BA SC18- 28X1pro,44X1pr o N;DE,GB,FR,IT -2239 8- 2009.04-04
Instruction Manual
Time switch
Connection dia gram 1. Safety instructions 2. Initial ope ration
1 channel
2 channels
1 channel
2 channels
The insta llatio n and assembl y of electri cal equi pment
must be only c arried out only by a skilled P erson!
Otherwise fire danger or d anger of an electric sh ock
Connect the supp ly voltage/frequenc y as stated on the
product label!
Warranty void if hou sing opened by unauthorised
The electronic circuit is pro tected against a wide range
of external influences. Incorrec t operating may occur if
external influences exceed certain limits!
The time switch is delivered in sleep- mode, the display is switched off.
Press -butto n for 1 second .
The current d ate and time is a l ready progr ammed and European daylight
savings time is activated.
Select the desired language by pressing -buttons and confirm it by
. (Remark: By pressing you move one step backwards from the
current position )
If required, date, time and daylight savings time mode can be adjusted also by
-buttons and a subsequent c onfirmation with .
3. Menu overview 4. Symbol le gend
Channel is s witched ON
Channel is s witched OFF
For the current d ate the “holida y progr am” / “pe rmanent by date” i s activ ated
Standard progra mming step
Current st ate is b ased on a manual ov er-ride. The stat e will be cancell ed with t he next p rogrammin g step.
Current st ate is b ased on a manual over-ri de. The st ate is p ermanent until t erminate d manuall y (7).
Days of the week Monday, Tuesday, ... Sund ay;
The underscores indicate if the program is active for the days above.
Current st ate is b ased on a switchi ng time wi th pulse f unction
Element within sub -menu “program delete”
The time switch is locked; to unlock the device the PIN has to be entered (12).
5. Key function 6. Handling advice 7. Channel ON OFF / Permanent P
1. To acc ess the E nter-mo de (pro gram, adj ustment s, optio ns) from th e autom atic-mo de.
2. To revert to the beg inning of the current (sub-) me nu.
1. To adj ust the f lashin g digit.
2. To scroll through a cho ice
1. Automat ic-mo de: To switch t he channel ON or OFF until t he next prog ramming st ep occu rs.
2. Automat ic-mode: A push longe r than 3 sec. = Per manent swit ching st atus (7).
1. To activate the time switch when operated witho ut power supply.
2. To conf irm the s electio n or the ent ered dat a.
The time swit ch is progr ammable wit hout exte rnal power su pply afte r
pressi ng the
To revert one step or on e level back while in the Enter-Mode press .
After com pletion of a ( sub-) men u confirmi ng end will return the device
into the automatic-mode.
With the choice changes from end to continue . By confirming
continue the t ime swi tch retu rns to th e begin ning of t he current
(sub-) menu.
When confi rming end before completion, the time switch returns to the
automati c-mode wi thout s aving the entered data.
By pushing
-button s ( -b uttons) a manual switch of the
channel s take pl ace. Th e resulti ng swit ching st atus is m arked wit h
the hand-symbo l and remains un til the next programming step
occurs. (temporary over-ride)
Perman ent switchi ng status P
By pressing t he correspond i ng channel bu tt on
for more than 3
sec. the c hannel is permanen tl y switched ON or OFF . The status
remains until t he next manual switching occurs (> 3 s ec.).
(permanent over-ride)
8. New Program (See also the example (9)) 9. Example „New Program“ (For a regular swi tching time)
Step A. to C. p lease refer to point 9 . (Exampl e “New Program”)
A. If power supply is disconnected press
for one second. The d isplay appears in Automatic-Mode .
B. Press
, the time switch is now in the Enter-Mode.
C. Confirm
Program with .
D. Confirm
new pr ogram with .
E. C hoose the desired channe l with
and confirm with .
F. For regular switching ti mes choose
on or off with -buttons a nd confirm wit h .
G. Within this level y ou activate the d ays of the week (1…7) on which the switching time should ha ppen. With
you activat e “yes” or dea ctivat e “no” the cor respondi ng date. Co nfirm each da y with .
H. Adjustment of the time: Hours
and . Minut es and .
I. Verify th e entered switching t ime: If t he flas hing summa ry of the p rogrammi ng step i s corre ct, verif y
on or
off wi th
. After veri ficati on you have the c hoice bet ween edit/d elete and end with .
J. If you want to proc eed with pr ogramming, confirm
next switchin g wit h .
To leave the programming me nu confirm
10. Pulse 11. Program permanent
Program -> New program -> Channel A/B -> …
The pulse function prov ides you the opportunity of progra mming a switching time with a defined duration.
As soon as the p ulse-du ration has e xpired the ti me switch swit ches OFF aut omatical ly (the du ration of the p ulse is up to 59: 59 mm:ss).
The programming is carried out like a standard switching time (see po int 8 / 9) with following differences
Choose Pulse function (9F).
Define t he durati on of the pulse (pulstime minute / puls time second ).
Program t he days of t he week
Program t he switchi ng time (time hour / ti me minute )
Validation: Confirm the blink i ng summary of the pulse progra m
Program -> new program -> channel A/B -> permanent -> …
One permanent by date progra mming step (holiday function) for each channel is possible . During the
desire d period (The fun ction is valid fo r the wh ole day s) the cha nnel can be switc hed off (
) or on (permanent on ).
The programming of this function is as described in (8 / 9).
The choic e permanent will not be offered anymore within the menu new program
when a lready i n use.
The switchi ng time can be modified an d deleted wit hin Program mo dify (13) and Program dele te
(12) respectively .
12. Additional adjustments 13. Program modify
Menu Main menu Appl ication
Program query
To query the programming s teps and remaining memory loca tions
Program copy
Copy from one channel to another. Memor y of the channel won’t
be overwritten; the copied switc hing steps appe ar additionally.
Permanent by date function is not copied!
Program delete
Deletio n of switchi ng time(s). The progr am for all chan nels, sin gle
channels and single progr ammi ng steps within on channe l can be
delete d.
Adjustm ent of date and t ime
Adjustm ent of th e dayligh t saving ti me mod e (ON/OF F)
Choice of languages
Program -> Program modify -> …
Within Program modify eac h single swit ching tim e can be modifi ed.
Factory Defaults*
Reset to the st ate of deliv ery.
Date, time and switching program will be lost!
14. Data-key*
Displays the hour counter and pulse c ounter for each channel and
the time switch itself.
The time switc h can be locke d with a 4-digit PI N-Code. The c ode
can be adjusted, activated and deactivated. If you have forgotten
the Code please call cust omer se rvice.
Reset- Function
Press all fron t keys for 2 s econds. The time switch is reset. The values for da t e
and time will be deleted and have to be re-entered. The switching pr ogram has
not been deleted!
With a Data-key following activities are possible:
Save data: W rites th e data fr om the tim e switch int o the m emory of t he Data- key.
Program timeswit ch: Writ es the dat a locat ed inside t he Key i nto th e memory.
Key function: The time switch will solely apply programming steps from t he Data-
key. The sw itching program o f the time switch is suppr essed.
Key readout: To query the switching program of the Data-key .