Informations relat ives à la licence et à la
marque commerciale
Manufactured under license f rom Dolby Laboratories. Do lby , Dolby Atmos,
Dolby Surround, and the doubl e-D symbol are trademarks of D olby
For DTS pat ents, see http://paten ts.d ts.com. Man ufactured under license from
DTS, Inc. DTS, the Symb ol, DTS in combination with the Symbol, the DTS -HD
logo, a nd DTS-HD Master A udio are register ed trademarks or trademarks of
DTS, Inc. in the United S tates and/or other coun tries. © DTS, Inc. All Rights
Reserved .
THX and the THX logo are tr ademarks of THX Ltd., registe red in th e U.S. and
other countries. U.S. Pat. nos. 7,254,23 9 & 7,593 ,533 & 7, 974,425 & 8,4 52, 028
& 8,509,457 T aiwan Pa t. I238671 E uropean Pat. 1,3 60,874
THX Sel ect2 Plus
Before an y home theater component can be THX S elect2 Pl us certified, it must
pass a rigorou s series of quality an d performance test s. Only then can a
product feature the THX Select2 Plu s logo, which is yo ur guarantee th at the
Home Theater products you purchase w ill give you superb performance for
many years to co me. THX Select 2 Plus requir ements def ine hundr eds of
parameters, including power amp lifier performance, and integrated amplifier
performance an d operation for b oth digital and analog domain s. THX Select2
Plus receivers a lso feature pro prietary THX t echnologies (e .g., THX Mode)
which accurately translate movie soundtracks for home th eater playback.
Re-Equaliz ation and the “Re-EQ” logo are tradema rks of THX Lt d.
“VLSC” and “VLSC (logo)” are trademar ks of Onkyo Corporat ion.
The ter ms HDM I and HDMI High-D efinition Multime dia In terface, and the HDMI
Logo are tradem arks or registered trademarks of HD MI Licensing LLC in the
United S t ates and other countries.
The Wi-Fi CERTI FIED Logo is a certificat ion mark of Wi-Fi Al liance
AirPlay , iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch are t rademarks of App le Inc., registere d
in the U.S. an d other countri es.
iPad Air and iPad mini are trademarks of A pple Inc.
“M ade for i Pod ”, “ Mad e fo r iP hone ” an d “M ade for iPad ” me an t hat an elect ronic
accessory has be en designed to connect specificall y to iPod, iPho ne, or iPad,
respectively , and has been certified by th e developer to me et Apple
performance standards. Apple is not responsible for the operatio n of thi s de vic e
or its co mpliance with safety and re gulatory st andards.
Please n ote that the us e of this acces sory with iPod, iPhone or iPad may af fect
wireless performance.
AirPlay works with iPhone, iPa d, and iPod touch wit h iOS 4.3.3 or later , Mac
with OS X Mou ntain Li on or later , and PC with iT unes 10.2 .2 or later .
Apple, App le TV and Safari are t rademarks of Apple I nc., registered in t he U.S.
and othe r countries.
word mark a nd logos are regi stered tradem arks owned by
Bluetooth SIG , Inc. a nd any use of suc h marks by Onkyo Corpor ation is u nder
license. Oth er trademarks and trade names ar e those of their respective
Onkyo Corporation does not guarantee BLUETOOTH compatibility between the
A V receiver and all BLUETOOTH enabled devices.
For compatibility between the A V receiver and another device with
BLUETOOTH technology , consult the device ’s docum entation an d dealer . In
some countrie s, there may be r estrictions on using B LUETOOTH devices.
Check with your local authorities.
Onkyo Corporation ne garantit pas la compatibilité BLUETOOTH entre l'am pli-
tuner A V et tous les appare ils compatible s BLUETOOTH.
Pour assurer la com patibilité entr e l'ampli-tuner A V et un autre périphé rique à
technologie B LUETOOTH, c onsultez la docume ntation d e l'apparei l et le
vendeur . Dans certains pays, il peut exister des r estrictions sur l'utilisation
d'appa reils BLUETO OTH. Vérifie z auprès des au torités locale s.
Onkyo Corporation no gar antiza la compatibilidad BLUETOOTH entre el
receptor de A V y todos los disposi tivos con tecnología B LUETOOTH.
Para obtener informaci ón sobre la compat ibilidad entre el receptor de A V y otro
dispositivo con tecno logía BLUETOOTH, co nsulte al distribuidor y la
document ación del disposi tivo. En alguno s países, es po sible que el uso d e
dispositivos BLUETOOTH es té restringi do. Consulte con l as autoridades
Onkyo Co rporation non garantisce la compatibilità BLUETOOTH tra il ricevitore
A V e tutti i dispositivi abilitati al BLUET OOTH.
Per verificare la compatibilità tra il ricevitore A V e un altro dispositivo dot ato di
tecnologia BL UETOOTH, co nsultare la document azione del di spositivo in
questione o cont attare il ri venditore. In alcuni Paesi p otrebbero es istere delle
limitazioni per l'utilizzo di dispositivi BLUETOOTH. V erificare le condizioni con
le autorità locali.
Onkyo Corpora tion garantie rt nicht di e
Kompatibilität zwischen
dem A V -Receiver un d allen
fähigen Geräte n.
Zur Kompat ibilität zwischen dem A V -Receiver und einem an deren Gerät mit
BLUETOOTH T echnologie, schau en Sie in die Dokument ation des Geräts und
fragen Sie de n Händler . Es kann sein, dass es in ei nigen Ländern
Beschränkungen zur Nu tzung der BLUET OOTH Geräte gi bt. Prüfen Sie das bei
Ihren lokal en Behörden .
Onkyo Corpor ation gar andeert nie t de
compatibiliteit tussen de
A V-recei ver en alle
apparate n.
Raadpleeg vo or compatibiliteit tu ssen de A V-re ceiver en een ander a pparaat
technol ogie de documentat ie van het apparaat of de
verkoper . In sommige landen geldt moge lijk een beperking op het gebruik van
apparat uur . Control eer de wetgevi ng in het land van gebruik.
Onkyo Corpor ation garan terar inte BLU ETOOTH kompatibil itet mellan A V-
receiver och alla BLUET OOTH aktiverade enhe ter .
För kompa tibilitet mel lan A V-recei ver och en an nan enhet med BLUETOOTH
teknik, se enhetens dokumentation och återförsäljaren. I vissa länder kan d et
finnas begränsn ingar för anvä ndandet av BLUET OOTH enh eter . Kontrollera
hos de lokala m yndighetern a.
P ANDORA, the P ANDORA logo, and the P andora trade dress a re trademarks
or registered tra demarks of Pandora Media, Inc. Used with permission.
Google Cast an d the Google Ca st badge are tra demarks of Googl e inc.
This Mark Cert ifies that this p roduct is compli ant with the BLACKFIRE
ALLIANCE S tandard.
Please refer to W WW .BLACKFIREA LLIANCE.COM for more information.
is a Registered T rademark (No. 85,900,59 9) of BLACKFIRE
RESEARCH CORP . All rights reserved.
is technology powe red by BlackFire Research.
The product with t his logo is confor med to Hi-Res A udio standard defined by
Japan Audio S ociety . This logo is used under license fr om Jap an Aud io So ciety.
This pr oduct is protected by certai n intelle ctual property rights of M icro soft. U se
or distribution of su ch technology out side of this product is prohibited with out a
license from Microsoft.
Windows and th e Windows logo are tradema rks of the Micro soft group of
SN29402421_TX-RZ3100_BAS_Fr.book 33 ページ 2016年6月6日 月曜日 午後7時18分