∫ [Picture Size]
A pi cture taken with the camera i s save d as pict ure d ata of up to appr oximatel y 16 m illion pi xels.
The smaller the number of pixels is, the greater the number of recordable pictures will be.
• Quality [A]
∫ [Quality]
Set the compression rate at which the pictures are to be stored.
∫ [Sensitivity]
This allows the Sensitivity to light (ISO sensitivity) to be set. Setting to a higher figure ena bles
pictures to be taken even in dark places without the resulting pictures coming o ut dark.
∫ [Date St a mp]
Y ou can take a picture with date and time o f recording.
This unit ca n record m otion pictur es in MP4 fo rmat.
• Still pictures can be taken during motion picture recording by pressing the shutter button.
(Simultaneous recording)
¢ Simultaneous recording is not possible in the following cases:
– When [Rec Quality] is set to [VGA]
– [Miniature Ef fect] (Creative Control Mode)
∫ About the recording quality setting
The recording quality for motion pictures can be changed in [Rec Quality] of the
[Motion Picture] menu.
• When recording to the built-in memory , [Rec Quality] is fixed to [VGA].
• The maximum continuous recordable time of a mo tion picture is 29 minutes and 59 seconds,
which is equivalent to a file size of approximately 4 GB.
Y ou c an check the recordable time on the screen. (With [FHD], the file size becomes larger ,
causing the recordable time to become shorter than 29 minutes an d 59 seconds)
∫ About zooming while recor ding mot ion pictures
The Extended Optical Zoom and Intelligent Zoom cannot be used during the motion picture
• If you use Extended Optical Zoom or Intelligent Zoom, the angle of view may change
drastically when you start or finish recording a motion picture.
Menus co nvenient for t aking pic tures
Save location 16 M (4:3) 3 M (4:3) 0.3 M (4:3)
Built-in Memory (Approx. 78 MB) 14 50 155
Card (8 GB) 1300 5700 15400
Settings Description of settings
[A ] ([Fine]) When giving priority to the picture quality
[› ] ([Standard])
When using the standard picture quality and increasing the number
of pictures to be recorded without changing the number of pixels
[100] [3200]
Recording location
When it is light (outdoors) When it is dark
Shutter speed Slow Fast
Noise Less Increased
Jitter of the subject Increased Less
Settings Description of settings
[W/O TIME] St amp the year, month, and day .
[WITH TIME] St amp the year, month, day , hour , and minutes.
[OFF] —
Recording M otion Pictures
Mode d ial
• Y ou can record motion pictures fitting each
Recording Mode.
(Motion pictures cannot be recorded in
Panorama Shot Mode.)
Motion pictur e butto n
• The recording state indicator (red) will flash
while recording motion pictures.
• Stop the recording by pressing the motion
picture button again.
Settings Size Frame rate Bit rate Aspect ratio
[FHD] 1920k 1080
20 Mbps
[HD] 1280k 720 10 Mbps
[VGA] 640k 480 4 Mbps 4:3
[( ] (Pl ayback) button
• Use this to play back pictures.
Curs or b uttons
• 2/ 1: to select the picture
[ ] (Delete/Ca ncel) button
• [ ]: to delete the displayed picture
1/ 51/ 5
The camer a comes with menus tha t allow you to choose the setting s f or tak in g p ic tu re s
and pl aying them back jus t as you li ke and me nus that en able you to have m ore fun
with th e camera and use i t more ea sily .
1 Press [MENU/SET ].
2 Press 3/ 4/ 2/ 1 to select men u and t hen pres s [MENU/SET ].
∫ Close the menu
Pres s [ ] repeat edly until the rec ording/p layback s creen i s display ed.
• When recording images, you can also close the menu by pressing the shutter button halfway.
• There are functions that cannot be set or used depend ing on the modes or menu settings
being used on the camera due to the specifications.
Set the date and ti me setti ngs in advance.
The camera is not capable of connecting to a wire less network via publi c wireless LAN.
• This owner’s manual refers to both smartphones and tablets as “smartphones” from this point
on unless noted otherwise.
Setting the M enu
Menu Description of settings
The menu lets you set the Coloring, Sensitivity or Number of
pixels, etc. of pictures you are recording.
[Motion Picture]
This menu lets you set the setting for motion pictures such as
recording quality .
[Playback Mode]
This menu lets you select the playback method. The options
include slideshow playback.
This menu l ets you make ch anges to the pict ures tak en. For
examp le, yo u can s et pro tecti on for the p icture s taken, or crop them.
This menu lets you perform the clock settings, beep tone
settings and other settings which make it easier for you to
operate the camera.
This menu let s you make the settings necessary to connect to
Wi-Fi or use the Wi-Fi function.
3 Press 3/ 4 to se lect the m enu item a nd then p ress [M ENU/SET].
• It will switch to the next page when you reach the bottom.
(It will also switch by rotating the zoom lever)
4 Press 3/ 4 to se lect the se tting an d then press [ME NU/SET].
Depending on the menu item, its setti ng may not appear or it may be displayed in a different way .
What you ca n do with the Wi-Fi
funct ion
Controllin g with a S martphone/T ablet
Recording images
remotely with a
Playing back pictures
in the camera
Saving images stored
in the camera
Install the de dicated smartphon e/tablet app “ Pan asonic I mage App”
on y our
smar tphon e/t able t.
• OS
App for Android
: Android 2.3.3 or higher
Sear ch the G oogle P lay
S t ore for “ Pan as oni c I mag e Ap p ” o r “ LU MIX ” , a nd i nsta ll t he app.
App for iOS: iOS 6.0 or higher (Please note that the iPhone 3GS is not supported.)
> Search th e App S tore
for “ Panasonic Image App ” or “ LUMIX ”, and install the app.
• Use the latest version.
• Supported OSs are current as of January 2015 and are subject to change.
• Read the [Help] in the “ Image App ” menu for further details on how to operate.
• The screen differs depending on the OS.
The screens a nd procedur es described fr om this point on are those at the time w hen the mo del first
be cam e ava ilable for pu rcha se . Th e sc reens and pro cedur es ma y change w ith version updates.
• Some smartphones/tablets may not work correctly .
For information on the “ Image App ”, refer to the support site below .
¢ In this manual, the app is referred to as “ Image App ”.
When sending images to PC
Sending an image each
time a recording is
Sending selected
Connecting to a smartphone/t ablet
Using t he QR cod e to set up a connectio n
(If yo u are using a n i OS devi ce [ iPhone
/iP od to uch
1 Press and hold [Wi-Fi] .
• The QR code will be displayed on the camera screen.
2 St art “ Image A pp ” on you r smar tphone.
3 Select [QR co de], and the n select [OK] .
Usi ng “ Ima ge App ” , s can t he Q R cod e dis play ed on the scr een of the camera.
5 Install the pr ofile.
• A message will be displayed on the browser.
If t he smart phone is locke d with a passcode, ente r the passcode to unl ock the smartp hone.
Please set on your smartphone
Please scan the QR code using "Image App",
or enter the password into Wi-Fi settings
∫ Enteri ng a p assword to set up a connecti on
1 Press and hold [ Wi-Fi].
• The Password will be displayed on the camera screen.
2 T urn on the Wi-Fi function in the s etting men u of th e smartp hone.
Select the SSI D displayed on the screen of the camera.
4 Enter the passwor d displ ayed o n the s creen o f the
cam era.
• If you are using an Android device, marking the box for
password display will allow the device to display the
password as you enter it.
5 On the s martphone, start “ Imag e App ”.
∫ Reco rding i mages wi th th e smart phone/t ablet ( remote r ecording )
1 Conn ect to a smartphon e.
2 Select [ ] on the scr een of “ Ima ge App ”.
• The recorded images are saved in the camera.
• Motion pictures cannot be recorded.
∫ Playi ng back th e camera ’ s images on the smar tphone/ tablet
1 Conn ect to a smartphon e.
2 Select [ ] on the s creen of “ Image App ”.
• Y ou can switch the images to be displayed by selecting the
icon (
) on the top left of the screen. T o display images
stored in the camera, select [LUMIX].
3 T ouch an image to e nlarge it.
• Motion pictures cannot be played back.
∫ Saving the camera’ s images in the smartphone/tablet
1 Conn ect to a smartphon e.
2 Select [ ] on the scr een of “ Ima ge App ”.
3 T ouch a nd hold an image , and drag it to save it.
Y o u can connect the came ra to a PC via a wireless acces s point and send pictures and
motion pictures recorded with the camera to the PC .
• Create a PC user account [account name (up to 254 characters) and password (up to
32 characters)] consisting of alphanumeric characters.
An attem pt to create a receive folder m ay fail if the account includes non-alphanumeric character s.
6 Pre ss the home button to close the bro wser .
7 T urn on th e Wi -Fi f uncti on in the se tting menu of t he smart phone.
8 Select t he SSID disp layed on the scre en of the c amera.
9 Return t o the h ome scr een, an d then start “ I mage A pp ”.
• S teps 2 through 6 are not required from the second time on.
Using t he QR code to set up a connecti on
(If you ar e using an Andr oid de vice)
1 Press and hold [ Wi-Fi].
• The QR code will be displayed on the camera screen.
2 On the s martphone, start “ Imag e App ”.
3 Select [QR code].
Us ing “ Imag e App ”, s can t he Q R cod e disp layed on the scree n of the came ra.
Controllin g the camera w ith the smartph one/tablet
Setting up a connection to a PC
Creating a destination folder for images
Please set on your smartphone
Please scan the QR code using "Image App",
or enter the password into Wi-Fi settings
Please set on your smartphone
Please scan the QR code using "Image App",
or enter the password into Wi-Fi settings
(For Win dows)
Supported OS: W indows Vista
7/Windo ws
8/Windo ws
Example : Windows 7
1 Select a destinat ion fold er , t hen right -click.
2 Select [Propertie s], then enable sharing o f the f older .
• For details, refer to the operating instructions of your PC or Help on the OS.
(For M ac)
Supported OS: OS X v10.5 to v10.10
Example : OS X v10.8
1 Select a destinat ion fold er , t hen click the fo llowing item s:
[File] > [Ge t Info ]
2 Enable s haring of the fol der .
• For details, refer to the operating instructions of your PC or Help on the OS.
Y ou can send picture s and mot ion pictur es record ed with th is unit to a PC.
The con nection m ethods de scribed i n this manu al are examples. For details on othe r
connecti on metho ds, refer to “Own er’s Ma nual for advanced features (PDF format )”.
• If the workgroup of the destination PC has been changed from the standard setting, you also
need to change the setting of this unit in [PC Connection].
1 Press [Wi-Fi] .
2 Press 3/ 4/ 2/ 1 to se lect [New Connec tion] , and th en press [MENU/SET].
3 Press 3/ 4 to select the send ing me thod.
4 Press 3/ 4 to se lect [PC], an d then p ress [MENU/ SET].
5 Select the conne ction met hod.
6 On the camera, p erform t he operat ion that m atches yo ur purp ose.
• When the PC you want to connect to is not displayed, select [Manual In put], and enter
the computer name of the PC (NetBIOS name for Apple Mac computers).
• Folders sorted by the sent date are created in the specified fold er , and pictures are saved in
those folders.
If th e screen fo r a user acco unt and passw ord ent ry appea rs, ente r the on e you set on yo ur PC.
• When the computer name (NetBIOS name for Apple Mac computers) contains a space
(blank character), etc., it may not be recognized correctly . If a conne ction attempt fails, we
recommend that you change the computer name (or NetB IOS name) t o the one consisting of
only alphanumeric characters, with a maximum of 15 characters.
Connect the computer and camera with the USB connect ion cable (supplied).
2 Press 4 to sele ct [PC], and then press [ME NU/SET].
3 Drag an d drop files and fo lders in th e camera to the P C.
• When the image transfer is complete, disconnect the USB connection cab le safely .
Sending images to the PC
Sending an image each time you record it ([Send
Images While Recording])
Available file format: JPEG
Sending selected images ([Send Images Stored in the
Available file format: JPEG/MP4
Example: Selecting [WPS (Push-Button)] to set up a connection
1 Press [ME NU/SET].
2 Select [WP S (Push- Button)].
3 Press an d hold the WPS but ton of the wireless
access poi nt until i t switches to WPS mode .
[Send Images While Recording]
1 Select th e PC you wa nt to conne ct to and t he desti nation folde r.
2 T ake a pictu re with the camera.
[Send Images Stored in the Camera]
1 Select th e PC you wa nt to conne ct to and t he desti nation folde r.
2 Select [SING LE] or [M UL TI], and then select t he imag es you want to send .
T ran sferrin g imag es to a PC b y usin g the USB co nnectio n cabl e (su pplied )
Select a function
Remote Shooting & View
Send Images While Recording
Send Images Stored in the Camera
Via Network
Connect to the
network (AP)
USB Connection Cable
[A V OUT/DIGIT AL] socket
• This socket is also used
when charging the battery .
∫ Playback and editing on a PC
Software for image playback or editing is not supplied with this product.
• T o play back or edit still pictures, use standard software.
• T o play back motion pictures, use the following software:
QuickTime/iT unes, provided by Apple
(Software supporting MP4 format is required.)
• If software is not installed on your PC, download it from the website of the software provider .
• For information on how to use software, contact the software provider .
This phen omenon oc curs when charging in a lo cation wher e the temper ature is very high or very low .
Reconn ect the USB connect ion cable (sup plied) in a locatio n where the ambient temperature (and
the t emperat ure of batt ery) i s in a 10
C to 3 0
C (50
F to 8 6
F) ra nge, and try chargi ng agai n.
• This is characteristic of MOS sensors which serve as the camera’s pickup sensors.
This is not a malfunction.
• This is characteristic of MOS sensors which serve as the camera’s pickup sensors. It
appears when the subject has a bright p art. Some unevenness may occur in the surrounding
areas, but this is not a malfunction.
It is recorded in still pictures or motion pictures.
(Genera l tips for usin g a Wi-Fi co nnectio n)
• Try [Reset Wi-Fi Settings] in the [Setup] menu.
• Use within the communication range of the device to be connected.
• Is any device, such as microwave oven, cordless phone, etc., that uses 2.4 GHz freq uency
operated nearby?
> Ra dio waves may get interrupted when used simultaneously . Use them sufficiently away
from the device.
• When the battery indicator is flash ing red, the connection with other equipment may not start
or the connection may be disrupted.
(A message such as [Communication error] is displayed.)
• If you place the camera on a met al table or shelf, the radio waves may be adversely af fected.
In such cases, you may not be able to establish a connection. Move the camera away from
the metal surface.
(About a wireless ac cess po int)
• Check if the wireless access point to connect is in operating state.
• The camera may not display or connect to a wireless access point depending on the radio
wave condition.
– Move this unit closer to the wireles s access point.
– Remove the obstacles between this unit and the wireless access point.
– Change the direction of this un it.
– Change the location and orie ntation of the wireless access point.
– Perform the [Manual Input].
It m ay not displ ay eve n if the r adio w aves ex ist dependin g on th e se tting of the wirel ess a ccess point.
> Ch eck the settings of the wireless access point.
> Wh en the network SSID of the wireless access point is set not to broadcast, the wireless
access point may not be detected. Enter the network SSID to start the connection or
enable the SSID broadcast of the wireless access point.
• Connection types and security setting methods are different depending on the wireless
access point. (Refer to the operating instructions of the wireless access point.)
• Is the 5 GHz/2.4 GHz switchable wireless access point connected to other equipment using
the 5 GHz band?
> Th e use of a wireless access point that can use 5 GHz/2.4 GHz simultaneously is
recommended. It cannot be used simultaneously with this camera if it is not compatible.
• It may take longer time to connect depending on the Wi-Fi connection setting of the
smartphone, but it is not a malfunction.
• Is the size of the image too large?
> Re duce the size of the still picture, then transmit.
> Ima ge cannot be transmitted when the battery indicator is flashing red.
Please r efer to “O wner ’s Manual fo r adva nced fea tures ( PDF form at)” for details.
S pecification s are subje ct to chang e without no tice.
Digital Camera: Infor mation for your safety
T roubleshooting
If t he problem is not reso lved,
it may be improved by selecti ng [Reset] on the [Set up] menu
The cha rging l amp blin ks.
S trip ing or f licker may ap pear under light ing such as fluore scent lighting and
LED lightin g fixture .
Redd ish horizo nta l st reaks appe ar on the m onitor dur ing record ing.
A Wi-Fi connec tion can not be establish ed.
Radio w aves get disc onne cted.
Wireless acc ess poi nt is no t displayed .
It takes long tim e ever y time t o connect to a sm artphone.
T ran smission of the image fail s midway .
S pecification s
Power Source: DC 5 V
Power Consumption: 1.5 W (When recording)
1.0 W (When playing back)
Camera effective
16,000,000 pixels
Image sensor 1/2.33q MOS sensor, tot al pixe l number 17,500,000 pixels,
Primary color filter
Lens Optical 20k zoom, fl4.3 mm to 86.0 mm (35 mm film camera
equivalent: 24 mm to 480 mm)
Wide: F3.3 to F8.0
T ele: F6.4 to F8.0
Image stabilizer Optical method
Focus range Normal 50 cm (1.6 feet) (Wide)/2.0 m (6.6 feet) (T ele)
to ¶
Intelligent auto/
Motion picture
3 cm (0.098 feet) (Wide)/1.0 m (3.3 feet)
(T ele) to ¶
[5k to 8k is 2.0 m (6.6 feet) to ¶]
Scene Mode There may be differences in the above
Wire les s tra nsmit te r
AC Ad aptor (Panason ic VSK0 768):
Informat ion for your safety
Battery P ack (lith ium-ion) (Panasonic D MW-BCM13PP):
Informat ion for your safety
This product incorporates the following software:
(1) the software developed independently by or for Panasonic Corporation,
(2) the software owned by third party and licensed to Panasonic Corporation and/or ,
(3) op en source software
The software categorized as (3) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY , without even the implied warranty of MERCHANT ABILITY or FITNESS
Please refer to the detailed terms and conditions thereof displayed by select ing [MENU/SET]
> [Setup] > [V ersion Disp.] > [MENU/SET].
• SDXC Logo is a trademark of SD-3C, LLC.
• HDMI, the HDMI Logo, and High-Definition Multimedia Interface
are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC
in the United States and other countries.
• QuickTime and the QuickT ime logo are tra demarks or registered
trademarks of Apple Inc., used under license therefrom.
• iPhoto, iTunes, Mac and Mac OS are trademarks of Apple Inc.,
registered in the U.S. and other countries.
• iPad, iPhone, iPod, and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc.,
registered in the U.S. and other countries.
• Windows and Windows Vista are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or
other countries.
• App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.
• Android and Google Play are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Google Inc.
The W i-Fi C ERT IFIED™ Log o is a ce rtifica tion ma rk o f Wi-Fi Alliance
• The Wi-Fi Protected Setup™ Identifier mark is a certification mark
of Wi-Fi Alliance
• “Wi-Fi
” is a registered trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance
• “Wi-Fi Protected Setup™”, “WP A™”, and “WP A2™” are
trademarks of Wi-Fi Alliance
• QR Code is a registered trademark of DENSO WA VE
This product is licensed under the A VC patent portfolio license for the personal and
non-commercial use of a consumer to (i) encode video in compliance with the A VC St andard
(“A VC Video”) and/or (ii) decode A VC Video that was encoded by a consumer engag ed in a
personal and non-commercial activity and/or was obtained from a video provider licensed to
provide A VC Video. No license is granted or shall be implied for any other use. Additio nal
information may be obtained from MPEG LA, LLC. See http://www.mpegla.com
Shutter system Electronic shutteri Mechanic al shutter
Minimum Illumination Approx. 10 lx (when i-low light is used, the shutter speed is 1/30th
of a second)
Shutter speed 4 seconds to 1/2000th of a second
[S tarry Sky] Mode: 15 seconds, 30 se conds
Exposure (AE) Program AE (P)/Aperture-Priority AE (A)/
Shutter-Priority AE (S)/Manual Exposure (M)
Metering mode Multiple/Center weighted/Spot
Monitor 3.0q TFT LCD (3:2)
(Approx. 1,040,000 dots) (field of view ratio about 100%)
Microphone Monaural
Speaker Monaural
Recording media Built-in Memory (Approx. 78 MB)/SD Memory Card/SDHC
Memory Card/SDXC Memory Card
Recording file format
Still Picture JPEG (based on “Design rule for Camera File system”, based on
“Exif 2.3” standard)/DPOF corresponding
Motion pictures MP4
Audio compression
Digital “USB 2.0” (High S peed)
Analog video NTSC
Audio Audio line output (monaural)
T erminal
[A V OUT/DIGIT AL] Dedicated jack (8 pin)
[HDMI] microHDMI T ype D
(excluding the
projecting part s)
Approx. 107.9 mm (W)k59.9 mm (H) k32.1 mm (D)
k2.36 q
k1.26 q
Mass (weight) Approx. 249 g /0.55 lb (wit h card and battery)
Approx. 223 g /0.49 lb (excluding card and battery)
Operating temperature 0 o C to 40 o C (32 o F to 104 o F)
Operating humidity 10%RH to 80%RH
Language select [ENGLISH]/[ESP AÑOL]
Compliance standard IEEE 802.1 1b/g/n (standard wireless LAN protocol)
Frequency range used
(central frequency)
2412 MHz to 2462 MHz (1 to 1 1ch)
Encryption method Wi-Fi compliant WP A
/WP A2
Access method Infrastructure mode
Input: 1 10 V to 240 V , 50/60 Hz, 0.2 A
Output: 5 V , 800 mA
V oltage/cap acity: 3.6 V/1250 mAh
SQT0579~P_eng.fm 2 ペー ジ 2014 年12月25日 木 曜日 午前9時8分