Setup Codes for TVs:
Onw a 0180
Optimus 0154, 0250, 0166
Optonica 0093, 0165
Orion 0236, 0463, 0179
Pan asonic 0051, 0250
P enney 0047, 0156, 0051, 0060, 0030, 0178,
0019, 0056, 0039, 0135, 1347
Philco 0054, 0463, 0030, 0145, 0019
Philips 0054
Pilot 0030, 0019, 0039
Pioneer 0166
P ortland 0019, 0039, 0092
Prism 0051
Pr oscan 0047
Pr oto n 0178, 0031, 0052, 0466
Pulsar 0017, 0019
Quasar 0051, 0250, 0165
RCA 0047, 0051, 0093, 0019, 0090, 0135,
1047, 1147, 1247, 1347, 1447
Radio Shack 0047, 0154, 0165, 0180, 0030, 0178,
0019, 0056,0039
Realistic 0154, 0165, 0180, 0030, 0178, 0019,
0056, 0039
Runc o 0017, 0030
SSS 0180, 0019
Sampo 0030, 0039, 0052
Samsung 0060, 0030, 0178, 0019, 0056
Samsux 0039
Sansei 0451
Sansui 0463
Sany o 0154
Scimitsu 0019
Scot ch 0178
Scott 0236, 0180, 0178, 0019, 0179
Sears 0047, 0054, 0154, 0156, 0178, 0179,
0056, 0171
Semivo x 0180
Semp 0156
Sharp 0093, 0165, 0039
Shogun 0019
Sony 0000
Soundesign 0180, 0178, 0179
Squar eview 0171
Starlit e 0180
Sup reme 0000
Syl vania 0054, 0030
Symph onic 0171
TMK 0178, 0056, 0177
T andy 0093
T echnics 0051, 0250
T echnol A ce 0179
T ech wood 0051, 0056
T eknika 0054, 0180, 0150, 0060, 0019, 0179,
0056, 0039, 0092
T elefunken 0056
T era 0031
T oshiba 0154, 0156, 0060, 1256
T otevision 0039
V ector R esearc h 0030
V ictor 0053
V idikron 0054
V idtec h 0178, 0019
W ards 0054, 0165, 0030, 0178, 0019, 0179,
Whi te
W estinghouse 0463, 0623, 0624
Y amaha 0030, 0019
Zenith 0017, 0463, 0092, 0624
Setup Codes for VCRs:
A dmiral 0048, 0209
A dv entura 0000
Aiko 0278
Aiwa 0037, 0000
Akai 0041
America Action 0278
American High 0035
Asha 0240
A udio vo x 0037
Beaumark 0240
Bell & Ho well 0104
Br oksonic 0184, 0121, 0209, 0002, 0479
CCE 0072, 0278
Calix 0037
Canon 0035
Carver 0081
Cineral 0278
Citizen 0037, 0278
Colt 0072
Craig 0037, 0047, 0240, 0072, 0271
Curtis Mathes 0060, 0035, 0041, 0162
Cybernex 0240
Daewoo 0045, 0278
Denon 0042
Dynatech 0000
Electrohom e 0037
Electroph onic 0037
Emerex 0032
Emerson 0037, 0184, 0000, 0121, 0043, 0209,
0002, 0278, 0479
Fisher 0047, 0104
Fuji 0035, 0033
Funai 0000
GE 0060, 0035, 0048, 0202, 0240
Garrard 0000
Go V ideo 0526
GoldStar 0037, 0038
Gradien te 0000
HI-Q 0047
Har le y
Davidson 0000
Har m an
/Kar don 0081, 0038
Harwood 0072
Hitachi 0000, 0042, 0041
Hu g h es
Netw ork 0042
JV C 0067, 0041
Jen sen 0041
KEC 0037, 0278
KLH 0072
K enw ood 0067, 0041, 0038
K odak 0035, 0037
LXI 0037
Lloy d's 0000
Logik 0072
MEI 0035
MGA 0240, 0043
T echnology 0240
MTC 0240, 0000
Magnasonic 0278
Magna vo x 0035, 0039, 0081, 0000, 0149
Magnin 0240
Maran tz 0035, 0081
Marta 0037
Ma tsushita 0035, 0162, 0454
Memo re x 0035, 0037, 0048, 0039, 0047, 0240,
0000, 0104, 0209, 0454, 1037, 1162, 1262
Minolta 0042
Mitsub ishi 0048, 0067, 0043
Mo tor ola 0035, 0048
M ultitec h 0000, 0072
NEC 0104, 0067, 0041, 0038
Nikk o 0037
No blex 0240
Olympus 0035
Optimus 0037, 0048, 0104, 0162, 0454, 1048,
1062, 1162, 1262
Orion 0184, 0209, 0002, 0479
Pan asonic 0035, 0162, 0225, 0454, 0616, 1062,
1162, 1262
P enney 0035, 0037, 0240, 0042, 0038
P entax 0042
Philco 0035, 0209, 0479
Philips 0035, 0081, 0618
Pilot 0037
Pioneer 0067
Pr ofitr onic 0240
Pr oscan 0060, 0202
Pr otec 0072
Pulsar 0039
Quasar 0035, 0162, 0454, 1162
RCA 0060, 0035, 0048, 0240, 0042, 0149,
Radio Shack 0000, 1037
Radix 0037
Randex 0037
Realistic 0035, 0037, 0048, 0047, 0000, 0104
Rep layTV 0614, 0616
Runc o 0039
STS 0042
Samsung 0240, 0045
Sanky 0048, 0039
Sansui 0000, 0067, 0209, 0041, 0271, 0479
Sany o 0047, 0240, 0104
Scott 0184, 0045, 0121, 0043
Sears 0035, 0037, 0047, 0000, 0042, 0104
Semp 0045
Sharp 0048
Shinto m 0072
Shogun 0240
Singer 0072
Son y 0035, 0032, 0000, 0033
Syl vania 0035, 0081, 0000, 0043
Symph onic 0000
TMK 0240
T atung 0041
T eac 0000, 0041
T echnics 0035, 0162, 0202
T eknika 0035, 0037, 0000
Thomas 0000
Ti vo 0618
T oshiba 0045, 0043
T otevision 0037, 0240
U nitec h 0240
V ector 0045
Ve c t o r
Resear ch 0038
Vid e o
Concep ts 0045
V ideosonic 0240
W ards 0060, 0035, 0048, 0047, 0081, 0240,
0000, 0042, 0072, 0149
Whi te
W estinghouse 0209, 0278
XR -1000 0035, 0000, 0072
Y amaha 0038
Zenith 0039, 0000, 0209, 0033, 0479
Setup Codes for TV/VCR Combos:
Br ocksonic 0002, 0479 ( TV :0463)
Citizen 0278
Colt 0072
Curtis Ma thes 0035 (TV :0051)
Daewoo 0278 (TV :0624)
Emerson 0002, 0479 (TV :0463),
0278 (TV :0624)
Funai 0000
GE 0060 (TV :0047), 0048 ( TV :0093),
0035 (TV :0051), 0240
GoldStar 0037 ( TV :0056)
Harley Da vidson 0000
Hitachi 0000
Lloy d's 0000
Magnasonic 0278
Magna vo x 0000, 0081 ( TV :0054)
Magnin 0240
Memo re x 1162, 1262, 0162 (TV :0250), 0037
(TV :0056), 1037
MGA 0240
Mitsub ishi 0048 (T V :0093)
Optimus 1162, 1262, 0162 (TV :0250)
Orion 0002, 0479 (T V : 0463)
Pan asonic 1162, 1262, 0162 ( TV :0250), 0035
(TV :0051)
P enney 0037 (TV :0056), 0035 ( TV :0051),
Quasar 0162 (TV :0250) , 0035 (TV :0051)
Radio Shack 1037
RCA 0060 (TV :0047), 0048 (TV :0093),
0035 (TV :0051), 0240
Sansui 0000, 0479 (TV : 0463)
Sany o 0240
Sears 0000, 0037 (TV :0056)
Sharp 0048 ( TV :0093)
Son y 0032 (T V :0000)
Syl vania 0081 (TV :0054)
Symph onic 0000
Thomas 0000
Whit e W estinghouse 0278 ( TV :0624)
Zenith 0000, 0479 (TV :0463))
Setup Codes for Cable Converters:
ABC 0003, 0008, 0014, 0017, 0007, 0011,
Allegro 0153, 0315
Americast 0899
Antr onix 0022
Arch er 0153, 0022, 0797
Belcor 0056
Bell & Ho well 0014
Bell South 0899
Cable Star 0056
Cabletenna 0022
Cableview 0022
Century 0153
Citizen 0153, 0315
Colour V o ice 0025
Comtro nics 0040
Con tec 0019
Digi 0637
Eastern 0002
Emerson 0797
Ev er quest 0015, 0040
Focus 0400
GC Electronics 0056
Garrard 0153
Gemini 0015, 0797
Instrument 0476, 0276, 0011, 0810
GoldStar 0144, 0040
Goodmind 0797
Hamlin 0020, 0259, 0009, 0034
Hitachi 0011
H ytex 0007
Jasc o 0015, 0153, 0315
Jerr old 0003, 0012, 0476, 0276, 0014, 0015,
0011, 0810
Linsa y 0440
Memo rex 0000
Mo vie T ime 0063
NSC 0063
No va plex 0618
Oak 0019, 0007
Optimus 0021
Pan asonic 0000, 0107, 0021
Pan ther 0637
Para gon 0000
Philips 0153, 0025
ioneer 0144, 0533, 0877
Pop u l a r
Mec hanics 0400
Pulsar 0000
Quasar 0000
RCA 0021
Radio Shack 0015, 0315, 0797, 0883
Reco ton 0400
Regal 0020, 0259
Regency 0002
Remb randt 0011
Runc o 0000
SL Ma rx 0040
Samsung 0144, 0040
A tlanta 0008, 0477, 0017, 0877
Signal 0015, 0040
Signatur e 0011
Spruc er 0021
Star com 0003, 0015
Starga te 0015, 0040, 0797
Star quest 0015
TV86 0063
T andy 0258
T eleview 0040
Timeless 0418
T ocom 0012, 0013
T oshiba 0000
T usa 0015
U nika 0153, 0022
U nited Artists 0007
U niv ersal 0153, 0022, 0056, 0191
V iewstar 0063, 0258
Zenith 0000, 0525, 0899
Zente k 0400
Setup Codes for Satellite Receivers:
AlphaS tar 0772
Echosta r 0775, 1005
Express vu 0775
General Instrument 0627, 0361, 0869
HTS 0775
Hitachi 0819
H ughes N etwo rk 0749
JV C 0775
Jerr old 0627, 0361
Magna vo x 0724, 0722
Memo rex 0724
Ne xt Level 0869
Pan asonic 0701
Philips 0724, 0722
Primestar 0627, 0361
RCA 0566, 0143, 0392, 0855
Radio Shack 0869
Sony 0639
Star Cho ice 0869
T oshiba 0790
U niden 0724, 0722
Zenith 0856
Setup Codes for DVD Players:
Denon 0490, 0634
GE 0522
Har m an
/Kar don 0582
JV C 0558, 0623
K enw ood 0534
Magna vo x 0503
Maran tz 0539
Mitsubis hi 0521
Onkyo 0503, 0627
Optimus 0571
Pan asonic 0490, 0632
Philips 0503, 0539
Pioneer 0525, 0571, 0632
Pr oscan 0522
RCA 0522
Samsung 0573
Sharp 0630
Sherwood 0633
Sony 0533
T echnics 0490
Theta Digital 0571
T oshiba 0503
Y amaha 0490, 0545
Zenith 0503, 0591
One Fo r ALL ("OF A") warran ts this
pr oduct to be free fr om def ects in mate-
rials and workmanshi p, und er no rmal
use, thr ougho ut the period o f the prod-
uct’ s owners hip by th e original purchas-
er . This warranty does not co v er damage
or fail ures ca used b y pr odu cts or ser-
vices not su pplied b y OF A, o r which
res ult fro m acciden t, mis uses, ab use,
neglect, mish andling, misap plica tion,
faulty insta llat ion, set- up adjust ment,
imp ro per main tena nce, al tera tion, m al-
adjustment of consumer contro ls, modi -
fication s, co mmer cial use, or tha t is
attributabl e to acts of God.
There ar e no express w arranties except
as listed abo v e. O F A SHALL NOT BE
FOR TH ABO VE. So me sta tes do not
allow the ex cl usio n or limi tation o f inci-
dental or consequentia l da magers, or
limitatio ns on h ow lo ng an imp lied war-
ranty lasts, so th e abov e ex cl usion s or
limitatio ns ma y not ap ply t o y ou. This
warran ty g iv es y ou s pecific legal rights
and yo u ma y also ha ve o ther rights
which var y from state to state.
T o ob tain warranty serv ice for a def ec-
tiv e pr oduct, p lease r eturn the pr odu ct,
preferab ly i n t he or i gi na l c ar ton , al ong
w it h yo u r p u rch a s e re c e ip t , to t h e s t ore
of original purchase f or th e first 90 da y s.
A note detailin g the co mplain t w ould be
help ful. The s to re, a t i ts optio n, will
replace or repa ir t hi s pro duct if foun d to
be de f ecti v e.
If the unit has been purc hased mor e
than 90 day s ago , p ls r eturn it to Impact
Distribution Serv ices, 6262 P atter son
P ass R oad, S uite C, L iv ermor e, CA 94550
together with the o riginal receipt and
$3.95 to co v er posta ge and handling. I t
w i l l b e re pa i re d o r re pl a ce d a t t h e ma nu -
facturer’ s op tion. The man ufacturer
r es erv es the righ t to s ub sti tu t e a curr e n t-
ly man ufactured model with equal or
supe ri or fe atu res .
ONE FOR ALL® is the r egister ed trade-
mark of U niv ersal Electronics I nc.
Comp utime In ternational Lt d. is the
Licen see of the ONE FOR ALL® brand
fo r USA and Canada.
Copyright 2001 by U niversal Electro nics
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stored in any retr ieva l system, or t rans -
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