Basic Owner’s Manual
Digital Camera
Model No. DMC-SZ8
Pleas e read t hese instru ctions c arefully before u sing th is prod uct, and save t his manua l
for futur e use.
If you have any questions, visit:
USA and Puerto Rico : www .panasonic.com/support
T wo Riverfront Plaza, Newark, NJ 07102-5490
Panasonic Corporation of North America
Panasonic Corporation 2014
Printed in China
Regist er online at www.panasonic.c om/regist er (U. S. cust omers on ly)
Dear Cust omer ,
Tha nk you fo r choo sing P anaso nic!
Y ou ha ve purchas ed one of th e most sophi sticated an d reliab le products on th e market
today . Us ed properly , we’re sure it will bring you and your family years of e njoyment.
Pleas e take time to fill in th e informa tion on the below. The serial number is on the tag
located on the un derside of your camer a. Be sure to ret ain this manu al as y our
conveni ent camera informati on sour ce.
Please no te tha t the actua l controls and compo nents, menu items, e tc. of your Digital
Camera may look so mewhat different from th ose shown in the illustr ations in this
Owner ’s Manua l.
Carefu lly ob serve cop yright laws.
• Recording of pre-recorded tapes or discs or other published or broadcast material for
purposes other than your own private use may infringe copyright laws. Even for the purpose
of private use, recording of certain material may be restricted.
∫ Product identification marking
More detailed owner’s manual is available in “Owner ’s Manual for
advanced features (PDF format)”. T o read it, download it from the
• Click the desired language.
¢ Y ou will need Adobe Reader to browse or p rint the Owner ’s
Manual (PDF format).
Y ou can download and install a version of Adobe Reader that
you can use with your OS from the following website. (As of January 2014)
http://www.adobe.com/product s/acrobat/readstep2.html
A lithium ion battery tha t is recyclable powers the product you
have pur chased. Please ca ll 1-800 -8-BA TTERY for in formation
on how to recycle this batte ry .
Information fo r Y our Safety
T o reduc e the risk of fire , ele ctric sh ock or product damage ,
• Do not expose this unit to rain, moisture, dripping or splashing.
• Use only the recommended accessories.
• Do not remove covers.
• Do not repair this unit by yourself. Refer servicing to qualified service personnel.
The socket outlet sh all be ins talled near the equipm ent and s hall be e asily
Product Location
Digital Camera Bottom
Date of Purchase
Dealer Purchased From
Dealer Address
Dealer Phone No.
Model No.
Serial No.
∫ About t he AC adaptor (s upplied )
∫ Abou t the batte ry p ac k
Certific ation and Compliance
See Cam era for th e certific ation and c omplianc e mark specific to that device.
1 Select
[Wi-Fi Setup]
in the [Wi-Fi] m enu.
3/ 4 to se lect [A pproved Reg ulations], and then p ress [M ENU/
Cont ai ns FCC I D: 2AA D3AA 2G1J 1
This trans mitter m ust not be co-loca ted or ope rated in co njunction with any oth er
antenna or tra nsmitter.
This av ailable scie ntific evidence does not show that any health problems are
associat ed with u sing low p ower wireless d evices. The re is no proof, ho wever , that
these low p ower wireless device s are absolutely safe. Low p ower Wireless devices
emit low levels of radio fr equency en ergy (RF) in the mi crowave ra nge wh ile being
used. W hereas high levels of RF can pr oduce hea lth effects (by h eating iss ue),
exposure of low-le vel RF that d oes not pr oduce hea ting effects causes n o known
adverse h ealth effects. Man y studies of lo w-level RF exposures have not fo und any
biologica l effects. Some st udies ha ve suggeste d that some biolog ical effects might
occure, bu t such f indings have not been confirm ed by additio nal res earch.
DMC-SZ8 has been tested and found to comply wi th FCC ra diation e xposure li mits
set fort h for an uncontrol led enviro nment and meets th e FCC radi o freque ncy (RF)
Exposure Gu idelines in Sup plement C to OE T65.
FCC Note:
This e quipment h as been te sted and fo und to com ply with th e limits for a Class B
digital device , pursuan t to Part 15 of the FCC Rul es. These limits are de signed to
provid e reasona ble protectio n agains t harmfu l interferen ce in a resi dential
installatio n. This eq uipment ge nerates , uses, and can radia te radio frequen cy
ene rgy an d, if not in sta lled and use d in ac cord ance w ith th e inst ruc tions , ma y cause
harmful interfer ence to radio comm unicatio ns. Howev er , ther e is no gua rantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interfer ence to ra dio or tel evision rece ption, wh ich can be d etermi ned by
turnin g the equip ment off and on, the use r is enc ouraged t o try to cor rect the
interfe rence by o ne or mo re of the f ollowin g measure s:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver
is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
FCC Caution: T o assure cont inued compliance, follow the attached installation
instruct ions and use onl y shielde d interface cables with ferri te core when con necting
to computer or per iphera l devices.
Any chan ges or mo difications not expre ssly approve d by the party respon sible for
complia nce could vo id the us er ’s authority t o operate this equi pment.
Declar ation of C onform ity
T rad e Name: Panaso nic
Model No.: DMC-SZ8
Respon sible Party : Panaso nic Corp oration of North Am erica
T wo Rive rfront Pl aza, Newark, NJ 0710 2-5490
Support Co ntact: http://www.panasonic.com/contactin fo
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Ru les. Operation is subject to the
followi ng two cond itions: (1 ) This d evice may not cause h armful in terferenc e, and (2)
this de vice must acce pt any inter ference r eceived, incl uding inte rference t hat may
cause und esired operat ion.
T o reduc e the risk of fire, electr ic shoc k or pr oduct dama ge,
• Do not install or place this unit in a bookcase, built-in cabinet or in another
confined space. Ensure this unit is well ventilated.
AC ad apto r
This AC adaptor operates on AC between 11 0 V and 240 V .
• In the U.S.A. and Canada, the AC adaptor must be connected to a 120 V AC power
supply only .
• When connecting to an AC supply outside of the U.S.A. or Canada, use a plug adaptor to
suit the AC outlet configuration.
Battery pack (Lithium io n battery pack )
• Use the specified unit to recharge the battery pack.
• Do not use the battery pack with equipment other than the specified unit.
• Do not get dirt, sand, liquids, or other foreign matter on the terminals.
• Do not touch the plug terminals ( i and j) with metal objects.
• Do not disassemble, remodel, heat or throw into fire.
If any el ectrolyte sh ould come into contact with your hands or clothes, w ash it off
thoroughly with wate r .
If any electrol yte should com e into contact with your eye s, never rub the eyes. Rinse
eyes thor ough ly w ith wa ter , and t hen co ns ult a d octo r .
• Do not heat or expose to flame.
• Do not leave the battery(ies) in a car exposed to direct sunlight for a long perio d of time with
doors and windows closed.
• Do not use any other USB connection cables except the supplied one or a genuine
Panasonic USB connection cable (DMW-USBC1: optional).
• Do not use any other AC adaptors except the supplied one.
• Always use a genuine Panasonic A V cable (DMW-A VC1: optional).
• Always use genuine Panasonic batteries (DMW-BCL7PP).
• If you use other batteries, we cannot guarantee the quality of this product.
• Keep the Memory Card out of reach of children to prevent swallowing.
Keep this unit as fa r away a s possible from e lectromag netic equ ipment (su ch as
microw ave oven s, TVs, video g ames et c.).
• If you use this unit on top of or near a TV , the pictures and/or sound on this unit may be
disrupted by electromagnetic wave radiation.
• Do not use this unit near cell phones because doing so may result in noise a dversely
affecting the pictures and/or sound.
• Recorded data may be damaged, or pictures may be distorted, by strong magnetic fields
created by speakers or large motors.
• Electromagnetic wave radiation may adversely affect this unit, disturbing the pictures and/or
• If this unit is adversely affected by electromagnetic equipment and stops functioning properly ,
turn this unit off and remove the battery or disconnect AC adaptor. Then reinsert the battery
or reconnect AC adaptor and turn this unit on.
Do not use this un it near ra dio trans mitters o r high-vo ltage lines.
• If you record near radio transmitters or high-voltage lines, the recorded pictures and/or sound
may be adversely affected.
• Before cleaning the camera, remove the battery or disconnect the power plug from the
• Do not press the monitor with excessive force.
• Do not press the lens with excessive force.
• Do not spray the camera with insecticides or volatile chemicals.
• Do not keep rubber or plastic products in contact with the camera for a long period of
• Do not use solvents such as benzine, thinner , alcohol, kitchen detergents, etc., to
clean the camera, since it may deteriorate the external case or the coating ma y peel
• Do not leave the camera with the l ens facing the sun, as rays of light from the sun may
cause it to malfunction.
• Always use the supplied cords and cables.
• Do not extend the cords or the cables.
• During access (image writing, reading and deleting, formatting etc.), do not turn this
unit off, remove the battery , card or disconnect the AC adaptor (supplied).
Furthermore, do not subject the camera to vibration, impact or static electricity .
• The data on the built-in memory or the card may be damaged or lost due to electromagnetic
waves, static electricity or breakdown of the camera or the card. We recommend storing
important data on a PC etc.
• Do not format the card on your PC or other equipment. Format it on the camera only to
ensure proper operation.
• The battery is not charged when the camera is shipped. Charge the battery before use.
• Charge the battery only when it is inserted in the camera.
• Do not remove or damage the external label on the battery .
• The battery is a rechargeable lithium ion battery. If the temperature is too high or too
low, the operating time of the battery will become shorter .
• The battery becomes warm after using and during and after charging. The camera also
becomes warm during use. This is not a malfunction.
• Do not leave any metal items (such as clip s) near the contact areas of the power plug
or near the batteries.
• Store the battery in a cool and dry place with a relatively stable temperature: [Recommended
temperature: 15 o C to 25 o C (59 o F to 77 o F), Recommended humidity: 40%RH to 60%RH]
• Do not store the battery for a long time while fully charged. When storing the battery for
a long period of time, we recommend charging it once a year. Remove the battery from the
camera and store it again after it has completely discharged.
-If you see this symbol -
• Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the type
recommended by the manufacturer.
• When disposing of the batteries, please contact your local authorities or dealer a nd ask
for the correct method of disposal.
Wa rn i ng
Risk of fire, exp losion an d burns. Do not disasse mble, h eat above 60 x C (140 o F) or
inciner ate.
Cautions for Use
Informa tion on Dis posal in ot her Countri es outside the
European Un ion
This symbol is only va lid in the European Union.
If you w ish to dis card this product, p lease contact yo ur loca l
authorit ies or de aler and a sk for the co rrect met hod of di sposal.
Check that al l the acc essorie s are su pplied b efore us ing the camera .
Produc t numbers correc t as of Janu ary 2014. These ma y be subj ect to chan ge.
• If accessories are lost, customers can visit us at www.panasonic.com/support for further
information about obtaining replacement parts.
• Accessories and/or model numbers may vary between countries. Cons ult your local dealer .
• When charging is complete, the charging lamp will go off - then you may di sconnect
the camera from the power outlet or computer.
St anda rd Accessories
Battery Pack (DMW-BCL7PP) AC Adaptor (VSK0768)
USB Connection Cable (K1HY08YY0037)
Hand Strap (VFC4737-A)
∫ Opti onal Acce ssorie s
Battery Pack: DMW-BCL7
USB Connection Cable: DMW-USBC1
A V Cable: DMW-A VC1
Names o f Main Part s
1 Shutter button
2 Zoom lever
3 Flash
4 Microphone
5 Camera [ON/OFF] button
6 Lens
7 Self-timer indicator/
AF Assist Lamp
8 Lens barrel
9 Lens barrier
: Monitor
; [MODE] button
< [MENU/SET] button
= [( ] (Playback) button
> Motion picture button
? Charging lamp
connection lamp
@ Strap eyelet
A [A V OUT/DIGIT AL] socket
B [Wi-Fi] button
C Cursor buttons
)/4 (DISP .)/2(ë )/ 1(‰ )
D [Q.MENU] button
[ ] (Delete) button
[ ] (Cancel) button
E T ripod mount
F Speaker
G Card/Battery door
H Release lever
Prep arations
SD Memory Card (optional)
• The following cards, which conform to the SD standard, can be used with this unit.
(These cards are indicated as card in the text.)
SD Memory Card (8 MB to 2 GB)
SDHC Memory Card (4 GB to 32 GB)
SDXC Memory Card (48 GB, 64 GB)
Charging time Approx. 150 min
T o power outl et
Battery Pack
AC Adaptor
Strap eyelet
• T o prevent dropping, be sure
to attach the supplied strap
and fit it to your wrist.
Charging lamp
Hand Strap
∫ List of Recording Modes
When the mode has been switched from Playback Mode to Recording Mode, the pre viously
set Recording Mode will be set.
W e reco mmen d thi s mode for be gin ners or tho se wh o want to le ave th e se tting s to the
camera an d record casua lly .
∫ Scene Detection
When the camera identifies the optimum scene, the icon of the scene concerned is displayed
in blue for 2 seconds, after which its color changes to the usual red.
Tip s for taki ng good p ictures
Hold the cam era gent ly with
both ha nds, keep yo ur arms
still at yo ur sid e and stand
with you r feet slig htly apart.
• Be careful not to put your fingers
on the flash, AF assist lamp,
microphone, speaker or lens etc.
• If you use the zoom, the lens
barrel will be extended. This may
cause the camera to tilt. We
recommend fixing the camera on
a tripod or other support.
A T ripod mount
A tripod with a screw length of
5.5 mm (0.22 inch) or more may
damage this uni t if attached.
It may not be possible to attach
certain types of tr ipods properl y .
Select ing the Recordi ng Mode
1 Press [MOD E].
2 Press 3/ 4/ 2/ 1 to sele ct the Rec ording
3 Press [MENU/ SET].
¦ Intelligent Auto Mode
The subjects are recorded using settings automatically selected by the camera.
! Normal Picture Mode
The subjects are recorded using your own settings.
Creative Control Mode
Record while checking the image effect.
This mode allows you to select any of the 15 image effects including [Old Days],
[High Key], and [Dynamic Monochrome].
Panorama Shot Mode
This mode allows you to take panorama pictures.
This mode allows you to select any of the 13 image effects including [Old Days],
[High Key], and [Dynamic Monochrome].
Û Scene Mode
This mode allows you to take pictures that match the scene being recorded.
This mode allows you to select any of the 15 scenes including [Portrait], [Scenery],
and [St arry Sky].
T aking pic tures usin g the automa tic function
(Intelligent A uto Mode)
[MODE ] butto n
Curso r button s
• Press 3/ 4/ 2/ 1 to select [Intelligent Auto],
and then press [MENU/SET].
Shutte r butt on
• Press the shutter button halfway to focus, and
then press the shutter button fully (push it in
further), and take the picture.
¦ > [i-Portrait] [i-Scenery]
[i-Macro] [i-Night Portrait]
[i-Night Scenery] [i-Sunset]
¢ Only displayed when the flash is set to [ ].
Using the Zoom
T o mak e su bjec ts ap pear f urth er a way use (Wid e):
Rot ate the zo om lev er to wards W ide.
T o ma ke subjects appear clo ser use (T ele):
Rot a te the z oom l ever to ward s T ele.
AF Assist Lamp
Functi ons and set tings can be change d using 3/ 4/ 2/ 1 an d
[MENU/SET]. (Som e functions and settings will no t be available
for sel ection depe nding on th e Recordi ng Mode .)
∫ [Picture Size]
A picture taken with the camera is saved as picture data of up to approximately 16 million
The smaller the number of pixels is, the greater the number of recordable pictures will be.
∫ [Sensitivity]
This allows the Sensitivity to light (ISO sensitivity) to be set. Setting to a higher figure en ables
pictures to be taken even in dark places without the resulting pictures coming out dark.
∫ [AF Mode]
This allows the focusing method that suits the positions and number of the subjects to be
∫ [Date St amp]
Y ou can take a picture with date and time of recording.
Optical Zoom
Zooms in without deteriorating the image quality.
Maximum magnification: 12k
Extended Optical Zoom (EZ)
This function works when any of the picture sizes indicated with is selected.
Y ou can zoom in further than you can with the Optical Zoom without deteriorating the image
quality .
Maximum magnification: 27k
(This includes the optical zoom magnification. The magnification level diff ers depending on
[Picture Size] setting.)
Intelligent Zoom
Enabled when [i.Zoom] in the [Rec] menu is set to [ON].
Y ou can zoom in up to twice the o riginal zoom magnification while minimizing the
deterioration of the image quality .
Digital Zoom
This function works when [Digital Zoom] in the [Rec] menu is set to [ON].
Although the image quality deteriorates every time you zoom in further, you can zoom in up to
four times the original zoom magnification.
Changing Fun ctions and Se ttings
) The exposure compensation setting screen is displayed.
4(DISP .)
Each time this is pressed, the display on the monitor is switched.
Recordable time Guideline
• The guideline is used for balancing the composition. (This is not displayed during
2(ë )
The Self-Timer setting screen is displayed.
[ ]([10sec.])/[ ]([2sec.])/[OFF]
1(‰ )
The flash setting screen is displayed.
[‡ ]([Auto])/[ ]([iAuto])/[ ]([Auto/Red-Eye])/[ ‰ ]([Forced Flash On])/
[ ]([Slow Sync./Red-Eye])/[Œ ]([Forced Flash Off])
The menu screen is displayed.
This operation is also available during playback.
Menus co nvenient for t aking pictures
Save location 16M(4:3) 3M(4:3) 0.3M(4:3)
Built-in Memory (Approx. 80 MB) 9 80 370
Card (2 GB) 190 1950 8500
[100] [1600]
Recording location
When it is light (outdoors) When it is dark
Shutter speed Slow Fast
Noise Less Increased
Jitter of the subject Increase d Less
Settings Description of settings
[š ]
The camera automatically detects the person’s face. (max.
12 areas)
[]([9-Area]) Up to 9 points for each AF area can be focused.
[Ø ] ([1-Area])
The camera focuses on the subject in the AF area on the center of
the screen.
Settings Description of settings
[W/O TIME] St amp the year , month, and day .
[WITH TIME] St amp the year , month, day , hour , and minutes.
[OFF] —
VQT5G45~P_eng.fm 1 ペー ジ 2013 年12月12日 木 曜日 午前9時54 分