Model: HJ-329
Alvit a Ultimate
Thank you for purcha sing the OMRON HJ- 329 Pedometer.
This Ped ometer featur es advanced 3D S mart Sensor
technology - so it knows ex actly when you’ re taking a step.
It’s more accur ate than othe r pedomet ers which use a
simple pendulum de sign. Use thi s in your pocket, bag or on
your hip for added c onvenience . Use this unit everyda y to
monitor y our fit ness achi evements! Your Pe dometer comes
with the follo wing compone nts:
Batt ery (CR2032 inst alled)
Hol der
Instructi on Manual
Please read th is inst ruction manual t horough ly before u sing
the unit . Please keep for future refe rence.
To assure the cor rect use of the pro duct basic safety
measur es should always b e foll owed includ ing the
warnin gs and cautions listed in this instruc tion ma nual.
Contact your ph ysician or healthca re provi der before
beginni ng a weight reduction or exercise progra m.
Keep the unit out of the reach of young chi ldren. The
unit cont ains small pie ces that may be swallowed.
Immedi ately conta ct your physic ian if any piece is
swal lowed .
Please us e caution when wearing the unit a round yo ur
neck so as to avoid possible strangula tion. Do no t pla ce
the unit a round the nec k of children .
If battery fluid ge ts in your eyes, on your skin or
clothi ng immediat ely rinse with pl enty of clean wa ter.
Conta ct a physi cian i mmediately .
Read all inf ormat ion in the in struct ion manua l and a ny
other l iteratur e inc luded in the box before using the
unit. Operate t he unit only as instructed. Do n ot use for
any ot her purpo se.
Do not ins ert th e batter y with the polariti es in the
wrong d irection.
Do not thr ow the ba ttery int o fire. T he batte ry may
Dispose of the device, batte ry, and compone nts
according to ap plicable local reg ulations. Unlawf ul
disposa l may cause envi ronment al pollu tion.
Front of unit
Remov e the prot ectiv e film from th e face of the un it.
Back o f the ma in unit
This ped ometer cont ains a featu re to calcul ate your walk ing
stride, i f you w ould l ike to adjust i t, ple ase foll ow these
instruct ions.
How to measure your stride length
1. Walk 10 steps with your normal stride as
illus trated below.
2. Measur e the di stance from ST ART to END in
inche s.
3. Cal culate your s tride length by dividi ng the total
dist ance by 1 0.
Exam ple :
Total distanc e = 320''
320 ÷ 10 = 32 inches (2 feet 8 inche s)
Conversion C hart
12 inches = 1 foot
24 in ches = 2 feet
36 in ches = 3 feet
48 in ches = 4 feet
The unit comes wi th the b attery i nstalle d. When you use t he
unit for th e first time , follow the steps below. For setting
range det ails refer t o “SPECIFICATIONS”.
If t he init ial sett ings a re not co rrect, the measu rement
results may not be accurate .
1. Pre ss and hold an y button fo r 2 second s.
After “HELLO” has been displayed, “lb” and “ kg”
flash on the dis play.
2. Setti ng the weight units.
A) Press or to s elect
the mode.
B) Press to confirm the
3. To set the heigh t/stride
length unit, repea t steps A)
and B) in step 2 above.
4. To set the dista nce unit,
repeat steps A) and B ) in
step 2 above.
5. Setti ng the weight.
A) Press or to sel ect the desired va lue for a
• Press ( ) to advance (go back) one.
• Hold ( ) down to advance (go bac k)
ra pidl y.
B) Press to confirm th e sett ing.
6. To set the hei ght, repeat s teps A) and B) in step 5
7. To set the str ide length , repeat s teps A) and B) in
step 5 above.
8. To set the hour, repeat ste ps A) and B) i n step 5
9. To set the minu te, repeat ste ps A) and B ) in step 5
All the settings are completed.
Adjust the settings
1. Press a nd hold and at th e same time.
“lb” or “kg” flash on the display.
2. Follow the procedure from step 2 of “SE TTINGS”.
The unit accur ately coun ts in a pock et, bag or anywh ere you
want to put it. The unit ma y be placed in the upper front
pocket of you r clothing, in the front po cket of your pants, in
a bag, or attached to you r belt or pants .
Simply bring th e unit with you wherever you go.
In order to avo id counting ste ps that are not pa rt of a walk,
the unit doe s not display the step count for the first
4 seconds of walking . If you continu e walking for more
than 4 seconds, it displays the step coun t for the first
4 seconds and the n continues to c ount.
The uni t may no t count steps co rrectl y in the
following condi tions:
1. Th e unit moves irregula rly.
• When th e unit is pl aced in a b ag and the ba g moves
irregula rly.
• When the unit s wings f rom y our belt, t he top of
your pants or a bag .
2. Walkin g at an incons istent pac e.
• When you shuffl e or wear sandals.
• Starting and stopp ing or ot her form s of incons istent
3. U p an d do wn mo vemen t.
• Standing up an d/or sittin g down
movement .
• Playin g sports other th an walk ing.
• Ascending or descending
movement on st airs or on a steep
4. V ibra tio ns from a movin g vehi cle.
• Such as riding a bicy cle, automobi le, train or bus.
5. Walkin g extremel y slowly.
Pres s to view th e var ious meas urem ents .
Calori es
By measur ing the inte nsity of your acti vity, th e unit can
calculate the am ount o f calories burned.
Aerobic steps
Aerobic s teps are t he physical e xercise t hat helps us stay
health y. Aerobic steps are count ed sep arately when
walking mo re than 60 steps per mi nute and more than 10
minutes successively. If a rest of less than 1 minute is take n
after a con tinuous wa lk of more tha n 10 minutes, this will
be regarded as part of “a continuous walk”.
The batt ery saving mo de
After 5 minute s with no butto n bei ng presse d, the display
will autom atica lly turn of f. Howeve r, the unit continues
counting steps. This mo de ext ends the batte ry life.
Press , or to activate the dis play again.
The unit sto res up to 7 days of da ta on the unit. Th e current
day's dat a is autom atica lly store d in memor y when the time
reaches 12: 00AM (0:00). The dis play will retu rn to 0.
The time mus t be correctly set in the unit.
1. Press to sel ect the type of measuremen t you
want to s ee (steps, distance, etc .).
2. Pre ss to view the results ( days 1-7) in me mory.
The display changes with each p ress of as shown below.
If no butto n is pressed for mor e than 1 minute, the display
will return to the c urrent day's data .
Fill-in for future reference
DATE PURCHASED: ___________
• Stapl e your purc hase r ecei pt her e
• Register y our product online at
Indicates a potentially haz ardous situation
which, if not avoided, could r esult in death or
serious i njury.
Indicates a potentially haz ardous situation
which, if not avoided, may r esult in minor or
moderate injury to the user or patient or
damage to the equipment or other property.
Low ba ttery
/▼ but ton
/ ● button
/ ▲button
Batter y cover lock
Batte ry co ver
Strap at tachment
Attach/remove the holder as illustrated below.
Strap and Clip
Create a loop
to attach the
To release To fasten
How to attach
the strap to the
main unit
How to connect
the strap and
the clip
How to release and
fasten with a clip
Step count display
Distance displa y
Calories display
Aerobi c steps disp lay Page 1 Monday, December 9, 2013 11:38 AM