The Home Producer comes with an IR/RF
Command Center which receives Radio Frequency
(RF) signals from your Home Producer, anywhere in
your home, up to 100 feet away. The Command
Center then converts the RF signal into an Infrared
signal to control your home theater components. To
setup the Command Center:
1 Find a location approximately 8 feet in front
of your home theater components.
NOTE: The location should have access to both your equipment
(line-of-sight) and an outlet to plug in the Command Center.
2 Plug in the Command Center’s Power Cord
and raise the telescoping antenna.
Telescoping Antenna
IR Lens
3 Position the Command Center so the black
IR lens is aimed at your home theater com-
4 Test the Command Center by pressing the
POWER key on the Home Producer. Your
components should operate from any room
in your home, up to 100 feet away.
NOTE: The Home Producer transmits both an IR and an RF sig-
nal simultaneously. When you are testing the Command Center
with Home Producer, make sure that the remote control is not
aimed at your equipment.
If you would like to reset the Home Producer of all
advanced functions, use the CLEAR ALL feature.
The CLEAR ALL feature will erase the following
functions from the memory of the Home Producer:
Macro Sequences, Timed Macro Sequences,
Volume Lock and Keymovers. CLEAR ALL will not
erase your set-up codes. To clear the memory using
the CLEAR ALL feature:
1 Press and hold SETUP until the dis-
play screen changes from [DEVICE
and the TIME] to [TIMED SEQ].
2x2Press the MENU – key twice, the
display will change to [CONFIG-
URE]. Press SELECT, the display
will change to [THEATR SEL].
3 Press MENU + one time, the dis-
play will read [CLEAR ALL]. Press
SELECT, the display will change to
4x2Press SELECT, the display will
change to [CONFIRM]. Press
SELECT once more and the
display will return to [DEVICE and
the TIME]. Your Home Producer is
now reset.