Lisenssi- ja tavaramerkkitiedot
Manufactured under license f rom Dolby Laboratories. D olby , Dolby Atmos,
Dolby Surroun d and the d ouble-D symbo l are tradema rks of Dolby
For DTS pat ents, see http://pa tents.d ts.com. Man ufactured unde r license from
DTS, Inc. DTS, the Symb ol, DTS in combination with the Symbol, DTS:X, and
the DTS:X logo are registered trademarks or t rademarks of DTS, Inc. in the
United S tates and/or other countries . © DTS, Inc. All Right s Reserved.
“CINEMA FIL TER” and “C INEMA FIL TER (logo )” are tradem arks of Onkyo
Corporati on.
“VLSC” and “VLSC (logo)” are trademar ks of Onkyo Corpor ation.
The ter ms HDM I and HDMI High-D efinition Multimedia In terface, and the HDMI
Logo are tradem arks or registered trademarks of H DMI Licensing LL C in the
United S tates and other cou ntries.
The Wi-Fi CERTI FIED Logo i s a certificat ion mark of Wi-Fi Alliance
AirPlay , iPad, iPhon e, and iPod touch are tradem arks of Apple Inc. , registered
in the U.S. a nd other count ries.
iPad Air and iPad mini are trade marks of App le Inc.
“Made for iPod”, “Made for iPhone” and “Made for iPad” mean that an e lectronic
accessory has been designed to co nnect specifica lly to iPod, i Phone, or iPad,
respect ively , and ha s been certifi ed by t he develop er to m eet Apple
performan ce standard s. Apple i s not responsibl e f or th e ope ration o f t h is de vi c e
or its com pliance with saf ety and regul atory stand ards.
Please note that the use of this accessor y with i Pod, iPhon e or iPa d m ay a ffe ct
wireless perf ormance.
AirPlay works with iPhone, iPa d, and iPod touch with iOS 4.3.3 or later , Mac
with OS X Mou ntain Li on or later , and PC wit h iT unes 10.2.2 or later .
Apple, App le TV and Saf ari are trade marks of Appl e Inc., reg istered in the U.S.
and othe r countries .
word mark a nd logos are regi stered tradem arks owned by
Bluetooth SIG , Inc. and any use of suc h marks by Onkyo Corp oration is u nder
license. Oth er trademarks and trade names ar e those of thei r respective
Onkyo Corporation does not guarantee BLUETOOTH compatibility between the
A V r eceiver an d all BLUETOOTH enabled d evices.
For compatibility between the A V receiver and another device with
BLUETOOTH technology , consult the device’s document ation and dea ler . In
some countrie s, there may be restrictions on using B LUETOOTH device s.
Check with your local authorities.
Onkyo Corporation ne garantit pas la compatibilité BLUETOOTH entre l'ampli-
tuner A V et tous les app areils comp atibles BLUET OOTH.
Pour assurer la com patibilité entr e l'ampli-tuner A V et un autre p ériphérique à
technologie B LUETOOTH, consultez la docum entatio n de l'appar eil et le
vendeur . Dans certains p ays, il peut exister des restrictions sur l'utilisation
d'appa reils BLUETO OTH. Vérifie z auprès de s autorités local es.
Onkyo Corpora tion no garantiza la compatibilidad BLUETOOTH entre el receptor
de AV y todos los dispositivos con tecnología BLUETOOTH.
Para obtener información sobre la compati bilidad entre el receptor de AV y otro
dispositivo con tecnología BLUETO OTH, consulte al distribuidor y la documentación
del dispositivo. En alguno s países, es posible qu e el uso de dispositivos
BLUETOOTH esté restringido. Consulte con las autoridades locales.
Onkyo Co rporation non garantisce la compatibilità BLUETOOTH tra il ricevitore
A V e tutti i dispositivi abilitati al BLUETOOTH.
Per verificare la compatibil ità tra il ricevitore AV e un altro dispositivo dotato d i
tecnologia BLUETOOTH , consultare la documentazione del dis positivo in questione
o contattare il rivenditore. In alcuni Paesi potrebbero esistere delle limitazioni p er
l'utilizzo di dispositivi BLUETOOTH. Verificare le condizi oni con le autorità locali.
Onkyo Corpora tion garanti ert nicht di e
Kompatibilität zwischen
dem A V-Receiver un d allen
fähigen Geräte n.
Zur Kompat ibilität zwischen dem A V -Receiver und einem anderen Gerät mit
BLUETOOTH T echnolog ie, schauen Si e in die Dokume ntatio n des Geräts und
fragen Sie de n Händler . Es kann sein, dass es in einigen Ländern
Beschränkungen zur Nutzung der BLUETOO TH Geräte gibt . Prüfen Sie das bei
Ihren lokal en Behörden .
Onkyo Corpora tion garand eert niet de
compatibilite it tussen de
A V-receiver en alle
apparat en.
Raadpleeg voor compatibiliteit tussen de A V -r eceiver en een ander apparaat
technologie de document atie van het app araat of de
verkoper. In sommige landen geldt mogelijk een beperking op het gebruik van
appara tuur . Controleer de wetgeving i n het land va n gebruik.
Onkyo Corpora tion garante rar inte BLUET OOTH kompatibilitet me llan A V -
receiver och a lla BLUET OOTH aktiver ade enheter .
För kompatibilitet mellan A V-receiver och en annan enhet med BLUETOOTH
teknik, se enhete ns dokumentatio n och återförsäljaren . I vissa länder kan det
finnas begrän sningar för användandet av BLUETO OTH enheter . Kontrollera
hos de l okala mynd igheterna .
Onkyo Corporati on ei t akaa A V -vastaanot timen ja kaikkien
laitteiden välistä
yhteensopivu utta.
Selvittääksesi A V -vastaa nottimen ja toisen
yhteensopivuutt a, tutustu laitteen dokumen taatioon ja kää nny jälleenmyyjän
puoleen. Joissakin maissa
laitteiden kä yttöön voi liittyä
rajoituksia. T arkista asia paikallisilta viranomaisilta.
P ANDORA, the P ANDORA logo, and the Pandora trad e dress are trademarks
or registered tra demarks of Pandor a Media, Inc. Used with permission.
The product with t his logo is confo rmed to Hi-Res A udio stand ard defined by
Japan Audio S ociety . This l ogo is used un der license from Japan Audio Soc ie ty.
This pr oduct i s protecte d by certain intell ectual property rights of M icr os oft. Use
or distribution of su ch technology out side of this product is prohibited wi thout a
license from Microsoft.
Windows and th e Windows lo go are tradema rks of the Mic rosoft group of
QR Code is a registered trad emark of DENSO W A VE INCORPORA TED.
“x.v .Color” and “x.v .Color” logo are trademarks of S ony Corporation.
DSD and the Direct S tream Digital logo are tr ademarks of Son y Corporati on.
MPEG Layer-3 a udio coding technology license d from Fraunhofe r IIS and
AccuEQ, Music Optimizer, RIHD and WRA T are trademark s of Onkyo Corporation.
“All other trademarks are the proper ty of their respective owners.”
“T outes l es autres marques comm erciales son t la propr iété de leurs détenteurs
“El resto de marcas comerciales son propiedad de sus respectivos propietarios”.
“Tu tti gli altri marchi di f abbrica sono di p roprietà dei risp ettivi propriet ari.”
“Alle anderen Wa renzeichen sind das Eigentum ihrer jeweil igen Eigentüme r .”
“Alle andere h andelsmerken zi jn eigendom van de desbetref fende
rechthebbenden .”
“Alla andra varumärken till hör deras respekti ve ägare.”
“Kaikki muut tuot emerkit ovat omistajie nsa omaisuutt a.”
SN29402538A_HT-R 695_BAS_Fi_1702xx.boo k 22 ページ 20 17年2月23 日 木曜日 午後6時12分