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Waser Inlet hose
Do not use the water inlet hose of your olj machine, if any. Use the new m3.ter
in ~t hose suppli;Jd with your machine instead. If you an;! going to connect a
new or b ng-unused m3.te r inlet hose to you r mac hine, run wate r th roug h itfo r
a whi~ oolon;! makJng the conne:tion. Connect the \\e.ter in~t hose directly to
the wate r in~t tap. Tfie pressure supplied by the tap should 00 at a minimum
0.03 Mpa and and at a maximum of 1 Mpa. II the water pn;!ssure is aOOve 1
Mpa, a pressun;! -reliel vatve shoulj 00 litted inbetween.
Afte r the con nection s are made, the tap shou Ij be tu rned on fu Ityand c hec ~d
for wate r tig htne ss.
For the safety of your mac hine, make sure to atways tu rn off the wate r inlet
tap afte reach wash programme is finished.
NOTE: h1uastop m3.ter spout is used in some mooois. In case of
using h1uastop, a dangerous tenson exists. Do not cut Aquastop
m3.te r spout. Do not let it get folood or twisted.
Walei' outlet hose
The water drain hose can 00 con nected eithe rdire:tly to the water
drain ho~ or to the sin k outlet spigot. Using a spec a I 00nt pipe (if
availab~), the water can 00 drained directly into the sinkva hookJng
the oont pipe overthe edge of the sink.
Th is con necton shouId 00 at a m inimum of 00 cm and and at a
maxim um of 110 cm from the lbor plane.
Warning: Wh en a drain hose longe r than 4 m is used, the dish es
might remain dirty. In that case, our rom pany will not acce pt
re spon sibility .
The indoor fuse current value should be 10-16 A.
Your machine is set according to 220-240 V. If the mains voltage in your location is 110 V, connect a
transformer of 110/220 V and 3000 W inbetween. The machine should not be plugged in during
Always use the coated plug supplied with your machine.
Running in low voltage will cause a decline in washing quality.
The machine's electrical cable should be replaced by an authorised service or an authorised
electrician only. Failure to do so may lead to accidents.
For safety purposes, always make sure to disconnect the plug when a wash programme is finished.
In order not to cause an electric shock, do not unplug Vwilenyour hands are wet.
When disconnecting your machine from the mains supply, always pull from the plug. Never pull the
cord itself.
Electrical connection
The earthed plug
d your machine shoulj be connected to an earthed out~t suppli;Jd by suitab~
vo~e and curn;!nt. If there is no earthing instaHation, have a competent e~ctri:an carry out an
earth mg instaHation. In case of usage witho ut earth ing installed, ou r com pan y will not 00 respon sib~
for any bss of usage that might occur.

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