How far is the effective range between the headset and
How far is the effective range between the headset and How far is the effective range between the headset and
How far is the effective range between the headset and the
the the
the Bluetooth
Bluetooth Bluetooth
Bluetooth device
According to the Bluetooth standard, the maximum controllable range of Class II
headset is 10 meters. It varies under different conditions.
Why does
Why does Why does
Why does the
the the
the red LED flash?
red LED flash?red LED flash?
red LED flash?
The headset battery is in low power status, it needs to be recharged.
Why is the
Why is the Why is the
Why is the red LED
red LED red LED
red LED not
not not
not on
on on
on while
1. Please make sure the charger connects well with the headset.
2. When you didn’t use the headset for a long time, the battery might be drained. In
this case, you have to charge the battery for 30 minutes, and then the red LED will be
3. Charging via PC or laptop might be interrupted due to standby mode of the
What to do when my
What to do when my What to do when my
What to do when my mobile phone
mobile phonemobile phone
mobile phone
search and find the headset?
search and find the headset?search and find the headset?
search and find the headset?
The mobile phone will not find the headset if the headset and mobile phone are not
under the pairing mode. Make sure the headset is under the pairing mode and in the
effective working range, and then the headset can search for it.
Why can’t
Why can’t Why can’t
Why can’t I
I hear the voice from the headset?
hear the voice from the headset?hear the voice from the headset?
hear the voice from the headset?
1. Make sure the headset is turned on.
2. Ensure the volume of the headset and the mobile phone is not too low.
3. Make sure the headset connects well with your mobile phone.
4. Ensure the distance between the headset and your mobile phone is in the normal
working scope.
Why is there no voice when making a call with the headset?
Why is there no voice when making a call with the headset?Why is there no voice when making a call with the headset?
Why is there no voice when making a call with the headset?
1. Make sure your mobile phone is in the strong signal area.
2. Ensure the headset is in the function range.
Why can’t I remotely control the pause, play, previous track and next track
Why can’t I remotely control the pause, play, previous track and next track Why can’t I remotely control the pause, play, previous track and next track
Why can’t I remotely control the pause, play, previous track and next track
functions with the headset when playing music?
functions with the headset when playing music?functions with the headset when playing music?
functions with the headset when playing music?
This function requires a Bluetooth device with the AVRCP (Audio/Video Remote Control
Profile) profile. Please make sure your mobile phone or Bluetooth music player supports
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