Installati on Instructi ons
- Installati on only by quali fi ed fi tters -
Please read car efully pri or to i nstallati on
The manufacturer’ s li abi li ty expi res wi th i mproper i nstallati on.
For the i nstallati on you wi ll need the followi ng tools:
• Rule, spi ri t level, open–end or box spanners of si zes 10 and 13, cross-ti p scr-
ewdri ver si ze 2, portable dri ll wi th dri ll bi ts
• Fasteni ng materi al appropri ate to the bui ldi ng constructi on
Attenti on! Never li ft or carry up-and-over doors wi th the spri ngs
Be careful when openi ng up-and-over doors for fi lli ng at the customer (i n-
creased spri ng tensi on)
Number combi nati ons i n square brackets, e.g. [1.05 a], refer to the corre-
spondi ng page and i llustrati on i n the i llustrati on secti on.
1 Place door i n or behi nd the openi ng [1. 05 a]
2 Press the hori zontal track out of the transport clamps (i f avai lable) [1. 05 c], open
out sli ghtly and secure door fr om falli ng over [1. 05 b].
3 Ti p up hori zontal track and secure i t fr om collapsi ng [1. 10 a]
4 Screw together connecti ng angle wi th half round screws and M8 self locki ng nut
wi th serrated beari ng edge to the anchor rai ls [1. 10 c, d].
5 Mai ntai n track gradi ent of 50 mm [1. 10 b]
6 Dowel the hori zontal track by means of the anchor rai l and connecti ng angle
6a to the cei li ng [1. 10 c]; shorten anchor rai l accor di ng to cei li ng hei ght;
6b to the wall [1. 10 d].
7 Ali gn track connector wi th the ai d of the spi ri t level [1. 10 d]
8 Remove transport safety devi ce (i f avai lable) and keep it, together w ith the screws
belongi ng to i t, for di smounti ng later [1. 15 a, b].
9 Unlock the door and push to the open end posi ti on [1. 15 c, d].
10 Ali gn frame parallel and angular to the door leaf [1. 15 d]. Check the ri ght angle by
compari ng the two di agonals; check also the hori zontal seati ng of the upper frame
profi le and door leaf. The door leaf must have equal ai r gaps to the si de frame pr o-
fi les.
11 Screw together the anchor to the door frame dependi ng on the type of i nstallati on
(behi nd or i n the openi ng) [1. 20 a, b, c]. When usi ng other fasteni ngs ensure that
these have a load carryi ng capabi li ty of at least those of the anchors suppli ed.
12 Fasten base stopper profi le wi th floor anchor [1. 20 d] for up-and-over doors wi th
base stopper , or otherwi se remove stopper profi le and let i n the door frame by
5 mm.
13 Dowel anchor to the wall and header. In do ing so do not tw ist door frame .
15 Ali gn tracks parallel to one another and at ri ght angles to the frame profi le above
[1. 25 a]. The i nstallati on has been carri ed out correctly when the door leaf later i n
the open end posi ti on is hor i
zontal [1. 25 c] and touches both rubber buf fers at the
same ti me.
16 Close the door and check the si ze of the gap agai n between door leaf and si de
frame profi les [1. 25 d]
17 Mount door handle [1. 30 b]
18 Check i f door leaf closes wi thout effort [ 1. 30 c ]. Locki ng rod shall di pp i n mi ddle
of locki ng plate i n the frame [ 1. 30 c, d ]. Hei ght adjustment possi ble by slotted
hole. Fi x wi th metal screws 6,3 x 16 [ 1. 30 e ].
19 Fi t sponge rubber for deadeni ng the closi ng noi se
19a 3 x Door frame seen from i nsi de
19b 2 x Door frame seen from outsi de
The adhesi ve surfaces must be clean and free of dust and gr ease
20 Make a tri al run. Whi le doi ng so pay attenti on to the correct spri ng tensi on [2. 05
a, b, c]. The door leaf must swi ng out i n the upper thi rd when closi ng (angle bet-
ween lever arm and si de frame profi le appr ox. 60°).
21 Alterati on to spri ng tensi on [2. 05 d, e, f, g]
Attenti on! If it is necessary to alter the spri ng tensi on, a sui table personal pro-
tecti ve outfi t must be worn and the door leaf secured from falli ng down
Bri ng door leaf to the end posi ti on. Remove upper spri ng connectors. Insert a ro-
bust screwdri ver or pi ece of 8 mm round steel i n the curved shackle of the upper
spri ng suspensi on and i ncrease or decrease the spri ng tensi on by hangi ng i n the
“nose” hi gher or lower. A d if ference of one hole i n the hangi ng-i n between the left
and ri ght spri ngs i s permi ssi ble. Insert the upper spri ng connectors agai n.
Di smounti ng i nstructi ons
- Di smounti ng only by quali fi ed fi tters -
Please read car efully before di smounti ng
For di smounti ng you wi ll need the followi ng tools:
• Hammer , chi sel, open-end or box spanners of si zes 10 and 13
Attenti on! Never li ft or carry up-and-over swi ng doors by the spri ngs
22 Chi sel out the garage floor i n the floor recess area so that the si de frame profi le
and, i f need be, the rebate pr ofi le i s lai d free.
23 Close door
24 Secure door fr om falli ng down
25 Screw of f the anchor from the wall, header and floor
26 Screw of f the anchor from the door frame
27 Secure hori zontal track fr om falli ng down.
28 Loosen hori zontal track fasteni ng
29 Demount anchor rai l
30 Fold i n hori zontal track
31 Remove door from the openi ng
32 Fi x transport safety devi ce
33 Sli de hori zontal track onto the transport safety devi ce
Operati ng and Mai ntenance Instructi ons
The manufactur er’ s li abi li ty expi res wi th improper operati on, mai ntenance and/or
if no or ig inal spare parts ar e used.
Operati on:
The mechani cal arrangements of thi s door are made so that danger wi th regard to
crushi ng, cutti ng, croppi ng and bei ng caught up of persons operati ng or persons in the
proxi mi ty have been avoi ded as far as i s possi ble. For safe operati on of the door the
followi ng poi nts are to be observed:
• Before and duri ng operati on of the door ensur e that, besi des the person operati ng,
no other person or object i s w i th the range of moveable parts (e. g. lever arm, door
leaf, castors, etc. ) of the door.
• Hand operati on of the up-and-over door i s only permi ssi ble wi th the outsi de
handle, the i nsi de handle or the tracti on cable. Here there may be no i nterventi on
in moveable parts by the person operat ing it .
• The up-and-over door opens by itself in the lower area and runs shut by itself in the
upper half when closi ng.
• Push the door leaf ri ght to the end posi ti on when openi ng and wai t for i t to come
to a standsti ll before further acti on. There must be suffi ci ent spri ng tensi on. Atten-
ti on! Spri ng tensi on may only be altered by quali fi ed fi tters.
• Operati on of thi s door i s only permi ssi ble wi th an envi ronmental between –30°C
und +40°.
• When closi ng the up-and-over door let the snapper/s cli ck home securely.
• Lock functi on (wi th snapper lock)
– For a complete turn of the key openi ng and closi ng of the up-and-over door i s
always possi ble wi thout a key.
– For a 1/3 turn of the key the up-and-over door can be opened and i s locked af-
ter a 1/3 turn back of the key on closi ng.
– By shi fti ng the i nner unlocki ng or locki ng knob openi ng and closi ng i s possi ble
wi thout a key.
• When equi ppi ng thi s door wi th a door operator
– the door system must comply wi th all vali d EU Gui deli nes (Machi ne Gui deli nes,
Low V oltage Gui deli nes, EMC Gui deli nes etc. ) and all relevant nati onal and i n-
ternati onal standards and regulati ons.
– the door system must be marked by the manufactur er accordi ng to r egulati ons
wi th a type plate and the CE Mark and a Declarati on of Conformi ty must be is-
– hand-over documentati on i n the nati onal language must be pr oduced and kept
safe for the enti re useful li fe of the door.
– a pass-door contact must be fi tted i f there i s a pass-door.
Setti ngs to the door operator may only be made by quali fi ed fi tters.
Mai ntenance:
The mai ntenance intervals are dependent on frequency of use and fi eld of appli cati on,
but at least once i n the year.
Mai ntenance by laymen or quali fi ed fi tters:
• Spray the pi vot of the up-and-over door wi th si li con spray , clean the tracks and
spray wi th si li con spray.
• Do not oi l closi ng cyli nder; use only graphi te spray to free up i f sluggi sh.
• Provi de suffi ci ent venti lati on (dryi ng) of the r ebate profi les and the si de frame pro-
fi les; drai ni ng-off of water must be ensur ed.
• Protect up-and-over door from corrosi ve, aggressi ve agents such as aci ds, alka-
li ne soluti ons, road salt etc.
• Up-and-over doors wi th wood fi lli ngs are treated at the factory and are therefore
impregnated aga inst blue sta in and pests
. Further colour treatment at the custo-
mer must be carri ed out wi thi n 4 weeks after deli very for wood fi lli ngs and wi th a
wood moi stur e content of max. 20% usi ng commerci ally avai lable wood preserva-
ti on lacquer or sui table decorator pai nts. Dark lacquers or pai nts are to be avoi ded.
• Up-and-over doors wi th steel fi li ngs are powder coated wi th polyester at the fac-
tory. Further colour treatment at the customer must be carri ed out wi thi n 3 months
after deli very wi th 2-component wash pri mer wi th solvent-contai ni ng agent and
commerci ally avai lable pai nts.
• A coloured follow-up treatment i s to be carri ed out at ti me i ntervals dependi ng on
local atmospheri c condi ti ons.
• More extensi ve mai ntenance work may only be carri ed by fi tters quali fi ed for thi s.
Mai ntenance reports must be kept for the enti r e useful li fe of the door.
Mai ntenance by quali fi ed fi tters:
• Check screws and termi nal connecti ons for ti ghtness and, i f necessary , ti ghten up.
• Check wear and tear parts and, i f necessary , exchange for ori gi nal spare parts.
• Pay attenti on to correct spri ng tensi on. The door leaf must swi ng out i n the upper
thi rd when closi ng. If an alterati on to the spri ng tensi on i s necessary , thi s i s to be
done i n accordance wi th poi nt 20 of the i nstallati on i nstructi ons
• Exchange multi ple spri ng assembli es after approx. 30. 000 operati ng cycles
(open/close). Thi s i s necessary for:
0 to 5 door operati ons per day every 16 years
6 to 10 door operati ons per day every 8 years
11 to 20 door operati ons per day every 4 years
10 year manufacturer’ s guarantee
Besi des the guarantee based on our T erms of Sale and Deli very , we gi ve a 10 year ma-
nufacturer’ s guarantee for a maxi mum of 50,000 duty cycles on the up-and-over men-
ti oned above.
Should these, or any part thereof, pr ove unusable due to materi al or producti on faults,
or should such faults seri ously impa ir the ir use, we wi ll, at our di screti on, repai r i t or re-
place i t.
For damages caused by i mproper i nstallati on and mounti ng, i ncorrectly putti ng i nto
operati on, operati on and mai ntenance not accordi ng to instruct ions, improper use, no
li abi li ty wi ll be accepted. The same appli es to damages caused by transport, for ce ma-
jeure, exter nal i nfluences or natural wear and tear as well as by unusual atmosphere
condi ti ons. Thi s appli es parti cularly to the pri mi ng and wood surfaces.
The fi nal colour treatment at the customer must be carri ed out wi thi n 4 weeks of deli -
very for wood fi lli ngs wi th a wood moi sture content of 20% max. , for steel fi lli ngs wi t-
hi n 3 months of deli very
After unauthori zed changes or repai rs to functi onal parts, or after appli cati on of addi -
ti onal fi lli ng wei ght that the speci fi ed multi ple spri ng assembli es can no longer coun-
terbalance, no guarantee can be accepted.
Faults are to be r eported to us i mmedi ately in wr it ing; the defect ive parts ar e to be r e-
turned to us on r equest. The costs for di smounti ng, mounti ng, frei ght and postage wi ll
not be cover ed by us. Should a complai nt prove unjusti fi ed, the customer who placed
the order shall pay our costs.
Thi s guarantee i s vali d only i n conjuncti on wi th the acknowledged i nvoi ce and com-
mences on the day of deli very.
1 GB
Up-and-over door K8, hand operated
Set the stopper in the guide rails [ 1.25 a, b ].