B A S C 2 8 X 2 _ S C 2 8 X 4 p r o M P ; D E , G B - 2 2 4 2 6 – 2 0 0 8 . 0 3 - 0 2
*Within astro t ime switches
**Within sta ndard (non-as tro) time switches
***One-chann el version
Instruction Manual (Site 1 / 2)
Time switch (w ith Astro function)
müller SC 28.X2 pro / SC 28.X4 pro paladin 172 4X2 pro / 172 4X4 pro
Connection dia gram Directory 1. Safety instructions 2. Initial ope ration
The time switch is delivered in sleep- mode, the display is switched off.
Press -butto n for 1 second .
The current d ate and time is already programmed and European daylight savings time is
Select the desired language by pressing -buttons and confir m it by pressing .
(Remark: By press ing you move one step ba ckwards fr om the curre nt positio n)
If required, date, time and daylight savings time mode can be adjusted also by pressing
-buttons and a subs equent confirmation with .
1 channel
2 channels
1. Safety instructions
2. Initial oper ation
3. Menu overview
4. Symbol legend
5. Key function
6. Handling advic e
7. Channel ON OFF / Perm anent P
8. New Program
9. Example „N ew Program“
10. Program permanent
11. Pulse
12. Cycle
13. Cycle options
14. Astro-function
15. Astro-adjustments
16. External Input
17. Channel keys
18. Switchoff warning
19. Additional adjustme nts
19. Reset-Function
20. Program modify
21. Data-key
The installati on and ass embly of ele ctrical
equipment must be only carried out on ly by a skilled
Person! Otherwise fire danger or danger of an
electri c shock exi sts!
Connec t the supply voltage /frequency as stated on
the product label!
Warranty void if housing open ed by unauthorised
The electroni c circuit is p rotected a gainst a wide
range of external influences . Incorrect operating
may occur if external influences exceed certain
Further adjustments when operating an astro ti me switch:
When using the astro function it is obligatory to enter the geographical pos ition of the place
of the in stallati on of the device. C hoose wi th -buttons between „ location“ (pre-defined
cities) and „ position“ (longitude and latitude). Confirm your ch oice again with . (The
easiest way is choo sing a pre-defined city within the „locations“-menu.)
Enter the near est city or th e geographical coord inates with -buttons an d confirm with
3. Menu overview 4. Symbol le gend
Channel is s witched ON
Channel is s witched OFF
For the current d ate the “holida y program ” / “perm anent b y date” i s activ ated
Standard progra mming step
Current st ate is b ased on a manual ov er-ride. The stat e will be cancell ed with th e next p rogrammin g step.
Current st ate is b ased on a manual over-ri de. The st ate is p ermanent until t erminate d manuall y (7 / 17 ).
Days of the week Monday, Tuesday, ... Sund ay;
The underscores indicate if the program is active for the days above.
Element within sub -menu “program de lete”
*Astro f unction: Current st ate is based on a s unrise or sun set takin g into acc ount an opti onally ad justed
Offset (14 / 15).
**Current state is based on a switching time with pulse function
**Current state is based on a switching time with cycle func tion
***Is di splayed i f the co rrespo nding cha nnel is activate d by the e xternal input.
*Within astro time s witches
**Within standar d (non-astro) time switc hes
The time switch is locked; to unlock the device the PIN has to be entered (19).
5. Key function 6. Handling advice 7. Channel ON OFF / Permanent P
1. To acc ess the E nter-mo de (pro gram, adj ustment s, optio ns) from th e automat ic-mo de.
2. To revert to the beg inning of the current (sub-) menu.
1. To adj ust the f lashin g digit.
2. To scroll through a cho ice
1. Automat ic-mo de: To switch t he channel ON or OFF until t he next prog ramming st ep occu rs.
2. Automat ic-mode: A push longe r than 3 sec. = Per manent swit ching st atus (7).
1. To activate the time switch when operated withou t power supply.
2. To conf irm the s electio n or the ent ered dat a.
The time swit ch is progr ammable wit hout exte rnal power su pply afte r
pressi ng the
To revert one step or on e level back while in the Enter-Mo de press .
After com pletion of a ( sub-) men u confirmi ng end will return the device
into the automatic-mode.
With the choice changes from end to continue . By conf irming
continue the t ime swi tch retu rns to th e begin ning of t he current
(sub-) menu.
When confi rming end before completion, the time switch returns to the
automati c-mode wi thout s aving the entered data.
By pushing
-button s ( -butt ons) a m anual swit ch of t he
channe ls take pl ace. Th e result ing swit ching status i s marked
with the hand- symbol and remains u ntil the next progra mming
step occurs. ( temporary over-ride)
Perman ent swit ching st atus
By pressing the corresponding chan nel button for more
than 3 sec . the channel is p ermanently switched ON or OFF.
The stat us remai ns until the next m anual sw itchin g occurs (> 3
sec.). (perma nent over-ride)
8. New Program (See also the example (9)) 9. Example „New Program“ (For a regular swi tching time)
Step A. to C. pleas e refer to po int 9. ( Exampl e “New Pr ogram”)
Menu navig ation of the prog ramming of a sw itching time (s tandard (non -astro) tim e switch)
Menu navig ation of the prog ramming of a stan dard or astr o switching time ( astro time swit ch)
Pulse and r ecycle funct ion are not a vailable wi thin time swi tches with a stro functi on.
A. If power supply is discon nected press
for one second. The d isplay appears in Automatic-Mode.
B. Press
, the time switch is now in the Enter-Mode.
C. Confirm
Program with .
D. Confirm
new pr ogram with .
E. Choose the desired channel with
and confirm with .
F. For regular switching times choos e
on or off with -buttons a nd confirm wit h . ( The astro
switchi ng times
astro ON or astro OFF please refer to point 14 / 15)
G. With in this level you activate the days of the week (1…7) o n which the switching time should happen.
you activate “yes” or deac tivate “no” the corresponding date. Confir m each day with .
H. Adjustment of the time: Hours
and . Minut es and .
I. Verify t he enter ed switchi ng time: I f the fla shing summ ary of t he progr amming st ep is corr ect, verif y
off with . After verification you hav e the choice be tween edit/delete and end with .
J. If you w ant to proce ed with progr amming, co nfirm
next switching with .
To leave the programming me nu confirm
Programming of a switching t ime with pulse functi on see point 11
Programming of a switc hing time w ith recycle funct ion see po int 12 / 13 (n ot within as tro time
switche s)
Programming of a astro-switching time see point 14 / 15 (only within astro t ime switch)
10. Program permanent 11. Pulse
Program -> new program -> channel A/B -> permanent -> …
One permanent by date progra mming step (holiday function) for each channel is possible. During the desired period (The
function is va lid for the whole days) the channel can be switched off (permanent off ) or on (permanent on ).
The programming of this function is as described in (8 / 9).
The choic e permanent will not be offered anymore within the menu new pro gram when alr eady in use. The swi tching
time can be mo dified and del eted withi n Program modify (20) and Program delete (19) respectively.
Program -> New program -> Channel A/B -> …
The pulse function prov ides you the opportunity of programming a switching time with a defined duration.
As soon as the p ulse-du ration has e xpired the ti me switch swit ches OFF aut omatical ly (the du ration of the p ulse is up to 59: 59
The programming is carried out like a standard switching time (see point 8 / 9) with following differences
Choose Pulse function (9F).
Define t he durati on of the pulse (pulstime minute / puls time second ).
Program t he days of t he week
Program t he switchi ng time (time hour / ti me minute )
Validation: Confirm the blink ing summary of the pulse program