GLOSSARY (cont'd)
Decompression Ceiling - The shallowest depth a diver may reach upon ascent without risking decompression
sickness (also see TLBG).
Decompression Stop - The depth(s) at which a diver must pause during ascent to allow absorbed nitrogen to
escape naturally from the tissues.
Depth Sensor - An electromechanical device that converts water pressure into an electrical signal, that is
converted to a visual depth display.
Diagnostic Mode - The first display seen on dive computers after initial activation during which time a self–
check for internal faults and battery voltage is performed.
Display - A visual readout of information.
Dive Log Mode - A computer display of previous dive information.
Dive Time Remaining - A display of the time allowed before a diver must surface based on no decompression
status or oxygen loading.
Elapsed Dive Time - The total time spent underwater during a dive between 5 feet (1.5 meters) on initial
descent to 3 feet (1 meter) on final ascent.
FO2 - The fraction (percent / 100) of O2 in the breathing gas mixture.
Graphic Diver Interface
- A feature of Oceanic dive computers. Easily understandable color coded bar
graphs that indicate diver status; green = normal, yellow = caution, red = danger.
Icon - A small pictorial representation of an operational mode.
LCD - Abbreviation for liquid crystal display, an easily viewed low voltage display found on dive computers.
Maximum Depth - The deepest depth attained during a dive.
Mode - A specific set of functions in a dive computer.
Modular Dive Computer - A dive computer that is not connected to the diver’s air supply.