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170 Service, maintenance
Additional servicing
Additional operations
Additional w ork is work that is not req uired
every service but can be performed in
conjunction with a regular service.
Time allowances for such w ork are not
included in the scope of regular services
and will b e charged for add itionally. It is
more economic if these operations are
performed as part of a sc heduled service
than having them performed separately.
Severe operating conditions o
Operating conditions are classified as
severe when one or more of the following
occurs frequently:
z cold starts,
z stop and go,
z trailer/caravan towing ,
z gradients and/or high altitudes,
z poor road surfaces,
z sand a nd dust,
z extreme temperature fluctuations.
Police vehicles, taxis and driving school
vehicles are also cla ssified as operating
under severe conditions.
U n d e r se ver e o p e ra t in g c o nd it i o n s , i t m a y
be necessary to ha ve certain scheduled
service work done more frequently tha n the
scheduled intervals.
For exa mple, if fuel is used that doe s not
comply with required sta nda rd s, the fuel
filter may need more frequent draining or
rep la cement and it may also be necessary
to change other components more often
(e.g. spark plugs).
It is recomm en ded to s eek te ch nic al a dvice
on the servicing requirements dependent
on the specific operating conditions of your
Recommended fluids, and
lub rica nts
Only use prod ucts that have been tested
and approved. Damage resulting from the
use of non-approved m aterials will not be
covered by the warranty.
Checking and topping up fluids
see p age 152.
Eng ine oil
Engine oil is identified by its q uality and
also its viscosity. Quality is more im porta nt
than viscosity when selecting which engine
oil to use.
Engine oil quality
European specifications
O pel eng ine oil me ets classification GM -LL-
A-025 and is therefore suitable for petrol
Int erna tional specific ations
The above specification is v alid only if the
service interval is reduced to that shown for
the interna tional serv ice schedule - see
pag e 165.
Topp ing up engine oil
Oils of different m anufacturers and bra nds
can be mixed as long as you comply with
the specified eng ine oil criteria (quality and
viscosity ).
N ot eve ry e ngine oil ava ila ble on the
ma rk et m ee ts the quality re quire ments,
always check the req uired specification
and rating is m arked on the container.
If engine oil of the required quality is not
available, a maximum of 1 litre of ACEA
A3/B4 or A3/B3 grade may be used (only
once between each oil change). The
viscosity should be of the correct rating.
9 Warning
Operating materials are haz ardous and
must be hand led w ith the appropriate
level of ca re. If consumed, seek medical
attention immediately. Do not inhale
fumes and avoid skin contact. Keep out
of rea ch of children. Do not allow
opera ting materials to contaminate the
sewage system, surface water, ground
water or soil. Dispose of empty containers
properly. Always bear in m ind that
operating materials are hazardous to
your health.
GM-LL-A-025: Petrol engines
G M G en e ra l M o t o rs E u ro pe
LL Longlife
A Engine oil quality
sp ecification
025 Valid ity index
ACEA-A3: Petrol engines

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