ODYS Vario Pro 12– Quickstart
Pleaseobserve the information and warnings fr om the user manual.
‐ Pleas e refer to the user manual for detailed instruct ions, conformity and suppo rt informat ion.
‐ The manu al ca n be found at htt p:/ /www .ody s.d e/w eb/ tabl et‐ pc‐ wintab_de. html
‐ Use the hyperl ink at „Einstellungen – PC und Geräte – PC ‐Info".
‐ Ther e you will also fi nda guide on how to change th e system language .
‐ Use the in stal lat ion assistant to easi ly configure the device.
Important!Ple ase not e: In order to use all f eatur es avail able,a Microsoft user account must becreated and it
is nece ssaryto activ ate yo ur sy stem lateron . To reset a forgotten password pleasevisit www .live. com .
To prev ent conflicts with other systems we recommend creatinga new account.
Pleas e closeunused apps to exte nd the batt ery lifetime as de scribedon the righ t.
Turn off the tablet when not in use.
Turnin g On/ Off
To turn on the dev ice,press and hold the Power bu tton on the unit until you se e the boot‐ up screen then
release . It mayta ke a few minu tes to start up thesyst em, please wai t beforeyou proceed.
To turn off the de vice,pre ss the Window s button, select“Pow er” and
then “Shut down”.
Tip:This de vice will sleep with th e screen off if it stay s inactivefor a few seconds. You can brie fly pre ss the
Powerbutto n to turn on the screen and wake it up.
Power On an d Of f the Display
‐Shortly pr ess the [P ower ] button to turnoff the display.
‐Pressthe [P ower ] bu tto n again shortly turn the display on again.
Language Set ting
‐Confirm the tw o request s at the beginnin g by ta ping at OK.
‐Tap on [Settings] and select [Lang uage & Input]
Select your desire d language.
Getting Sta rted
1. Microphone
2. Front Camera Front ‐facing cam era for taking avatar pictu res
3. USB 2.0 Support forUSB stick, Surf stick, ...
4. Status Ind ica tor
5. Speaker
6. Power Button Press and hol d th e power switch to tu rn on or off the devic e;
Briefl y pre ss the switc h to turn the
scre en on or off.
Should the devicestop functio ning or operateabnormal ly, pres s and hold for 15
seconds to reset the device off.
7. USB 3.0 Support forUSB stick, Surf stick, ...
8. Power jack Charge and powe r the tabl et wit h the includedpower adapter.
9. Micro SD Card Slot
Accommodates anystandard SD/SD HC memory card.
10. Micro HDMI
Connect toa TV or oth er di spla y.
11. Headphone jack Audio out put connectio n for head ‐phone s
Note:Speaker output is automatically di sable d wh en h eadphones areconnected to the
Charging Battery
Thedevice has a built ‐in rechargeable batter y. No ext ra battery installa tion is required. Just char ge the
device when it indica tes low battery.
To charge the battery,connec t the de vice to any standard wall out let via the DC port using the provided
powe r adaptor. It takes about5 hours to fully
cha rge the battery.
Note :
a. We adviceto use only the delivered poweradapte r with th is tabl et.
b. You can operate th e device even wh en it is beingcharged. But for ex tend ed battery life, it is suggested
NOT to use th e device when itis charging.
c. It is recommended to charg e the batt ery be foreyou use the device for the fi rst ti me.
d. For maximum perf ormanc e, lithium‐ ion batteries need to be used of ten. If you don’tuse the device often ,
be sure to rechar ge the battery at least once per month.
e. Should the recha rgeable ba ttery of the de vice discharge co mpletely,connectthe device(usi ng th e
adapt er) to the main power source for approx imat ely5 ‐ 10 minute s befo re atte mpting nor mal
operation .
f. In some cases, devi ces which have been charged for lon ger per iods of time may not be able to be
switched bac k on. Shou ld this occur you have to makea Res et.
Con nect via USB
Note :Only use a USB cable with a maxi mum length of 100cm. Please make sure wh en connect ing the USB
cableor deviceinto the USB socket that the connec tor alignment ar e correct. Incorrec t insertion may cause
damageto the plug and socket.
In orde r to view or playb ack files, these must first be downlo aded from the int ernet or transferred froma
computer and stored on the device via Mirco SD card or USB‐ Stick.
ATTENTION :A direct connection bet wee n the Device and Computer,via USB ‐Cable is no t possible!
Installi ng Memory Card
- To usea memo ry card, fi nd the card slot at the side of the devi ce and then in sert the memory card into
the slot in the correc t or ienta tionas shown. Checkthat th e Micro SD card is in the correct position with
the conta ct pin fa cing down wards as illustra ted. You
may damag e the card and the reade r if Micro SD
card is not inserted in correctposition.
- Pushthe Micro SD card into the card slot unt il it click s.
- To access the files st ored in the mem orycard, ent er the Explor er mode by tap pin g the Explo rer icon and
select the
“SD Card” direc tor y.
- To removeMicro SD card, push the card onc e again unt il it clicks.
Note :We recommend using only Micro SD or SDHC cards up to 128GB capacity.
‐When a Micro SD card is inserted in or eject ed from the device, it may take fewseconds for th e
devi ce to update the cont ent.
‐Pleaseavoid inserting or ej ecti ng Micro SD card wh en oth er operation is runni ng as th is may cause
the system hang.
‐Do Not remo ve the card ifth e content inside the card is beingplayed. This wi ll hal t the
operation of th e device and might ca usea system hang.
‐Pleaseuse your fingernails to prope rlyin sert or re move the car d.
Tiltingthe scree n
Thehi nges of the device allow thescreen to be tilted to almost 360°. This allows thedevic e to be used as a
traditional noteb ook, Tablet PCor pr oppe d touch screen PC.
The de vice will automatically switch to the tab let mod e when open ed to an angle of 180°‐ 200°.A noti ce will
appear in the dis play. The ke yboard will automatically be de activat ed when reaching th e above mentio ned
angleand reac tivated when folded ba ck.
Connec ting to the Internet
(1) Click atthe Icon to open the Functions ‐Bar.
(2) Click the icon to op en All settings and se lect „Network and Intern et“.
(3) Click on the networkyou wish to connect to and then click on “Connect”. Your Devi ce wil l
now attem pt to establi sha connec tion to that 3G network. If the connection is successful,
the messag e “Connected” will appear belo w th e network.
If there is no inte rnet connectio n pleaserechec k this setting and verify that yo u are co nn ect ed to an
avilable wifi or 3G Net wor k.
On our website yo u will find thelatest information about this product, oth er pr oduc ts of our enterprise , our
company itself and valid warranty terms. The lat ter you will find unde r Service‐ Dow nloa ds.
Axdia Inter national GmbH Tel: +49( 0) 21 54/ 8826‐0
Formerweg9 Fax: +49(0) 21 54/ 8826‐ 100
D‐ 47877
Willich (Germa ny)
Support‐ Hotline (9.00am– 2.3 0pm):+49 (0)2154/ 8826‐ 101
E‐ Mail: suppor t@odys. de
Note :
Pleas e address any further questions directly to our Customer Service Departme nt at thefollo winge ‐mail
address: support@ axdia.de
In orde r to be able to process yourrequ est qui ckly, we ask you tohave the followin g informationready:
‐Produ ct descri ption
‐Purch ase date
‐Descr iption of probl em
Do not di spo se of this ite m with no rmal househ old waste. Please return any defectiv e
device to your dea ler or toa collection point for enviro nment ally soun d dispo sal.
Axdia International Gm bH hereby declaresthat this dev ice is in a ccordance wit h the
essent ial requ irement s and ot her relevant provisions of Direct ive 2014/ 53/EU. Th e
CE declaration of conformity for th is product can be foun d on the inte rne t at:
www.o dys.d e– Servi ce– downloads