Glossar y
A VCHD is a new format (standard) for high definit ion video cameras
that can be used to record and pla y high-resolution HD i mages.
Some BD-Video discs contain Jav a applications , and these
applications are called BD-J. Depending on the BD-J application,
you can enjo y various interactiv e f eatures in addition t o pla ying
norm al video.
This is the digital f orm of multi-channel audio data (e.g., 5.1 channel)
before it is decoded into its various chan nels.
CPPM ( Content Protection for Prerecorded Media)
A copy protection system us ed for D VD-Audio files . This unit
suppor ts CP PM.
A decoder restores the coded audio signals on D VDs to nor mal. This
is called decoding.
Dolby Di gital
This is a method of coding digital signals de veloped by Dolb y
Laboratories. Apar t from s tereo (2-channel) audio, these signals can
also be multi-channel audio . A large amoun t of audio information can
be recorded on one disc using this method.
Dolby Di gital Plus
Multi-channel audio and higher audio quality is made poss ible using
Dolby Digital Plus. Previous Dolby Digital-compatible equi pment can
play Dolby Digital Plus as Dolby Digital surround audio . BD-Video
suppor ts up to 7.1 channel output.
Dolby T rueHD
Dolby T r ueHD is a very high quality audio format that reproduces t he
studio master audio . Prev ious Dolby Digital-compatible equipment
can pla y Dolb y T r ueHD as Dolby Digital surround audio . BD-Video
suppor ts up to 7.1 channel output.
Down-mixi ng
This is the process of remixing the multi-channel audio f ound on
some discs into two channels. It is useful when y ou want to listen to
the 5.1-channel audio recorded on D VDs through your tele vision’ s
speakers. Some discs prohibit down-mixing and this unit can then
only output the front t wo channels.
[DVD-A] T racks that do not allow do wn-mixing will not pla y correctly
on this unit except when connecting w ith an HDMI cable to an
amplifier/receiver that meets HDMI standards (v er . 1.1 or later) and
is CPPM compatib le.
DTS (Digital Th eater System s)
This surround system is used in many movie theaters. There is good
separation between the channels, so realistic sou nd effects are
pos s ible.
DTS-HD is a high-quality , sophisticated audio f or m at used in movie
theatres. Pre vious DTS Digital Surround -compatible equipment can
play DTS-HD as DTS Digital Surround audio . BD-Video suppor ts up
to 7.1 channel o utput.
Dy nam ic rang e
Dynamic range is the diff erence between t he low est lev el of sound
that can be heard above the noise of the equipment and the highest
lev el of sound before distor tion occurs.
Dynamic range compression means reducing the gap between the
loudest and softest s ounds. This means you can listen at l ow
volumes b ut still hear dial og clearly .
Film and video
D VD-Video is recorded using eit her film or vid eo . This unit can
deter mine which type has been used, then uses the most suitable
method of progress ive output.
Film: Recorded at 25 f rames per second (P AL discs) or 24 frames
per secon d (NTSC di scs). (N TSC disc s recorde d at 30
frames per second as well.)
Generally appropriate for motion picture films.
Video: Recorded at 25 frames/50 fields per sec ond. (P AL discs) or
30 frames/60 fields per second (NTSC discs). Generally
appropriate f or TV d rama programmes or animation.
Finali ze
A process that makes play of a recorded CD-R, CD-R W , D VD-R , etc.
possible on equipment that can pla y such media.
After finalizing, the disc becomes pla y-only and you can no longer
record or edit.
Frames and fields
F rames ref er to the single images that constitute the video you see
on your tele vis ion. Each frame consists of two fields .
≥A frame still shows two fields, so t here may be some blurring, but
picture quality is generally better .
≥A field still shows less pict ure information so it may be rougher , but
there is no b lurring.
HDCP (High-Band width Digital C ontent Protection)
HDCP is a t ype of digital rights management de v eloped f or use with
HDMI connections, etc. HDCP was de veloped to protect digital
content and prev ent unsecured t ransmissions by using a variety of
methods such as encr yption and authentication.
HDMI (High -Definition Mu ltimedia Inte rface)
HDMI is a digital interf ace for consumer electronic products. Unlike
conv ent ional connections, it t ransmits uncompressed digital video
and audio signals on a single cable . This unit supports high-
definition video output [720p (750p), 1080i (1125i), 1080p (1125p)]
from HDMI A V OUT term inals. T o enjo y high-definition video a high
definition compatible tele v ision is required.
JPEG ( Joint Photo graphic E xperts Gr oup)
This is a system used for compressing/decoding colour still pictures .
If y ou select JPEG as the storage system on digital cameras , etc.,
the data will be compressed to 1/10–1/100 of it s original size . The
benefit of JPEG is less deterioration in picture quality considering
the degree of compression.
LPCM (Linear PCM)
These are uncompres sed digital signals, similar to those found on
MP3 (MPEG Audi o Lay er 3)
An audio compression method that compresses audio to
approx imately one tenth of its size without any consid erab le loss of
audio quality . Y ou can play MP3 you ha ve recorded onto CD-R and
P an&Scan/Letterbox
In general, D VD-Video are produ ced with the intention that they be
viewed on a widescreen television (16:9 aspect ratio), so i mages
often don’t fit regular (4:3 aspect ratio) televisions. T wo styles of
picture, “P an & Scan” and “Letterbox”, deal with this prob lem.
P an& Scan: The sides are cut off so the picture fills
the screen.
Letterbo x: Black bands appear at the top and
bottom of the picture so the picture itself
appears in an asp ect ratio of 16:9.
The P AL video signal standard has 625 (or 576) interlaced (i) scan
lines, whereas progressiv e scanning, called 625p (or 576 p), uses
twice the n umber of scan lines. F or the NTSC standard, these are
called 525i (or 480i) and 525p (or 480p) respectively .
Using progressiv e output, y ou can enjo y the high-resolution video
recorded on media such as D VD-Video.
Y our television must be compatib le to enjo y progressiv e video .
P anas onic televisions with 625 (576)/50i · 50p, 525 (480)/60i · 60p
input terminals are progressive compatib le.
This refers t o the three primar y colours of light, red (R), g reen (G),
and blue (B) and also the method of producing video that uses them .
By dividing the v ideo signal into the thr ee colours for transmission,
noise is reduced f or e v en higher quality images .
Sampl ing fr equency
Sampling is the process of c onv er ting the heights of sound wav e
(analog signal) samples taken at set periods int o digits (digital
encoding). Sampling frequenc y is the number of samples taken per
second, so larger numbers mean more faithf ul reproduction of t he
original sound.
1080i (1125i)
In one hi gh definition image, 1080 (1125) al ternating scan lines pass
ev er y 1/60
of a second to create an interlace im age. Because 1080i
(1125i) more than doubles current television broadcasts of 480i, the
detail is much clearer and creates a more realistic and rich image.
1080p (1125p)
In one high definition image, 1080 (1125 ) scan lines pass at the
same time every 1/60
of a second to create a progressiv e image.
Since progressive video does not alternate scan lines like interlace,
there is a minimal amount of screen flick er .
720p (750p)
In one high definition image, 720 (750) scan lines pass at the same
time e very 1/60
of a sec ond to create a progressive image. Since
progressive video does not alternat e scan lines like interlace, there
is a minimal amount of screen flic ker .
F rame Field Field
Reference 11 Glossary
DMP-BD10A.book Page 30 Thursday, March 15, 2007 7:45 P M