Major Features ................ .......................... ......... 1
Programmable Features ...................... .............. 1
Cash Register Components ............................... 2
Removable Cash Drawer and Bo x ............................ .......... 2
Inserting Mem ory Card Storag e Device ............................. 2
Operator and Customer D isplays ..................... 2
Switching the Op erator Display On ......................... .......... 2
Switching the Op erator Display Off .................... ............... 2
Symbols and Me ssages ................................. .................... 2
Switching on for the First Time ...................... .................... 3
Cash Register Functions ............ ........................ 4
Keypad Functions ....................... ........................ ............... 4
Unmapped Fun ctions ...................... ........................ .......... 7
Using the Menus .................................. .............. 8
Main Menu ................................ ........................ ............... 8
Menu Navigation Mode .......................................... .......... 9
Data Entry Forms ............. ............................. .................... 9
Caption Programming ......................... .............. 9
Using the Keypad ............................ ............................. ..... 9
Using the Character Table ........................ ....................... 10
Quick Start Programmi ng ........................ ....... 11
Setting Your Lang uage and PLU/EJ/TABLE Requirem ents . 11
Setting the D ate Format ..................................... ............. 12
Setting the D ate .............................. ............................. ... 12
Setting the T ime Format .................. ........................ ........ 12
Setting the T ime .................................. ........................ ... 12
Setting the E CR number ..................................... ............. 12
Programm ing Mode Me nu ............................ .................. 13
Sales Programming ................................... ....... 13
Creating Departm ent Group Nam es ................................ 13
Programm ing Departme nts ................................ ............. 14
Programmin g Price Look-Ups (PLUs) ................... ............. 15
Programmin g Percentage Discount/ Add-on Keys ............. 16
Programmin g Discount/Add-on K eys ............................... 16
Setting Up Foreig n Currency Exchange Rates .................. 17
Programmin g Instore Embed ded Price Barcodes .............. 17
Creating a Re ceipt Header and Footer ..................... ........ 18
Creating Scrolling Messages for the Customer Display .... 18
Creating Autom atic Business Re ceipts (ABR) .................... 18
Creating the Invoice Message ....................... .................. 19
Configuring Your Cash Register ..................... 19
Changing How th e Cash Register is P rogrammed ............ 19
Initial Setup ................. ......................... ........................ ... 20
Operation Mode ........................................... .................. 20
Receipt Print ing Mode ................ ............................. ........ 22
Invoice Printing Mode ................ ........................ ............. 24
Report Printing Mo de ............................... ....................... 25
Clerk System ................................... ............................. ... 25
Individual Clerk ..................... ........................ .................. 26
Electronic Journ al ............................ ........................ ........ 26
Function Key S etup .............................. ........................ ... 28
Advanced Se ttings ................................... ....................... 29
Counter Settin gs .................................. ........................ ... 32
Short Captions ........... ........................ ........................ ..... 32
Long Caption s .................... ......................... ................... 32
Logging Onto the Sy stem ............................... 33
Clerk Logon ....................................... ........................ ..... 33
Training Clerk Logon .................... ........................ .......... 33
Manager Lo gons ........................... ........................ .......... 33
Logging Off ....................................... ........................ ..... 33
Printing Programming Reports ....................... 34
Training Mode ....................................... ........... 34
Activating and Disactivating Tra ining Mode .................... 35
Using the Memory Sto rage Device (SD) ......... 35
System Initi alization ....................................... . 36
Management Reports ..................................... . 36
X and Z Repo rts ............................ ........................ .......... 37
Printing X Reports .......... ......................... ........................ 37
Printing Z Reports ................................... ........................ 37
Reports Commo n to X and Z M odes ..................... .......... 37
X Mode-Specific Reports ....................................... .......... 38
Z Mode-Spe cific Reports ................................... .............. 38
Example Cle rk Sales Report .......................... ................... 39
Example All PLUs Report ....................................... .......... 39
PLU Stock Mini Report ...................................... .............. 39
Sales Transaction Exam ples ............................ 40
Registering a S ingle Item Sale with Change Te nder ......... 40
Registering a Multiple Item Sale with Ex act Cash Tend er . 40
Registering a Multiple Item Sale with Ex act
Cash Tender in Fo reign Currency ........ ........................ 40
Registering a S ale of Multiple Item s at Same Cost ........... 40
Registering a Multiple Depa rtment Sale with Payment
in Foreign Currency and Chang e Tender
in Local Currency ........................... ........................ ..... 40
Registering a Cha rge Card Transaction ........................... 41
Split Cash/Charge Card Tender ............... ........................ 41
Credit Card 1 Ten der .................... ............................. ..... 41
Check Tend er ................ ......................... ........................ 41
Check Tend er with Change ............................................ 41
Check Tender in Foreign Cu rrency with Change
in Local Currency ........................... ........................ ..... 41
Split Check/Cash T ender ......................... ........................ 42
Registering (-) Re duction Coupons .................................. 42
Discount ing Total Sale Using a Programmed Discount Rate 42
Discounting the Total Sale Using a Random Discount Rate 4 2
Discounting Individu al Items Using Pro grammed
and Random Discount Rates ....................................... 43
Applying the Programmed Percent Plus Rate
to a Total Sale 43
Applying a Random Percent Add-on Rate to a Total Sale
... 43
Registering a Sales Transaction Using Preset
PLU Item P rices ...... ........................ ........................ ..... 43
Registering a Sales Transaction Using the PLUs Assigned
to the PLU Pag e Levels ................... ............................. 44
Registering a Sales Transaction Using a PLU's
Two Associated Prices ....................................... .......... 44
Registering the Sale of PL Us Assigned to PLU Page
Levels Using their Tw o Associated Prices ....... .............. 44