- During steps 2 - 7 (page 10), you have approximately 10 seconds to conduct each step.
If there is a gap of more than 10 seconds between two steps, you will have to start
again from step number 2.
- The Learning feature is mode specific. Therefore you can place one learned feature
per mode on the same key.
- The URC-9040 can learn approximately 25 - 40 functions (depending on the function
to be learned). Memory full will be indicated by two long blinks.
- You can replace a learned function by placing another learned function on top.
- Learning should not be done in direct sunlight or under incandescent lights.
- Make sure you are using new batteries before following the instructions above.
Upon changing the batteries, your learned functions will be retained.
TToo ddeelleettee aa lleeaarrnneedd ffuunnccttiioonn::
11.. PPrreessss aanndd hhoolldd ddoowwnn RREEWWIINNDD ++ FFAASSTTFFOORRWWAARRDD ssiimmuullttaanneeoouussllyy
uunnttiill tthhee UURRCC--99004400’’ss LLEEDD ((rreedd lliigghhtt)) bblliinnkkss ttwwiiccee
(the LED
will blink once and then twice).
99 77 66
(the LED will blink twice).
Press the
ddeevviiccee kkeeyy
in which the function will be deleted.
ttwwiiccee oonn tthhee lleeaarrnneedd kkeeyy wwhhiicchh wwiillll bbee ddeelleetteedd
(the LED will blink twice).
If there is another “learned function” which you wish to delete, repeat steps 1 - 4.
The original functions of the URC-9040 will now be present.
TToo ddeelleettee aallll lleeaarrnneedd ffuunnccttiioonnss wwiitthhiinn aa ssppeecciiffiicc mmooddee::
11.. PPrreessss aanndd hhoolldd ddoowwnn RREEWWIINNDD ++ FFAASSTTFFOORRWWAARRDD ssiimmuullttaanneeoouussllyy
uunnttiill tthhee UURRCC--99004400’’ss LLEEDD ((rreedd lliigghhtt)) bblliinnkkss ttwwiiccee
(the LED will
blink once and then twice).
99 77 66
(the LED will blink twice).
Press the appropriate
ddeevviiccee ((mmooddee))
key twice. The LED will blink twice.
All keys in the device mode are now restored to the original functions.
The Operational Reset will erase all learned functions across all modes and
some other programmed functions like Macros.
11.. PPrreessss aanndd hhoolldd ddoowwnn RREEWWIINNDD ++ FFAASSTTFFOORRWWAARRDD ssiimmuullttaanneeoouussllyy
uunnttiill tthhee UURRCC--99004400’’ss LLEEDD ((rreedd lliigghhtt)) bblliinnkkss ttwwiiccee
(the LED will
blink once and then twice).
99 88 00
(the LED will blink four times).
TThhee LLeeaarrnniinngg FFeeaattuurree
OOppeerraattiioonnaall RReesseett