Información sobre licenc ias y marcas
Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolb y , Dolby Atmos,
Dolby Surr ound and the double-D symb ol are trad emarks of Dolby
Laborato ries.
For DTS patents, see http://pa tents.d ts.com. Manufactured unde r license from
DTS, Inc. DTS, the Symbol, DTS in combinatio n with the Sym bol, the DTS -HD
logo, and DTS -HD Master Audi o are registe red trademarks or trademarks of
DTS, Inc. in the United S tates and/or other countries. © DTS, Inc. All Rights
“CINEMA FI L TER” and “CINEMA FILTER (logo)” are trade marks of On kyo
Corporat ion.
“VLSC” and “VLSC (logo) ” are trad emarks of Onkyo C orporatio n.
The terms HDMI and HDMI H igh-Definition Multimed ia Interface, and the HDMI
Logo are tradem arks or register ed trademarks o f HDMI Licensing LLC in the
United S t ates and oth er countries.
The Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Logo is a certification mark of the Wi-Fi Alliance
AirPlay , iPad, iPhone, and i Pod touch are trademarks of Ap ple Inc., regist ered
in the U.S. and oth er countries.
iPad Air a nd iPad mini are tradem arks of Apple Inc.
“Made for iPod”, “Made for iPhone” and “Made for iPad ” mean that an electronic
accessory has been designed to co nnect specifica lly to iPod, i Phone, or iP ad,
respectively , and has bee n certifie d by the devel oper to meet Apple
performan ce stan dards. Appl e is not res ponsibl e for the ope ration of this device
or its compliance with safety and regulator y standards.
Please note that the use of this accessory with iPod, iPhone or iPad may af fect
wireless perform ance.
AirPlay works with iPhone, iPad, an d iPod touch with iOS 4.3.3 or la ter , Mac
with OS X Mount ain Lion or later , and PC with iT unes 10.2.2 or later .
Apple, App le TV and S afari are tra demarks of Apple Inc ., regist ered in the U. S.
and other cou ntries.
word mark a nd logos are r egistered trad emarks owned by
Bluetooth SIG , Inc. and any use of such marks by Onkyo Corporation is under
license. Other trademarks and trade names ar e those of thei r respective
Onkyo Corporation doe s not guarantee BLUETOOTH compatibility between the
A V receiver and all BLUETOOTH enabled devices.
For compatibility between the A V receiver and another device with
BLUETOOTH techn ology , consult the device’s documen tation and d ealer . In
some countri es, there may be restrictions on using BLUET OOTH devices.
Check with your l ocal authorities.
Onkyo Corporation ne garantit pas la compatib ilité BLUETOOTH entre l'a mpli-
tuner A V et tous les appa reils compatib les BLUETOOTH.
Pour assurer la compati bilité en tre l'ampli- tuner A V et un autre p ériphériq ue à
technologie BLUETOOTH, consultez la documentation de l'appareil et le
vendeur . Dans certains pays, il p eut exister des restrictions sur l'utilisation
d'appare ils BLUETO OTH. Vérifiez au près des autori tés locales.
Onkyo Corporation no garan tiza la compatibilidad BLUETOOTH entre el
receptor de A V y todos los dispositivos con tecnolog ía BLUETOOTH.
Para obtene r informa ción sobre l a compat ibilidad en tre el rece ptor de A V y otro
dispositiv o con tecnolog ía BLUETOOTH, cons ulte al distribuid or y la
document ación del disp ositivo. En algu nos país es, es posible que el uso de
dispositivos BLUETOOTH esté restringido. Co nsulte con las autoridades
Onkyo Corpor ation non gar antisce la compatibilità BLUETOOTH tra il ricevitore
A V e tutti i dispositivi abilitati al BLUETOOTH.
Per verificare la compatibilità tra il ri cevitore A V e un altro dispositivo dotato di
tecnologia BLUETOOTH, consul tare la documentazione del dispositi vo in
questione o contatta re il rivendi tore. In alcuni Paesi potrebbe ro esister e delle
limitazioni per l'utilizzo di dispo sitivi BLUETOOTH. V erificare le condizioni con
le autorità locali.
Onkyo Corpora tion garanti ert nicht di e
Kompatibilität zwischen
dem A V -Receiver und allen
fähigen Geräte n.
Zur Kompatibilit ät zwischen de m A V -R eceiver und e inem anderen Gerät mit
BLUETOOTH T ech nologie, scha uen Sie in di e Dokumentati on des Geräts und
fragen Sie de n Händle r . Es kann s ein, dass es in einigen Lä ndern
Beschränkunge n zur Nutzung der BLUETOO TH Geräte gibt . Prüfen Sie das bei
Ihren lokale n Behörden.
Onkyo Corpora tion garandeer t niet de
compatibiliteit tussen de
A V -r eceiver en alle
Raadpleeg voor compatibiliteit tussen de A V-receiver en een ander apparaat
technologi e de documen tatie van het appara at of de
verkoper. In sommige landen geldt mogelijk een beperking op het geb ruik van
apparatuu r . Controleer de wetgeving in het land van ge bruik.
Onkyo Corporation garanterar in te BLUETOOTH kompatibilitet mellan A V -
receiver och alla BLUE TOOTH aktiverade e nheter .
För kompatibilitet mellan A V -receiver och en annan enhet med BL UETOOTH
teknik, se enhetens d okumentatio n och återförsäljar en. I vissa länder kan det
finnas begrän sningar för användandet av BLUETOOTH enheter . Kontrollera
hos de lokala myndighet erna.
Onkyo Corporation e i takaa A V -vastaan ottimen ja kaikkien
laitteiden välistä
yhteensopivuutt a.
Selvittääksesi A V-va staanottime n ja toisen
yhteensopivuut ta, tutustu l aitteen doku mentaa tioon ja käänny jälleenmyyjä n
puoleen. Joissakin maissa
laitteiden käyttöön voi liittyä
rajoituksia. T arkista a sia paikallisilta viranomaisilta.
P ANDORA, the P ANDORA logo, and th e Pandora trade d ress are trademarks
or registered tr ademarks of Pan dora Media, In c. Used with per mission.
The product wit h this logo is co nformed to H i-Res Audio st andard def ined by
Japan Audi o Society . This logo is used under lic ense from Japan Audio Society .
This product is protecte d by certain in tellectual prop erty rights of Mi crosoft. Use
or distribu tion of such technology outside of this p roduct is p rohibited witho ut a
license from Microsof t.
Windows and th e Windows logo are tradema rks of the Micro soft group of
QR Code is a r egistered trad emark of DENS O WA VE INCORPORA TED.
“x.v .Color” and “x. v .Color” logo are tra demarks of So ny Corporat ion.
DSD and the Direct Stream Digital logo are trademarks of Sony Corp oration.
MPEG Layer-3 a udio coding tech nology lice nsed from Fraunh ofer IIS and
AccuEQ, Music Optimizer , RIHD and WRA T are trademarks of Onkyo
“All other tra demarks are the property of th eir respective ow ners.”
“T outes les autr es marques commerciales so nt la propriété d e leurs détenteurs
“El resto de marcas comerciales son propiedad de sus respectivos
“Tu tti gli altr i marchi di fabbric a sono di pro prietà dei r ispettivi prop rieta ri.”
“Alle anderen Wa renzeichen sind das Eigentum ihrer jeweilig en Eigentüm er .”
“Alle andere h andelsmerken zij n eigendom van de desbetref fende
rechthebbenden .”
“Alla andra varum ärken tillhö r deras respektive ä gare.”
“Kaikki muut t uotemerkit ovat omistaji ensa omaisuutt a.”
SN29402160_TX-NR 555_BAS_FrEs.book 28 ページ 20 16年1月5 日 火曜日 午後 8時18分