For the latest information and assistance with your Launchkey please visit:
Basic Troubleshooting Examples
Q. Where can I nd my software?
A. The software for Launchkey is available from our web site.
Go to http://www.novationmusic.com/register and follow the instructions.
Q. My iPad is saying that Launchkey is drawing too much power.
A. Launchkey is designed to be powered directly from the iPad, however the order of
connection is important. First plug the USB cable into Launchkey, then the other end into
the Camera Connection Kit, and nally connect the CCK to the iPad.
Q. Do I need to install a USB driver when using Launchkey with a Mac or PC?
A. No, Launchkey is a class-compliant device. This means your computer will detect the
keyboard when you connect it and, if necessary, install the correct drivers automatically.
Q. What is the DC power socket for?
A. You can power Launchkey with a supported DC power supply. This way it won’t draw
power from the your laptop or iPad battery.
Q. Can I connect Launchkey to both a computer and an iPad at the same time?
A. Launchkey is designed to connect via USB, and thus can only connect to one device
at a time.
Q. How do I stop the Launchkey app playing?
A. Press the stop button (square symbol) on your Launchkey.
Q. What is InControl?
A. A Novation innovation that provides control of all major music software straight
Q. What do the arrow buttons do?
A. These turn InControl mode on or off for Launchkey’s faders, knobs and pads individually.
InControl mode is available when a control surface connection to your music software is