Ceiling - See decompression ceiling
Clean Dive - A dive preceded by 24 hours of no diving activity
Compartment - A term applied to the hypothetical modeling of nitrogen
absorption in the tissues (more accurate than the term “tissue” because dive
computer models have no direct relation to human tissues)
DCS - Abbreviation for decompression sickness, i.e., “the bends”
DEC - Abbreviation for Decompression
Decompression Ceiling - The shallowest depth a diver may reach upon
ascent without risking decompression sickness (also see TLBG)
Decompression Stop - The depth(s) at which a diver must pause during
ascent to allow absorbed nitrogen to escape naturally from the tissues
Depth Sensor - an electro-mechanical device that converts water pressure
into an electrical signal, that is converted to a visual depth display
Diagnostic Mode - The first display seen on dive computers after initial
activation during which time a self–check for internal faults is performed
Display - A visual readout of information
Dive Log Mode - A computer display of previous dive information
Dive Time Remaining - A display of the time before a diver must surface
based on no-decompression status or tank pressure
Graphic Diver Interface
- A feature of Oceanic dive computers. Easily
understandable color coded bar graphs that indicate diver status;
green = normal, yellow = caution, red = danger.