y
a diff er en t depth lev el f or the same tar get in diff er en t modes .
I n the pinpoin t mode , estima t ed tar get depth is sho wn on the displa y in cms (or inches -
please see belo w f or details) while getting closer t o the tar get .
D epth det ec tion is adjust ed pr esuming tha t the tar get is 2.5cm (1'') in diamet er . A c tual
depth v ar ies ac c or ding t o the siz e of the tar get . F or instanc e , the det ec t or will indica t e mor e
depth f or a tar get smaller than 2.5cm (1'') and less depth f or a lar ger tar get . I n r ealit y ,
pinpoin t pr oc edur e is not in t ended f or depth det er mina tion but e xac t loca tion
det er mina tion. T her ef or e , it is r ec ommended tha t the depth indica t or on the displa y is used
f or det er mining the pr o ximit y t o the tar get .
IMPOR T ANT! I f y ou w an t the tar get depth t o be displa y ed in inches inst ead of cms please
do the f ollo wing: W hile the devic e is off , pr ess and hold the SE T TINGS/OPTIONS and
BOOST butt ons simultaneously and tur n the devic e on. ''I n '' will be displa y ed . T o swit ch
back t o cms , y ou need t o tur n the devic e off and then r epea t the abo v e pr oc edur e . W hile
the devic e is initializing , ''SI'' will be displa y ed .
T ar gets which ar e near the sur fac e ma y g iv e multiple diff er en t sig nals t o the devic e . I f y ou
suspec t a tar get near the sur fac e , lif t the sear ch c oil and swing it mor e slo wly un til a single
sig nal is r ec eiv ed . A lso , if ther e is a lar ge tar get near the sur fac e it ma y cause an o v er load in
the sear ch c oil and the devic e star ts t o gener a t e a c on tinuous sound which r esembles a
sir en. “ O v er load ” message is sho wn on the displa y simultaneously . I n such a case , lif t the
sear ch c oil up un til the message disappears .
S ometimes , the devic e ma y pr oduc e sig nals which ar e similar t o a tar get sig nal although no
metal tar get is pr esen t . T her e ar e v ar ious r easons f or the false sig nals r ec eiv ed b y the
devic e . T he most c ommon ones ar e g r ound miner aliza tion or r ocks with high miner al
c on t en t , sur r ounding elec tr omag netic sig nals , oper a tion of another near b y det ec t or ,
rust ed or c or r oded ir on or f oil in the soil , gain or thr eshold v alues set t oo high.
Sur r ounding elec tr omag netic sig nals can be elimina t ed b y r educing the gain. I f another
det ec t or is oper a ting near b y , y ou ma y a tt empt t o shif t the fr equenc y or per f or m y our sear ch
a t a distanc e wher e no in t er f er enc e oc curs . F or g r ound miner aliza tion or hot r ocks with high
miner al c on t en t , and gain and thr eshold set t oo high, please r ead the r ela t ed sec tions .
T he M ag netic M iner aliza tion I ndica t or c onsists of 5 lev els . T he indica t or bars do not r ise a t
lo w miner al lev els dur ing sear ch and a t star t up . I n ar eas wher e the mag netic miner al lev el
is high, the indica t or bars will r ise ac c or ding t o the in t ensit y . T his measur emen t can be
summar iz ed as the lev el of mag netic pr oper t y and in t ensit y of the g r ound .
T his measur emen t is impor tan t fr om t w o aspec ts . F irst , on g r ounds with high mag netic
miner aliza tion, sear ch depth is lo w and users should be a w ar e of this fac t . S ec ond ,
mag netic miner aliza tion is a pr oper t y which is par ticular ly seen with miner aliz ed r ocks and
this measur emen t pla y s an impor tan t r ole f or the devic e t o elimina t e the false sig nals
pr oduc ed b y these r ocks .
Challeng ing g r ound c onditions ar ise especially when c onduc tivit y and mag netic
pr oper ties of the g r ound ar e t oo in t ense . Oper a tion of the devic e o v er such g r ound is made
possible b y selec ting the best oper a ting mode as w ell as using pr oper g r ound balanc e ,
gain, iSA T , iM ASK and thr eshold settings .
S t ones and r ocks or ca vities inside the g r ound ar e as impor tan t as the g r ound itself in
r egar ds t o the sear ch and tar get det ec tion qualit y .
S oil and r ocks ha v e t w o diff er en t pr oper ties just like the tar gets y ou ar e sear ching f or . One
of them is the in t ensit y and the other one is the c onduc tivit y - mag netic per meabilit y r a tio
and these t w o pr oper ties ar e independen t fr om each other . I n this manual , the
c onduc tivit y - mag netic per meabilit y r a tio will be r ef er r ed t o as ID in shor t . H igh mag netic
per meabilit y , lo w c onduc tivit y r esults in lo w ID . S oil or r ocks can be highly per meable and
ha v e lo w or high IDs as w ell . I f the c onduc tivit y incr eases r ela tiv e t o mag netic per meabilit y
then the ID will also incr ease .
Hot r ocks ar e classified as nega tiv e or positiv e based on their ID being lo w or high in
c ompar ison t o the ID of the soil they ar e in. One or both of the t ypes ma y be pr esen t in a
field . T he nega tiv e and positiv e eff ec ts men tioned her e will only be v alid if g r ound
balancing is pr oper ly done on the e xisting g r ound . O ther wise , soil itself will not ac t
diff er en tly fr om hot r ocks in t er ms of ID . I n '' TR A CKING'' ho w ev er , c onditions will diff er .
T her ef or e , the eff ec ts of r ocks in tr ack ing will be discussed separ a t ely . Her e w e ar e r ef er r ing
t o a pr oper g r ound balanc e without tr ack ing .
P ositiv e hot r ocks ac t just like metal and pr oduc e a metal sound . I n the G ener al S ear ch
M ode ( GEN) they pr oduc e a “ zip zip ” sound when the sear ch c oil is mo v ed o v er them. I f the
sig nal is str ong enough, the devic e ma y pr oduc e an ID f or these hot r ocks and the M iner al
Bar will r ise . Nega tiv e hot r ocks in the G ener al S ear ch mode , pr oduc e a long “ boing ” sound
when the sear ch c oil is mo v ed o v er them. T he devic e does not g iv e an ID f or these hot r ocks
ev en if the sig nal is str ong but the M iner al Bar will r ise .
P ositiv e hot r ocks pr o vide a t ypical metal sound in the other modes . Nega tiv e hot r ocks do
not pr o vide a sound in these modes (e x c ept f or r ar e cases of false sig nals). T he M iner al Bar
will r ise in either case .
A t higher settings of iSA T , ther e will be no change in the sounds of positiv e or nega tiv e hot
r ocks . A s the iSA T v alue is decr eased , the sound of positiv e hot r ocks will r emain the same
but the nega tiv e hot r ocks ma y g iv e a thinner beep sound inst ead of the boing sound .
T her ef or e , y ou can make a decision b y list ening t o the audio r esponses pr oduc ed b y the
devic e in the field . I n the GEN mode , when the devic e pr oduc es an audio t one , if the miner al
bar r ises a t the same time , y ou can decide whether the tar get is a positiv e or a nega tiv e hot
r ock b y list ening t o the sound . I n the other modes , if y ou ha v e not changed the default
DISC. setting of the de vic e , the devic e will not pr oduc e an audio t one f or positiv e hot r ocks
and if y ou ha v e g r ound balanc ed , it will not emit an audio t one f or nega tiv e hot r ocks
an y w a y . I f y ou ha v e changed the DISC. setting of the devic e in these modes , when y ou
r ec eiv e a str ong sig nal and a stable ID , y ou can distinguish if the det ec t ed tar get is a positiv e
hot r ock or metal b y check ing the ID . Ho w ev er , r emember tha t w eak sig nals ma y pr oduc e
diff er en t IDs and metals under r ocks ma y pr oduc e diff er en t metal sig nals . T her ef or e , the
most appr opr ia t e ac tion is t o dig up when a metal sig nal is r ec eiv ed .
B ecause y ou can enc oun t er such a situa tion in gold pr ospec ting ar eas wher e nuggets ar e
being sear ched f or , it is impor tan t f or y ou t o get familiar with the hot r ocks and their IDs in
y our sear ch field and pr e -t est the devic e with some nuggets .
I f y ou ar e using one of the modes other than the GEN mode and y ou k no w the ID of the
sur r ounding hot r ocks , y ou can use the DISC. setting t o elimina t e the r ocks . Ho w ev er , this
ma y not be sufficien t t o a v oid all r ock sig nals . T he devic e ma y still r ec eiv e sig nals fr om r ocks
because soil and r ocks t ogether will f or m a c ombined eff ec t and gener a t e a diff er en t ID
than those of r ocks .
W hen the tr ack ing is ac tiv e , the devic e ma y g iv e an audio r esponse and ID when it passes
o v er a hot r ock because the eff ec t of the r ock will be diff er en t than the g r ound's . A t the sime
time , the miner al bar will r ise . I f y ou swing the sear ch c oil o v er the r ock , tr ack ing will
aut oma tically adjust the setting and the audio r esponse/ID will either disappear or
diminish sig nifican tly . B ecause ther e is a sligh t dela y in tr ack ing , y ou ma y hear a str ong
sig nal a t the first one or t w o swings un til the setting is adjust ed . T hen the sound will get
w eaker and disappear . T his will not happen with metal tar gets because metals will pr ev en t
the devic e fr om g r ound balancing . T her ef or e , in tr ack ing , if y ou ar e getting a c onstan t
sig nal o v er a tar get af t er r epea t ed swings , ther e is a high possibilit y tha t the tar get is a
metal . M o ving fr om o v er a r ock back t o soil , the devic e ma y g iv e sig nals t o the g r ound f or a
f ew swings un til the g r ound balanc e setting is upda t ed again. T his is nor mal and should not
mislead y ou .
T r ack ing is not r ec ommended t o elimina t e r ocks under nor mal c onditions . I t is
r ec ommended f or use in ar eas with chang ing soil t ypes .
G old K ruz er incr eases the possibilit y of det ec ting metal tar gets under miner aliz ed r ocks
thr ough the pr oper adjustmen t of y our settings . T he c ombined eff ec t cr ea t ed b y the r ock
and metal t ogether is lo w er than the eff ec t tha t the metal cr ea t es b y itself and the
displayed ID will be diff erent than the metal's expected ID . The displayed ID is formed by
the combination of rock and metal t ogether and gets closer to the ID of the rock if the size
of the metal is smaller in relation to the r ock. Keep in mind that metals under hot rocks will
never appear with their own metal ID . For instanc e, a gold piece under a brick may pr oduce
an iron tone and ID .
If you eliminate hot rocks with a c orrectly adjusted DISC. setting in the search modes other
than GEN, you can hear the signal of the target under the r ock if the target signal has a
slightly great er effect than the DISC. value. The important thing here is that if you detect a
target and dig out a rock, you should note the ID y ou got befor e digging and use it as the
DISC.value the next time.
F or instance; the hot rocks in y our search field tend to g ive IDs around 00-04. In this case,
you should set the DISC. to maximum 05. This way y ou can eliminate r ocks and receive the
signals of metals underneath. If you set the DISC.too high unnecessarily , you will lose
metals along with rocks.
IMPORT ANT! When searching in fields with hot rocks , using the E.U .D featur e (page 20) is
recommended to a void missing metals under hot rocks .