Thank you for purchasing the OM RON EVOL V Automatic Upper Arm B lood
Pressure Mo nitor .
Y our new autom atic upper arm blood pressure monitor uses t he oscillometric
method of blood pressure measurement. This means the monitor detects your
blood movement through your brachial artery and converts the movements into a
digital reading. An oscillomet ric monitor does not need a stethoscope so the
monitor is sim ple to use.
Inte nded Use
This device is a digital monitor intended for use in measuring blood p ressure and
pulse rate in adult patient population. The device detects the ap pearance of
irregular heartbeats during measurement and gives a warning signal with
readings. It is mainly designed for general household use.
Important Safety Information
Please read the Important Safety Informati on in this instru ction manual
befor e using the unit.
Please follow this inst ruction manual thoroughly fo r your safety .
Please keep f or future reference. Fo r specific information about y our own blood
Wa r n i n g
Indicat es a pote ntially ha zardous si tuation whi ch, if not
avoide d, could result in deat h or serious inju ry .
• DO NOT adjust medication based on m easurement results from this blood
pressure monitor. T ake medication as prescribed by your physician. Only a
physician is qualified to diagnose and treat hi gh blood pressur e.
• DO NOT use this monitor on an injured arm or an arm under medical
• DO NOT wear the arm cuff on y our arm while on an intravenou s drip or blood
• DO NOT apply or inflate the arm cuff around any body p arts other than your
upper arm.
• DO NOT use this monitor in areas containing high f r equency (HF) surgical
equipment, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipmen t, computerized
tomography (CT) scanner s or in oxygen rich environment s .
• DO NOT use this monitor on infants, toddlers, children o r persons who cannot
express t hemselves.
• Consult your physician before using this monitor if you have common
arrhythmias such as atrial or ventricular prema ture beats or atrial fibrillation;
arterial sclerosis; poor perf usion; diabetes; pregnancy; pre-ec lampsia; or renal
• Always consult your physician. S elf-diagnosis of measurement results and
self-treatment ar e dangerous.
• Contains small parts t hat may caus e a choking hazard if swallowed by children,
toddlers or infants.
• Keep the BA TTERY out of the reach of children, toddlers and infants.
• This product emits radio frequencies (RF) in the 2. 4 GHz band. DO N OT use
this product in locations where RF is restricted, such a s on an aircraft or in
Indicat es a pote ntially ha zardous si tuation whi ch, if not
avoide d, may resu lt in minor or modera te injury t o the
user or patient or dam age to the equipment or other
proper ty .
• S top using this monitor and consult your physician if you experience skin
irritation or discomfort.
• Consult your physician before using t his monitor on an arm with an
arterio-venous ( A-V) shunt.
• Note that P A TIENT motion, t rembling, shivering may affect the measurement
• Consult your physician before using this monitor if you have had a mastect omy .
• Consult your physician before using the monitor if you have severe blood flow
problems or blood disorders as c uf f inflation ca n cause bruising.
• Do not take measurements more often t han neces sary because bruising, due
to blood flow interference, may occur .
• Remove the arm cuff if i t does not start deflating during the measurement.
• Do not use this monitor for any purpose other than measuring blood press ure.
• Do not use a mobile phone or other electrical devices that emit electromagnetic
fields near this m onitor except when trans ferring your readings to y our smart
device. This may result in incorrect operation of this monitor .
• Do not disass emble or attempt t o repair the monitor or components. This may
cause an inacc urate reading.
• Do not use in a location where there is moisture or a risk of w ater splashing the
monitor . This m ay damage the monit or .
• Do not use this monitor in a moving vehicle such as in a car or on an airplane.
• Do not drop, or subject this monitor to strong shocks or vibrations.
• Do not use this monitor in places with high or low humidity o r high or low
temperatures. See the “6. S pecifications” section of the manual.
• Please check, by observation of the a rm being used, that t he monitor is not
causing any impairment of patient blood circulation.
• Do not use this monitor in high-use environments such as medical clinics or
physician offices.
• Avoid bathing, drinking alcohol or caffeine, smoking, exercising and eating f or
30 minutes before taking a measurement.
• Rest for at least 5 minutes before taking the measu rement.
• Remove tight-fitting or thick clothing from your arm while t aking a
• Remain still and do not talk while taking a measurement.
• Read and follow the “Important inf orm ation regarding Electro Magnetic
Compatibility (EMC)” in the “6. S pec ifications”.
• Read and follow the “Correct Disposal of This Product” in “6. Specifications”
when disposing of the device and any used accessories or optional part s.
Dat a Transmi s sion
• Do not replace the battery while your reading is being transferred to your smart
device. This may result in the incorrect operat ion of your monitor and failure to
transfer your blood pressure data.
• Do not place integrated circuit cards, magnets, metal objects, or other devices
that emit electromagnetic fields near this moni t or while your reading is bei n g
transferred to your smart dev ice. This may result in the incorrect o peration of
your monitor and failure to transfer your blood pressure dat a.
Batt ery Handlin g and Usage
• Do not insert the batteries with their polarit ies incorrec tly aligned.
• Use only 4 “AAA” alkaline batteries with this monitor . Do not use other ty pes of
batteries. Do not use new and used batteries t ogether .
• Remove the batteries if the monitor will not be used for a long period of time.
• If battery fluid should get in your eyes, im mediately rinse with plenty of clean
water . Consult a phy sician immediately .
• If batt ery fluid sh ould get on yo ur skin, wash you r skin immediat ely with plent y of
clean, lu kewar m water . If irritation, in jury or pain persists, con sult a phys ician.
• Do not use batt eries after their expiration date.
• Periodically check y our batteries to ensure they are in good wor king condition.
• Only use batteries specified for this monitor . Use of unsuppo rted batteries may
damage and/or m ay be hazardous t o the monitor .
1. Know Y our Devi ce
Content s:
Monitor , battery set, instr uction manu al, setup ins tructions, sof t case
1.1 Display symbols
Irregular Heartbe at Symbol ( )
When the monitor detects an irregular rhythm
two or more times during the meas urement, the
irregular heartbeat symbol will appear on the
display with the measurement values.
An irregular heartbeat r hythm is defined as a
rhythm that is 25% less or 25% more than the
average rhythm detected while the monito r is
measuring the syst olic and diastolic blood
If the irregular heartbeat symbol displays with your measurem ent results,
we recommend you consult your phy sician. Follow the directions of your
Movement Error Sym bol ( )
The movement error s ymbol is displayed if you move your body during the
measurement. Pleas e remove the arm cuff, and wait 2 - 3 minutes.
T ake another measurement and remain still during measurement.
Cuff Wr ap Guide Symbol ( / )
If the cuf f was wrappe d too loosely , it may cause unreliable results. If the
wrapping of cuff is too loose, the cuff wrap guide symbol “ ” appears.
Otherwise “ ” appears. This is the function w hich is used as an aid in
determining if the cuf f is wrapped snugly enough.
SYNC Symbol ( )
• When the SY NC symbol appears on the display , make sur e that your
monitor has been pairing with the smart dev ice or transfer the dat a .
• When the SYNC symbol appears on the display , transfer the data before
the measurements are deleted. Maximum internal memory is for
100 measurements. The oldest value will be deleted when this is reached
before downloading.
2013 ESH/ES C Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension
Definitions of hype rtension by office and home blood pressure levels
These are from statistical values for blood pressure.
1.2 Before T aki ng a Measurement
T o he lp ensure an accurate reading, follow t he se directions:
1. Av oid bathing, drinking alcohol or caffeine, smoking, exercising and
eating for 30 m inutes before taking a m easurement.
2. Rest for at least 5 minutes before t aking the measurem ent.
3. S tress raises blood pressure. Avoid taking measurements during
stre ssfu l tim es.
4. Measurements should be taken in a quiet place.
5. Remove tight-fitting clothing f rom your arm.
6. Keep a record of your blood pr essure and pulse readings for your
physician. A single measurement does not provide an accurate
indication of your true blood pressure. Y ou n eed to take and record
several readings over a period of time. T ry t o measure your blood
pressure at the same time each day fo r consistency .
2. Prep aration
2.1 Battery Inst allation
1. Rem ove the b attery co ver .
Gently slip into the gap of the
hook and pull downward.
2. Insert 4 “AAA” batteries as
indica ted, into th e battery
3. R eplace t he bat tery cove r .
When the b atteries have been securely placed in this device, the mess age
and SYNC symbol below will appear on the s creen:
• When the depleted battery s ymbol “ ” appears on the display , turn t he
monitor off and remov e all the batteries. Replace with 4 new batteries at
the same time. Long life alkaline batteries are recommended.
• The measurement values continue to be stored in the memory even after
the batteries are replaced.
• The sup plied batteries may have a shorter life than new batteries.
• Disposal of used batteries should be carried out in accordance with t h e
national/local regulations for the disposal of batteries.
2.2 Pairing Y our Monitor wit h a Smart Device
The date and tim e on your monitor will autom atically be set when you pair
it with your sm art devi c e.
T o begin u sing the “OMRON connect” app for the first time, p lease visit /setup
for the initial set-up inst ructions.
1. T urn o n the Bluetooth
feature o f the smart d evice.
2. Download and ins tall the free “ OMRON con nect” app on
your sma rt device.
* If you already have the “OM RON connect” app , go to:
Menu > Devices > Add Device
3. Open the app on your smart d evice and fo llow the s et-up
and pair ing ins truct ions.
4. Confirm the mon itor is connect ed succ essfull y .
If the monitor is c on nected s uc cessfully t o the smart device, “OK” will
appear on the display .
If “E rr” appe ars, refe r to “Con nection f ailure. / Dat a is no t being
transmitted.” i n section 4.2 for more de t ail.
• If you u se any other app instead of “OMRO N connect”, the date and time
may no t be automa ticall y set.
If you need to set t he date and time, pair your monitor or t ransfer the data
by using “OMRON connect” app.
• The date/time will only be set fo r future measurements taken after the
measurement that was transferred, it will not b e saved to the
measurement that was just transferred.
• Please be aware that OMRON will not be responsible for the loss of dat a
and/or information.
• If you use t he monitor without pairing, refer to the “Using your Monitor
without Pairing” in the “3.3 T aking a Measurem ent”.
3. Using the Device
3.1 Applying the Arm Cuff
Remove tight-fitting clothing from your left upper arm.
Do not place the arm cuff over th ick clothes.
1. Apply the ar m cuff to your le ft upper
The bottom edge of the arm cuff should be
1 to 2 cm above the elbow . Positioning the
display in clear v iew of the user m akes it
easier to read the results.
2. Securely close wit h the fabric
fastener .
• The b lood pressu re can diff er betwee n
the ri ght arm and the l eft arm, an d the
measured bl ood pressure va lues can
be di fferent. Omron r ecomm ends t o alwa ys us e the sa me a rm for
meas uremen t. If the v alues be tween both arms differ substa ntiall y , pl ease
check with your physician as to which arm to use for your measur ements.
• Pos itioni ng the m onitor with t he [ST ART/STOP] button toward s the bo dy
makes it eas ier to use the device.
3.2 How to Sit Correctly
T o take a me asurement, you need to be rel axed and
co mfortabl y seat ed, at a comfor table room
temp erat ure.
• Sit in a chair with your legs uncrossed and your feet flat on
the floor .
• Sit upright with your back straight.
• Sit with your back and arm being supported.
• The arm cuff should be placed on your a rm at the sam e level as your heart.
3.3 T aking a Measurement
• T o stop the meas urement, press the [ST ART/STOP] button onc e to
def late the arm cu ff.
• Remain still and do not talk while taking a measurement.
• This device will store 10 0 measurements in the device. Stored
measurements cannot be viewed on the m onitor's display . Y ou will need
to use the “ OMRON connect” app to view all m easurements prior to the
most recent reading taken.
• Do not use the monitor with other elect rical devices simultaneously . This
may result in inc orrect operation of the monitor .
1. Press the [ST ART/STOP] button.
The arm cuff will start to infl ate.
: The arm cuff was wrapped snugly enough.
: The arm cuff was loose or not wrapped corre ctly .
Note: The cuff wrap gui d e result appears on t he display during the
The following symbols indicate incorrect measurement
• If any of t he se symbols below are di s played, please take a nother
measurement and try again.
2. Remove the arm cuff.
3. T ran sfer yo ur reading s.
Please make s ure your monitor is within 5 m (1 6 ft.) of your sma rt device
and your “OMR ON connect” app is active.
As soon as the measurement is complete, your reading will be
automatically transferred to the app.
T ransferring
your readin gs later
1. Open the app on your smart device and then f ollow the instructions.
2. Press connection button to transfer your readings.
• If your readings are successfully transferred to your smart device,
“OK” will flash on the display .
If “Er r” appea rs, refe r to “Con necti on fail ure. / D ata is not bein g
transmitted.” in section 4.2 for more detail.
• When the SYNC symbol “ ” appears on the display , transfer the data
immediately before the readings are deleted.
• When the Connection OFF symbol “ ” ap pears on the di s play , turn on
the Bl ueto oth feature of yo ur monitor . (Refer t o section 3.4)
• Once you send your readings to the app, the data cannot be resent to the
app or smart device.
4. After your re adings hav e been trans ferred to the “OMRON
connect” app, p ress the [ST ART/STOP] button to turn o f f .
• The monitor will automatically turn off af ter 2 minutes.
• Wait 2-3 minutes before taking another m easurement. Waiting between
measurements allows the arteries to return to their prior condition to
taking the measurement.
• If you use any other app instead of “OMRON connect”, the data m ay not
be displayed correctly after sending.
Dat a T ransfer With M ultiple Smart Devic es
Once you transf er your data to a smart device, that data c annot be
transferred again to th e same smar t device, nor to another smart device.
About Multip le Users
This monitor is recommended for personal use.
When this monitor is used by more than one person, the measurement data
will be combined.
Using your M onitor without Pairing
Y ou can use this blood pressure monitor without pairing t o a smart device.
1. Apply the arm cuff. (Refer to sect ion 3.1)
2. Press [ST ART/STOP] button. (Refer t o step 1 to 2 in s ection 3.3)
Write dow n your S YS/DI A and Pul se read ings, alo ng with the date an d time
of your meas urement on a piece of p aper to keep a record of you r history .
Note: When using this blood pressure monitor without a smart device, you
will not be able to view your prior readings stored in the memory .
Automa tic Up pe r Arm
Blood P ressur e Monitor
EVOL V (H EM-7600T - E)
Instruction Manual
Connection symbol Battery sym bol (low)
Connection OFF symbol Battery symbol (depleted)
Connection ON symbol Deflation symbol
Movement error sy mbol
Heartbeat symbol
(Flashes during measurement.)
SYNC symbol Cuff Wrap Guide Symbol
Irregular heartbeat symbol
Offic e Home
Systolic B lood Pressure ≥140 mmHg ≥135 mmH g
Diastolic Blood P ressure ≥90 mmHg ≥85 mmHg
A. ST ART/ STOP bu tton
B. Conn ection button
C. Display
D. Arm cuff
E. B attery compartment
F . Sys tolic blood pressure
G . Diastolic blood pressure
H. Pulse display
Irregular Heartbeat
Normal Heartbeat
Blood pressure
Blood pressure
: Make sure to press t he connection button to pair with the smart
device or transfer the data before taking a measuremen t when
the SYNC symbol
“” appears.
Review the list of compatible smart devic es at: /devices
For details, visit: omr
1 - 2 cm
DO NOT adjust medication based on measurement results from this blood
pressure m onitor . T ake medication as prescribed by y our physician. Only a
physician is qualified to diagnose and t reat high blood pressure.
Always consult your physician. Self-diagnosis of m easurement results and
self-treatment are dangerous.