Information om licens och varumärke
Manufacture d under license fro m Dolby Labor atories. Dolby , Dolby Atmos,
Dolby Surro und, and the double-D symbol are tra demarks of Dolby
Laborator i es.
For DTS patents, se e http://patents.d ts.co m. Manufactured under license from
DTS, Inc. DT S , the Symbo l, DTS in combination with the S ymbol, D TS:X, and
the DTS:X logo are registered t rademarks or tr ademarks of DTS, Inc. in the
United S tates and/o r other cou ntries. © DTS, In c. All Rights Reserve d .
THX and th e THX logo are trademarks of THX Ltd., re gistered in the U.S. and
other countries. U .S. P at. nos. 7,25 4,239 & 7,593,533 & 7,974,425 & 8,45 2,028
& 8,509,45 7 T aiwan Pat. I238671 E uropean Pa t. 1,360,874
THX Ult ra2 Pl us
Before an y home theater co mponent can be THX Ultra2 Plus certified, it mu st
pass a ri gorous s eries of quality and performance test s. Only then can a
product featu re the THX Ultra2 Plus logo, which is your guarantee tha t the
Home Theate r products you purchase will give you superb performance for
many years to come. THX Ultra2 Plus requ irements define hund reds of
parame ters, including power amplifier perform ance, and int egrated amplifier
performan ce and operation for b oth digital and anal og domains. THX Ultra2
Plus receiver s also feature propriet ary THX technologies (e.g., THX Mod e)
which accurately tr anslate movie soundtracks for home theater playback.
Re-Equal ization and the “Re-EQ” logo ar e trademarks of T HX Ltd.
“VLSC” and “ V LSC (l ogo)” are tra demarks of Onkyo Corporati on.
The terms HDMI a nd HDMI Hi gh-Definition Multimedia Int erface, and the HDMI
Logo are tr ademarks or registered tr ademarks of HDMI Licensing LL C in the
United S tates and o ther countries.
The Wi-Fi CERTIFI E D Logo is a certification mark of Wi-F i Alliance
AirPlay , iPad, iPho ne, and iPod tou ch are trademarks of App le Inc., register ed
in the U.S. and ot her countries.
iPad Air and iPad mini are tr ademarks of Apple Inc.
“Made for iPo d”, “Made for iPho ne” and “Made f or iPad” m ean t hat an electro nic
accessory has been d esigned to connect specifical ly to iPod, iPhon e, or iPad,
respectively , and has been certifi ed by the de veloper to meet Apple
performanc e standards. Apple is n ot responsible for the oper ation of t his de vic e
or its com pliance wit h safety and regula tory standards.
Please note that the use of this accessory with iP od, iPhone or iPad may af fect
wir ele ss per form anc e.
AirPlay works with i Phone, iP ad, and iPod tou ch with iOS 4.3.3 or later , Mac
with OS X Moun tain Lion or later , and PC with iTunes 10.2. 2 or la ter .
Apple, Ap ple TV a nd Safari are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S.
and other countr ies.
word mar k and logos ar e registered tradema r ks owned by
Bluetooth SIG , Inc. and any use of such marks by Onkyo Corporation is under
license. Other trademarks and trade nam es are those of their respective
Onkyo Corporation d oes n ot gu arantee BLUETOOT H compa tibility between the
A V receiver and all BLUETOOT H enabled devices.
For compatibility between the A V receiver and another device with
BLUETOOTH te chnology , consult the device’ s document ation and dealer . In
some countries, the re may be restrictions on using BLUET OOTH devices.
Check with your lo cal authorities.
Onkyo Corporation ne garantit pas la compa tibilité BLUETOOTH entre l'ampli-
tuner A V et tous les a ppareils compatible s BLUETOOTH .
Pour assurer la com patibilité entre l'amp l i-tuner A V et un aut re périphérique à
technologie BLU ETOOTH, consultez la do cumenta tion de l'appa reil et le
vendeur . Dans certains p ays, il peut exister des restrictions sur l'utilisation
d'appare i ls BLUETOO TH. Vérifiez auprès des autorités locales.
Onkyo Corporation n o garantiza la compa tibilidad BLUETOOTH entre el
receptor de A V y to dos los dispositi vos con tecno logía BLUET OOTH.
Para obtener info rmación sobre la compatibilidad entre el receptor de A V y otro
dispositivo con tecn ología BLUETOOTH, co nsulte al distribuidor y la
documentación del dispositivo. En algu nos países, es po sible que el uso de
dispositivos BLUE TOOTH esté restringido. Consulte con l as autoridades
Onkyo Corporation n on g a rantisce la compatibilità BLUETOOTH tra il ricevitore
A V e tutti i dispositivi abilitati al BLUET OOTH.
Per verificare l a comp atibilit à tra il ricevitor e AV e un altr o dispositivo dotato di
tecnologia BLUE TOOTH, consultare la do cumentazione del disposi tivo in
questione o co ntatt are il rivend i tore. In alcuni Paesi potrebbero esiste re delle
limitazioni per l'utilizzo di dispositivi BLUETOOTH. V erificare le condizioni con
le autorità locali.
Onkyo Corporati on garantiert n icht die
Kompatibilität zwischen
dem A V -Receiver und allen
fähigen Ge räten.
Zur Komp atibilitä t zwischen dem A V-Re ceiver und eine m anderen Gerät mit
BLUETOOTH T echnologie , schauen Sie in di e Dokume ntation des Geräts und
fragen Sie den Händler . Es kann sei n, dass es in einig en Ländern
Beschränkunge n zur Nutzung der B LUETOOTH Geräte gibt. Prüfen Sie das bei
Ihren lokal en Behörden.
Onkyo Corporation garandeert nie t de
compatibiliteit tussen d e
A V - receiver en alle
app araten.
Raadpleeg voo r compatibiliteit tussen de A V -receiver en een ander app araat
technologie d e documenta tie van het apparaat of de
verkoper . In sommige landen geldt mo gelijk een beperking op het gebru ik van
apparatu ur. Cont roleer de wetgeving in het la nd van gebruik.
Onkyo Corporation garanterar inte BLUETOOTH kompatibilitet mellan A V -
receiver o ch alla BLUET OOTH aktiverade enheter .
För kompatibilitet mellan A V -rece iver och en annan enhet med BLUET OOTH
teknik, se en hetens dokument ation och återförsälj aren. I vissa länder kan det
finnas beg ränsningar för användandet a v B LUET OOTH enheter . Kontrollera
hos de loka la myndigheterna.
P ANDORA, the P ANDORA logo, and the Pandora trade dre ss are trademarks
or regist ered trad emarks of Pand ora Media, Inc. Used w ith permission.
The product w ith this logo is conformed to Hi-Res Audi o standard d efined by
Japan A udio S ociety . This logo is used under license f rom Japan Audi o Society .
This product i s protected by certain intellectual proper ty rights of Mi crosoft. Use
or distribu tion of such te chnology out side of this pr oduct is prohibited witho ut a
license from Microsoft.
Windows and th e Windows logo are tradema rks of the Microsoft group of
QR Code is a r egistered trademark of DENS O W AVE INCORPORA TED.
“x.v .Color” a nd “x.v .Color” logo are trademarks of Sony Corporation.
DSD and t he Direct S tream Digit al logo are trad emarks of Sony Corporation.
MPEG Laye r-3 audio coding technolo gy licensed from Fraunh ofer IIS and
AccuEQ, Musi c Optimizer , RIHD and WRA T are tradem arks of Onkyo
Corpora tion.
“All other tr ademarks are the proper ty of their re spective owners. ”
“T o utes les a utres marque s commerciales sont la propriété d e leurs détenteurs
“El res to de marcas c omerc iales so n propi edad de s us respe ctivos propie tarios ”.
“T utti gli altri marchi di fabbrica sono di proprietà dei rispettivi pro prietari .”
“Alle anderen W arenzeichen sind das Eigentum ihrer jeweiligen Ei gentüme r .”
“Alle andere handelsmerken zijn e igendom van de desbetref fende
rechthebbend en.”
SN29402427B_PR-RZ5100_B AS_Sv_171026.book 34 ページ 2017 年10月26 日 木曜日 午後3 時34分